Katie is a big cuddler. She like nothing best than sleeping on me after a feed. At night at the moment she mostly sleeps on me, surrounded by pillows so she can't roll etc. I really like the bond. Although saying that, she has just managed to self settle to sleep in her Moses basket after her 5.30am feed, was very impressed lol.
I had a major hiccup with Breastfeeding. Katie's latch was so bad that she basically ripped off half my right nipple. The injury was so bad that I would resent every time she was hungry. The LLL and everyone else I spoke to just said keep nursing and eventually it will heal. Well I tired that for a few more days and I was miserable, cranky, in pain, and would actually have preferred labour again to the on going bf pain I was having. My mum eventually suggested that I stop feeding her on my right side and give the nipple time to heal. So I'm currently feeding her from my left all the time (supply building up nicely) and I'm gently hand expressing 1-2oz from the right every 4-5 hours to maintain the supply so that eventually she can nurse on that side again. The nipple is healing up nicely, and already looks much better. Hopefully just a other week of hand expressing and it will have fully healed. Think I will first try electric pump to see how well it's healed and to make sure it won't rip open again. I stupidly put her back on that side a few days ago just to see how it was healing up and she ripped it back open and it bled (stupid mistake I won't be doing again!). I don't think her latch is the problem anymore, but more that when she sucks the breast tissue in, she caused the crack to open up again.
Anyone have any knowledge about tongue tie? Katie has a slightly heart shaped dip at the end of her tongue, that I've read can be a sign of TT. I also think her latch might be slightly shallower than normal. Who would I talk to about getting her checked for TT?