The Pearls' Book leads to another death

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Just wondering (if anyone wants they can PM me instead)

Those who are saying they are Christians, have you read the whole Bible?

I am a Christian but I started realizing it is kind of weird for me to say I believe in the Bible and follow it when I haven't even read the whole thing.

Absolutely i have studied the whole bible, and continue to do so. We go through the entire bible each year. Currently we are up to Ecclesiastes. Many misconceptions come from those who dont understand it, havent studied it thoroughly, pick out one scripture or just believe whatever they have 'heard' the bible says :)
Just wondering (if anyone wants they can PM me instead)

Those who are saying they are Christians, have you read the whole Bible?

I am a Christian but I started realizing it is kind of weird for me to say I believe in the Bible and follow it when I haven't even read the whole thing.

Absolutely i have studied the whole bible, and continue to do so. We go through the entire bible each year. Currently we are up to Ecclesiastes. Many misconceptions come from those who dont understand it, havent studied it thoroughly, pick out one scripture or just believe whatever they have 'heard' the bible says :)

And I think a lot of people do that, probably most. Like my whole family is "Christian" and I don't know anyone who has actually read the Bible in its entirety. Like they go to church and bible study, etc, but haven't actually read it.
My DH has read the Bible because he was very religious in his teens, but he lost his faith after his mom got cancer and had to have numerous operations. He began to wonder what kind of god would do that to a kind, loving woman with three children.

Anyways, in regards to freedom of speech, I believe that if a book promotes something like the abuse of children, it should no longer fall under that catagory as it can lead to the harm of others.
I've read almost all the bible (I skipped a lot of the begats, that stuff is boring) and studied it for years when I was younger. But I'm not really a Christian anymore though. Started going to church again recently and went to some revival event and was pretty disgusted by the way Muslims were talked about and even how music and dance was talked about.

But everyone does interpret the bible, either themselves or they follow bible commentaries when they do their studies so just follow someone else's interpretation.
Wow. I stepped away from the computer for a couple of days and missed a lot!

All the comments directed towards me were in the earlier pages, so I'll see if I can remember them and respond accordingly.

-- No, I didn't have a negative view of children growing up. I never considered myself much of a "kid person," but that was because many of the younger children were just brats.
-- Ozzie, you don't want your son to obey you? You don't think children should obey their parents? Young children should absolutely obey their parents, but in turn, the parents should be only directing them in ways that are best for them. As they mature, part of raising them should be teaching them how to make good decisions for themselves, but a young child is not capable of that. If your child is going towards a hot stove, or towards a high ledge, and you tell them to stop and return to you, lack of immediate obedience could be extremely harmful to their well-being.

-- Dragonfly: All those quotes from the book... again, I need to see them in context before judging what the intent is. The way some of those points are written are obviously disturbing, but reading someone's brief paraphrase of the book with carefully selected quotes does not convince me that I am getting the intended message of the book. Even many of the replies to this thread speak of "beating" or "whipping" (which the ways ya'll write whipping it's as if we're talking about when people used to whip slaves) as child abuse, and yes, it is, but if you read the Pearl's writing they do not speak of beating a child. Switching, spanking, swatting... they use many words for it but if you look at their description of the act itself, it is supposed to be painful enough that the child sees it as a negative thing, but not enough to actually cause any damage.

-- Ellie: You said "hmm, spanking never did any harm, yet a spanked child grows up to believe that children are subordinate or lesser beings who should be "trained" and need to "obey others", not be their own people or learn from their parents" No, I do not believe that children are lesser beings, but as children they are incapable of raising themselves. Part of raising a child is training them, whether you do it conciously or unconciously. They should obey authority (as long as that authority and command is in line with the Word of God), but one of the goals in raising/training them is to bring them to a point that they can make good decisions for themselves. One of the articles I read on the Pearl's website stated that they think by the mid-late teens, a child should be equipped with the capability of making adult decisions (this is, of course, my own paraphrase of an article I read nearly a week ago. I can search it out if you so desire). That particular article would indicate that they are not trying to raise subordinate beings, but that children have to be subordinate as part of the maturation towards being equals.

Why am I defending them at all? These people have many followers, and the percentage of them who have been publicly accused of child abuse/murder seem fairly small. From what I've read, this is the 3rd death "associated" with the Pearls. How many non-Pearl followers engage in child abuse (even to the point of death) every day? People who are going to abuse their children will find a sick justification for it whether they read a book or not. As someone already stated, there is an innate problem if you cannot tell when you are abusing your child. (But discipline is NOT abuse!)

My first intention when replying to this thread was not to glorify the Pearls in any way. While I do believe that spanking (aka light switching that is used more for the element of surprise (with a negative connotation) rather than any lasting pain) can be an effective tool in training/disciplining/raising your children, I know that the Pearls are not going to be 100%right on everything. No human is perfect, including them. I just don't see the justification in blaming them for a child's death. It is easy to make them a scapegoat because of their publicly confessed convictions, but it is the parents' personal convictions and behavior that need to be examined and blamed.

My husband and I will spank/switch our children. Beginning at what age? That I cannot say. It will depend greatly on the individual child and also our discernment on what the attitude is behind a child's behavior. Are they crying because they are teething and don't feel good? Or are they crying because we spent the past two days with family, they were held constantly, and now just don't want to be put down? Will we make some mistakes? Yes! Every parent does, but we intend to do our best to raise our children as Christians, and as members of society who contribute rather than detract from it. We also intend to employ many other methods of discipline, as we are fairly sure that by the time our children are having children of their own, spanking will be outlawed and I want them to have a wide variety of tools/methods of discipline in their grasp when the time comes, rather than be like many parents who choose not to spank and in turn choose not to discipline at all because they don't even know where to begin.

As for the direction that this thread has taken: The Bible in it's entirety is like a letter to humans, from God. It is not open to multiple, personal interpretations, especially on doctrinal issues. When we write a letter to someone, we have an intended message that it is supposed to get across, we don't write it so they can take their own meaning out of it. Even in literature classes, a professor will ask "What do you think the author of that abstract poem was trying to convey?" not "How many different interpretations can we get out of it?". As for the homosexuality issue, there is an entire thread in the debates forum on gay marriage, and I"ve stated my position there. I still have to go in and reply again, as there were questions directed towards me that I have not yet answered, but I haven't had sufficient time to do so at this point.
I think children should RESPECT their parents. There's a big difference between that and obeying.
I think they should do both! And parents should have a respect for their children as well. That doesn't mean that the children aren't under their parents authority. A boss-employee relationship is much the same way. They both should have a healthy respect for the other, but the boss is the one (or at least should be!) with greater experience and knowledge, trains the employees on how to function independently in that particular job, and has the final say on things (but also has greater responsibility).
If what you say is true, then mutual respect dictates that I should not hit my child because I expect him not to hit me.
Now I know why you have your name never normal. How on earth can you defend that book and what they do is beyond me. Shouldnt be going near children with objects at all so please dont say you dont do whats in this book when you just said you spank/swatch your children. The pearls said what they do to their kids in that book to its not out of context. Even debbie says how she beat her kids.

Maybe they and people who do this shouldnt even have a dog if you think training children this way is ok.

“Please give examples of the kinds of things for which you used the rod, both as a training tool and as punishment, for children were under 12 months.”

We never used the rod to punish a child younger than 12 months. You should read No Greater Joy Volume One and Volume Two. We discussed this subject several times in those two books. For young children, especially during the first year, the rod is used very lightly as a training tool. You use something small and light to get the child’s attention and to reinforce your command. One or two light licks on the bare legs or arms will cause a child to stop in his tracks and regard your commands. A 12-inch piece of weed eater chord works well as a beginner rod. It will fit in your purse or pocket.

Later, a plumber's supply line is a good spanking tool. You can get it at Wal-Mart or any hardware store. Ask for a plastic, ¼ inch, supply line. They come in different lengths and several colors; so you can have a designer rod to your own taste. They sell for less than $1.00. A baby needs to be trained all day, everyday. It should be a cheerful, directing training, not a correction training. If a 10-month-old plays in the dirt in the flowerpot, a simple swat to the hand accompanied with the command “No,” said in a cheerful but authoritative voice, should be sufficient.

When your 6-month-old baby grabs sister’s hair, while he still has a hand full of hair, swat his hand or arm and say “No, that hurts sister.” If he has already let go of her hair, then put his hand back on her hair, so as to engage his mind in the former action, and then carry on with the hand swatting and the command. If you found your baby trying to stick something in the electrical receptacle, keep his hand on the object and near the receptacle while giving him a few swats on the back of the offending hand, and this to the sound of your rebuke—“No, don't touch, No, don't touch.” This time he needs to cry and be upset.

If your 10-month-old is pitching a fit because he wants to be picked up, then you must reinforce your command with a few stinging swats. You are not punishing him; you are causing him to associate his negative behavior with negative consequences. Never reward bad behavior with indifference. Tell the baby “No” and give him a swat. If your response is new, he may be offended and scream louder. But continue your normal activities as if you are unaffected. Wait one minute, and then tell the baby to stop crying. If he doesn’t, again swat him on his bare legs. You don’t need to undress him, turn him over, or make a big deal out of it. Just swat him where any skin is exposed. Continue to act as if you don’t notice the fit. Wait two minutes and repeat. Continue until the baby realizes that this is getting worse not better. Most babies will keep it going for 3 or 4 times and then slide to a sitting position and sob it out. When this happens, it signals a surrender, so give him two minutes to get control and then swoop him up as if the fit never happen and give him a big hug, BUT don't hold him in the manner he was demanding. Now remove yourself from the area so as to remove him from association with the past event.

Don’t ever hit a small child with your hand. You are too big and the baby is too small. The surface of the skin is where the most nerves are located and where it is easiest to cause pain without any damage to the child. The weight of your hand does little to sting the skin, but can cause bruising or serious damage internally. Babies need training but they do not need to be punished. Never react in anger or frustration. If you loose it, get your self under control before you attempt to discipline a child.

let me guess thats out of context to I bet?
I give my sons respect they give it back to me. It dosnt need spanked, hit, switched or whatever training method not even suitable for animals or the RSPCA would be involved needs done. I cannot stand the pearls and how they go on and really dont get people who think they are some sort of godly good people.
nevernormal, I've NEVER said this to anyone, but I fear for your children. :nope: I'm sorry.
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