Ill weigh him properly sometime!
Marcus eats better than Joel but I 100% sympathise. General consensus we go with now is to offer a range of food and leave him to it. Glad I am not the only one with an elective vegetarian tot! At nursery he supposedly eats everything no idea
Have you tried quorn? He loves quorn sausages its a texture issue for him.malso veggie fingers and veggie burgers. Not bad as an emergency.
Can't say I'd fancy sardines if I don't like pasta! I love pasta, pointless but I do
Which sea life did u go Betty? Did u have anything planned at Portsmouth? Fort Nielsen is good fun and free even ok in rain. Marcus lovedmthecsnnon being fired and playing dress up soldier!
I'm thinking about peppa pig world sometime what's the verdict Sam?he does love peppa can even point to her when asked ( he's. it very good at this!)
Those with 2 yrs up when and what happened at 2 yr check. Just curious really was wondering if we can avoid it!
Got his appoint for an EEG in June, need to try an change it if I can as its a Monday

they stick nodes on his head and record his brain activity for an hour, apparently only relevant if he has a seizure there which is unlikely
Are any of the little people obsessed with outdoors? Marcus is actually fixated with being outside, doesn't care if its rain wind sun just wants out. No idea why its purely being outside doesn't after if tis outside a shop rather than in it or garden v house , its nice but a pain at times
