I still can't believe she's here!
Everything went fine Sinn. I really can't complain about the birth (well except about how painful it was). My waters went at 1am on Friday 15th and I was getting period type pains every 7-10mins. Went to hospital at 3.30am and they confirmed my waters had gone and took the usual obs. My blood pressure was borderline high so I wasn't allowed to go home and was admitted to the antenatal ward. The contractions got stronger throughout Friday and I was given some co-codamol which didn't really do much. I was examined and was only 2cm and medium soft cervix. So off we went for a walk to try to speed things up. The contractions were now every 2-3mins and pretty painful but I couldn't have any more pain relief until I was 4cm and admitted to labour ward. Eventually one of the midwives suggested I should be examined as I was in a lot of pain and I was 4cm! So yay off we went to labour ward where they gave me gas and air! Seriously it was amazing stuff! I loved it. My contractions were now only mins apart but I progressed from 4 to 6cm in 4 hours so they were happy. I still only had gas and air up until this point and was coping really well. I was examined 4 hours later but had only progressed to 7cm so they decided to start the drip. This is when things get a bit hazy. The contractions came really strong and fast and I was beginning not to cope very well and demanded an epidural. However the anaesthetist was in surgery for the next 1.5hrs. I have no idea how I got through he next hour or so. The gas and air made me really spaced out so don't remember much. Then when the anesthetist finally turned up to do the epidural she was called away to an emergency! So I was given a massive dose of pethidine to help with the pain. I guess it helped a bit, hubby says it helped a lot but I honestly don't remember. The gas and air was making me forget huge chunks of time lol. Eventually I felt the urge to push and I lost it. It was so painful. Hubby had to kept telling me to breathe as I would stop breathing, meaning I wasn't getting any gas and air. I remember asking the midwife for process reports and feeling relieved when she told me that soon I would need to stop pushing and just pant. Did that and heard the midwife say the baby had the cord wrapped round her neck twice but loosely so I had to stop pushing. Once they slipped the cord back over she was born two pushes later and omg the relief was amazing. Katie was placed and my chest and I just burst into tears, not quite believing she was here. And honestly I forgot about the pain I had just gone through and would have done it all over again! Katie had an apgar score of 8/10 so was really healthy and copes really well with the labour. It took me 40mins to push her out

I was then stitched up due to a second degree tear - didn't really hurt as I still had gas and air. I also had the injection to deliver placenta as I had lost 600ml blood. My blood pressure spiked at the end of labour so they had given me some tablets to bring it down, once I had delivered Katie my blood pressure plummeted to 80/55 so was given IV fluids and wheeled to postnatal ward. Katie arrived at 5.26am on her due date using gas and air and a dose of pethidine. I spent all of Saturday in bed as I was too dizzy to sit up. Once my blood pressure stabilised recovery was pretty fast. I still have sciatica which make it difficult to walk around, and I tore my calf muscle from the strain of pushing but other than that I'm good. The bleeding has slowed right down. Katie is Breastfeeding well and I'm getting some sleep which is helping with recovery.
Sinn make sure you don't overdo it the days following delivery. It's really important to rest and try to sleep when baby does

I can honesty say, don't worry too much about delivery. I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to cope but I just kept thinking about my baby at the end and it made it all easier to deal with. I was still more worried about them inserting a catheter than the pain of a contraction lol.
Good luck for when your little lady comes, can't wait to hear your birth story and see a little photo
