Well, I missed out on quite a bit yesterday, I hope I don't forget anything...
Mush, I have never worn my pjs to tesco, but I do always wear them round friends with my uggs and fluffy socks

It's got to the point now that they think something is wrong if I turn up in clothes!
As to the number of kids chat, we had agreed on 3, then OH changed his mind and said just 2. So now we are having 4 whether he likes it or not. We'd have to get a bigger place after number one.
Drooling over Dec is just WRONG. I am disgusted!
Amy, OH told me I was rather good at bj's too

so I tend to use them to get what I want... I think you can all guess where this is going, but for the sake of clarity, yes I have given him complete blowjob privileges to secure my ttc date

on the provisio that they are revoked when the date arrives of course!
My DVDs are also in alphabetical order! It is rather OCD I agree, but a friend of mine has arranged his into genres, which are alphabetically ordered, and then alphabetical order within each genre! THAT is OCD lol. Or dedication? You decide.
Absolutely gutted that I missed out on page 69!
OH is off doing "manly stuff" to our car today. Changing the oil and stuff. How fun! So I get to veg (again)

Watching Nanny McPhee eeeeeeee! x x