Yes a playhouse is an option, she has a swing and slide and a sand/water/blocks table so will look into a house next year probs!
As for potty training, 2 is really young, IMO the earlier you try the longer it takes, if they are ready it comes naturally for them, Daisy tells me she has done a poo quite often and if her nappy is wet she tells me she is sore lol!
Her vocabulary is brilliant she attempts every word we say now and some of them are sooooo clear it's scary! She says thankyou when ever you hand her something it comes out like hank hoo lol!
She is doing well with counting too and can recognise some colours, a lady asked me how old she was the other day and when I said not quite 2 yet she said 'wow her so each is amazing' my response was thanks it's because I never shut up
Beth I wanted to do cloth but couldn't afford the initial outlay
Glad Marcus is better, good luck for his appointment next week, keep us posted!
I don't see any problem with boys having 'girls' toys! Ppl don't bag an eyelid at girls playing with cars huh :shrugs:
Abbi thanks, that's sweet! I plan on starting a small business when Daisy is at nursery, using the hours she is there to make things up and sell them
I've just got a new machine that's more fancy and I am so very in love with it
Have you tried a ring sling?
Will be nice to have your sister there for a while, does your hubby not support you?
Hay I found lots of nice things! I was sat in the car waiting for my mum so had plenty of browsing/spending time