Need advice over mini pill
Hi I don't know if this is in the right place, if not please direct me. On the 15th November I started cerazette(mini pill) and the 23rd November I got my normal period that was due whether on the pill or not. I came off this pill 3 weeks into taking it, I couldn't handle the sore breasts with it. So I thought I be due on 21st December, this being 4 weeks from my last period. Stupidly we had unprotected sex the 26th December, I thought I'm a few days late it will be fine anyway. Now it's been 6 weeks since my last period but about 4 since coming off the pill. Now I'm worried that I should have been counting my period from the time I came off the pill and not my last period. We have 3 children and a 4th would always be wanted. Anyway I had no withdrawel bleed so im wondering am I 2 weeks late or only currently due on now? I've been 12 hrs late a few times with this pill as well, I only now how bad this can be now. I haven't tested as I feel it would be too soon from the unprotected sex on the 26th December, unless I got caught on the pill which is highly unlikely. I should no better but I'm not perfect. Any advice would be great. Thanks