awesome progression!! I will be using my last FRER in a couple of days to hopefully see a darker line as well. I got my blood work back and it's at 17 U/L (which is near exactly what the online implantation doubling predictor said it would be today - it said 16). So i should double again in 48 hours. Saturday should show a nice dark line. I suspect my next af would be due monday so I am still cautious (despite having told everyone - this kinda spiraled out of control) but my progesterone was 69 so I think I have a good lining and it's a sticky bean. The cramping has me worried but it's not really af cramps so I'm not trying to get into my head about it. I just want to be and accept that this has happened. It's all so surreal.
Hmmm lol I have no idea what I'm looking at with this chart. I think it says I shouldn't get a bfp for another week lol. Oh well - maybe it just doesn't work with with IVF data. We'll see what the betas say today Definitely had more progression today and today is definitely darker than any test I had last month so I'll just keep all my fingers and toes crossed.
Ladies please tell me what is the best test to show early results? I usually test with dollar tree that I buy by the dozen. I have been out of the ttc world for so long I am wondering if there is a more expensive one that actually works sooner.
First Response (frer) always showed early for me. I found ICs a bit poor for lines. I had too many evaps to trust them. Never had an evap on a frer though.
So ladies not been around for a while - temps/charts/opk/body has been screwy but have had the most horrendous headache so decided to test - so feel free to squint away! By the way I'm being referred to gynae for menopause hmmmm! X
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