The official cerazette missing period support thread!! *NAME CHANGE*

:shrug: I've no idea what will happen moving forwards I'm partially thinking he will pick up as he gets older so nothing is definite yet. I will just potter on with his assessments etc. he is happy, he has meltdowns but so do all toddlers so I never know if its just him being a toddler or not. I'm just going to keep a diary for his review.

Do any of the little ones like cooking? He loves it he stands on a dining chair at work surface t watch and help.,it freaks some people out but its either that or he will descend into complete breakdown head butting the floor etc. this morning he's mixed breadcrumbs and seasoning for th meatloaf. I don't let him touch raw meat yet as washing him isn't easy. He always get the play foods out in his house with his little frying pan.

At least they are taking it all seriously Anna, what are the bloods for?

Daisy loves to cook, she says 'stir stir' and 'pour pour' and boon (spoon) haha! She has a little tykes kitchen which she loves!

Some if my earliest memories are standing on a stool baking with my mum, my mum used to come into my school to cook with my class too :)

Southampton is about an hour from me so not very far at all! What is she studying?

Sun is shining here today, sad I know but I love having a line full of washing lol

I love the washing too!!

She is in her final year of events management not too sure what she wants to do.

Had a bad day yesterday not sure if he's under the weather but everything was an issue! His hand was muddy which he usually likes resulted in him screaming for half hour. Just checked he's ok but asleep still unlike him, he best wake up for the bin men he loves them. Also if anyone puts something through the letter box it's hysteria until he can get it x
I've ironed a huge load today, just love how it smells! I do believe I'm a bit of a weirdo as I love ironing :haha:

Ooh course sounds interesting, not long left now too huh?

They all have days like that Beth, has he got more teeth to come?

Yea anna they def all have days like that, allister is really impatient and if he can't do something first time he gets really stroppy, just their personalities. us adults all have off days so we can't expect them not to hey! :)

getting exciting times for us... heating being done, rads are all on, then oil delivered monday so that will all be working by end of monday, kitchen floor being self levelled ready for kitchen fitting next wednesday :D then its just new stairs to be put in & carpets! so not too long now hopefully! so cannot wait now, Allister is just going to love it! x
You are so lucky hay sounds amazing!

I love sniffing line dried washing hoping I can get nappies out tonight as not been able to yet since he's been in cloth :dohh:

We went to eureka again today, we had a good time but it was really busy. Marcus can't cope in loud busy crowds and he gets quite anxious. He did very well today and although we had a few issues on and off largely great time. They have special quiet rooms for ppl with autism or sensory issues who get over,loaded and when he got bad today ( he was head butting a metal sink and hysterical!) I asked if we could go in he quietened right down and settled then we carried on.

I've kind of realised a lot of his quirks prob are concerning to a professional, eg today all the children were either on the park or petting the mini farm- he was fixated for 30 mins on an air conditioning unit.mhe is quite obsessed with things that work, doors, wheels, odd stuff like today etc. I also feel any of the Los in here prob go through phases of being interested in these too.

Marcus said mum today. Not in context but he's never done it he also said no twice. Hs still not got all the words he lost and he will prob regress again but its all good :flower:

Anyone obsessed with photos? Every night we have to see his photos on his wall he points to them all then to daddy and will say daddy at times which is fab for him :thumbup:

Wish I could have videod him running down the grass hill you wouldn't think he's only really been walking 12 weeks.

Think we are going. To,put his bouncy castle up now for a bounce! X
Never been one for line dried linen far too many spiders and bugs get in them lol

Really pleased Marcus is on the right pathway for help
Nothing better than fresh line dried bed linen and being fresh out the shower,y favourite night of the week :haha:

I am a saddo tho I love having a big pile of fresh washed and dried on the line clothes to iron!!

Can honestly say I have never had any bugs in my washing from drying it in the line, but then I don't live in the sticks so maybe that makes a difference? :shrugs:

Hay how exciting!!! Any ideas when you may be in?? Can't wait to see all the pictures!

Anna that's brilliant he is saying things, I'm sure his speech will come on in bounds now!
My iron comes out on special occasions only....maybe twice a year!

Problem being in the middle of farms there are bugs everywhere. Sometimes in the summer its impossible sitting out unless you want to be covered in thunder flies!
Our iron is a special occasions to or if my sewing needs it lol.
I'm not sure what's happening with caleb at the moment, he had suddenly hit a brick wall for bed time. He will go but as soon as about 11/12 comes he goes to the toilet and then screams the flat down and tantrums . We sorted it tantrum wise but last night took it's toll on me and oh had to come home from work, he just wasn't doing anything to help him self. I wonder if it's nightmares or terrors. Terrors seem less likely as he seems awake but boy does he throw a wobbly. I dread what downstairs think as it happened at 12 & 2 am last night. I honestly don't what to do xx
oh no pink, not sure what to suggest on that one, awkward when you have to think of others in flats too.

betty we have said it should be by june now, if we had a few thousand spare now we could be in sooner, but because of having to wait for each pay day to do some more thats just how it has to be, but considering how much we have done and spent so far we have done well really to have done what we have lol! and will all be worth it, just seriously cant wait now, being at his mums we have his sister there too whom is older than us both and still not moved out but always has something to say and is just generally childish so she was having a go yesterday and it kind of helps really as it makes my fella want to do it even quicker to get away from her! driving us mad! i literally cannot wait to be in there, and to just do our own thing and lock the door and noone to come unless invited :haha:
I'm so excited for you hay it is just an amazing house from what you have said so far you are so lucky.

I could do with finding a new job / career. For some,body seemingly intelligent I don't do too well :haha:

Pink-if you know downstairs maybe just have a word and say u are doing your best with it and are trying to minimise any impact. Soon there will be a newborn too tho so that might drown out his tantrums :rofl:

Have you spoken to him in the morning at all see if he can explain? I used to and still do get horrific nightmares I'd often wake hysterical.does he find it hard goi g back to sleep so maybe over tird and cranky or does he think the loo break is morning?

Marcus had his friend over he only has one nOw since all the others wouldn't see him when we went through the biting stage. She was throwing a huge tantrum screaming blue murder and what does he do ( insert child who doesn't interact with others etc ) he walks over and gives her a hug and pats her hair?!! :cloud9: was actually adoreable he did it a few times. Not sure if tis because he was tird ( he goes soft when tired) but it was so cute. He sees her a few times a week so is used to her and they get on well.

We had a little Easter party for them both with cup cakes and a mini Easter egg hunt. He loves that with his little basket, didn't think he wold get it but he wondered off collecting them and putting them in his tub.

I'm just being lazy mummy whilst hubby washes up and sister is bathing him, I'm recovering from flu coldnt even work the tin opener the other day.


Sorry to go on- he had to have bloods taken part of his tests, no anesthetic struggled to find a vein and u know what...not even a whimper he just sat there happy as can be. They tried to distract him with toys but he wanted to watch the blood going in the pipe to the tube :dohh: the staff could t get over how good he was he got a special plaster with animals on and a sticker. I got him a till as a well done gift :haha: xxx
I know I'm a saddo when it comes to washing/ironing :haha:

I've just ordered a nappy cover pattern!! Cannot wait to make Daisy lots of frilly knickers :haha:

Hay glad you have an end in sight now must be hard living like that with someone, it's a difficult situation to be in too huh! What does your oh do?

Anna sorry to hear you aren't feeling too well, hope you are on the mend now and can enjoy Easter :) the little party sounds lovely, sweet that Marcus gave his friend a hug too :cloud9:

Pink I hope you manage to work out what up soon, can't be fun for you :(

We are taking Daisy to the circus today :) I'm more excited than her tho :haha:

ah that sounds cute anna with him and his friend, also the easter egg hunt :) cant believe he sat still for bloods how good of him!

i love the circus betty, how did daisy enjoy it?
yea is a difficult situation shes a nightmare to be honest when she wants to be, kitchen was started yesterday love it :D gonna pop in after work to see how its getting on lol, my oh is a carer for those with mental health issues and learning disabilities he does shift work so works 12 hours mon tues sat sun one week and then wed thurs fri following and it rolls like that and then i work the wed thurs fri hes off the one week and mon tues wed the following when hes off and then my mum has allister on the wed hes working. it works pretty well really, but because of the house he does extra work on his days off also, as he does HGV driving also. but at least when we are in the house i know that majority of the time he will either be with me or his daddy or my mum :) quiet on here again now hey! xx
Hay, Daisy loved it, she loved the acrobats, but her favourite bit was the clown!

Sounds like you have it worked out pretty well between you work wise, must be hard with the house not quite ready, you are sort of in limbo land at the mo huh :(

Just keep thinking it'll all be worth it soon!

:flower: hi everyone. I've been quite poorly so not been on. Lots better now been so thankful having my sister stay with us has really helped. She does back tomorrow tho :cry:

Just had a nice relaxing bath as they have walked to park I realise do everything so fast. I was bathed and hair dried dressed etc in 30 mins! Thought I'd had a long soak :dohh:

Marcus is doing well at the minute. He says daddy hiya and oh no. He's still got about 8 words left to be back up to where he was at one point, his understanding has mproved too. I didn't realise speech regression was such a major issue :shrug:

Got follow up with neurology July awaiting on our EEG sight and hearing tests now.

I have to keep a daily diary, there are deff issues but huge improvements :happydance:

How is everyone doing? The circus sounds good never been. I can't wait to see the house hay :flower:x
I thought I posted last week but it didn't work :-(.
I'm not sure if you remember but caleb has suffered with his ears and we've been backwards and forwards with them. He finally has review after 8 months which should of been 3 . Turns out both ears have fluid still ( after 2yrs ) and his left has got slightly worse :-(.
Pain killers was one of the options but they don't help and he can't live on them till it goes so I pushed for something to be done. He is finally getting grommets to help drain the fluid. I'm hopping that will help with his behaviour at times and maybe his sleep as he's sometimes unsettled .
Poor thing.
In other news I'm nearly 28 weeks now. Scan on Friday for growth . Hoping baby is doing ok and not growing too big. I still feel small so hoping all is normal.xx
Great news pink about the ears!

We are awaiting hearing and I do think he may have glue ear or something along the lines. I didn't realise it could affect behaviour?

Your pregnancy is goi g so fast, not long until we hear about baby kixx then baby pink!

Pointless comment but I'm on a mission to reclaim some of my house. Marcus has stuff in every single room! I don't mind and I never want to be like when I was growing up and u could oly have things in your room but its a bit crazy now.he doesn't have a lot of stuff its just scattered about. Not sure if its a std child thing. But he pulls everything out and throws it everywhere :dohh:x
Pink my nephew had glue ear and had 2 sets of grommets, while his hearing was really bad his behaviour was, the doctor said to my sister that when they have to lip read they get tired from it and that's why their behaviour is also affected so it's entirely possible that once cals ears are sorted his behaviour will follow!
Anna glad Marcus is doing well ATM and sorry to hear you were so poorly, thank goodness your sister was there to help you out!!

Hope everyone else is well

We are back from Lanzarote! We had a great time. Joel was fab on the plane both ways. All the people around us couldn't believe how good he was!

Glad caleb is getting his ears sorted pink.

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