He's worn it about 3 times another mil random buy
Thanks about the eating, it's just very irritating. I make him a packed lunch if I go out so if he doesn't eat it I've not paid over the odds. The other day consisted of...a few mini weetabix, half a slice of toast and a breadstick

normally eats loads. Not sure if the whole no protein thing is ok it I can't ram a steak Dow. Him
I hate trying to work out postage on eBay it's hard work. I went back to sw this week, not gone very well yet

prob ba time of year.
When is the scan Betty?
Hope daisy is ok. I use timodine from docs when really bad but usually some metanium despite how much I hate it. Use so e face cloths when bad may help for. The wipes.
I'd be super chuffed if Marcus said ow ow mummy. He has stopped saying anything at all now? He used to say mumma dadda and hiya, yeah. Hasn't said anything for weeks. I talk to him loads and he responds to his name now, he actually pointed (clench fist) to his advent calander this morning and does this

with his hands. He does it when he's it sure. I was first time he's really pointed st anything.
Ido think there may be some small issue but he could just be slow, I'm not worried but il monitor and see hv again at 18 mo if needed. He likes to do things, eg his elefun he loves getting the balls turning it on and watching it all. He also does the shape sorter mostly now