Please help me to not feel bad!
Every night since bringing Sadie home she has refused to sleep from midnight to 6am. Constant feeding / sucking for comfort / screaming every night for 6 nights has taken its toll and last night, well this morning at 6am we sterilised a dummy and gave her it after much sobbing from me, stressing from DH and worrying that Sadie would overheat and had a febrile convulsion with all the screaming (Fortunately our neighbours are very understanding as they have two little ones).
She went down with the dummy so well, she woke an hr and a half later for a feed and she had spat it out at some point and woke so happy and hungry. After her feed, she went down without the dummy and slept nearly 3 hrs before waking again.
I feel like I've failed even though she still enjoyed her feed and fed really, really well. All you read about is how babies will be confused between dummy and nipple and how you shouldn't give a dummy if you breastfeed.
Is anyone else similar? X