The Pre Xmas Bonkers. 15 bfp!! :D Congrats girls xxx

Hi laides

I stupidly did 2 HPT's today! One IC and a FRER and both BFN! I hate this excitement and then feeling let down! I am going to try and hold off testing again for another few days! AF due on Saturday, fingers crossed she doesn't come!

Being pregnant is all I can think about at the moment and seem to think of very little else! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!

I could scream as I feel I've also wasted money of tests and nothing good has come from it! :nope:

Oh well must get on with it! :hugs:

ldj i feel exactly the same AF due friday and am hoping she stays away! I have done a few tests over last few days all BFN fxed that we will get a BFP in next couple of days!!
Hello everyone else

I have had a very busy day so far... DH and i went and did a big shop (so we now have food) and then i cleaned the car while he went back to bed... he works shifts and is on 4pm - mid night tonight.

hope every one have a better day now:flower:
:dust: to everyone xx
Hello everyone just catching up before my daughter keeps me chasing her all day/she crawling EVERYWHERE. I'm beat oh and I beded we really trying this month other months we just beded twice hardly enough and not on the right days. Anyway I have my fingers crossed we did it this month if not I'll be using my moniter next month to learn my cycles/ovulation. I swear it this one takes a year and half I'll go batshi# lol.

No job here besides being a mama I need to go wash my daughter bottles and get her room preped for the day/and get her lil bum out of a sleeper :) lol.
Hi everyone :hi: how are we all doing this afternoon?

I'm feeling really .............. well .............. I think odd might be the right word to use :wacko:

I've been completely over emotional and every single little thing is getting to me. I've been painting my mum's kitchen today and my brother got paint on his coat and made me feel like crap about it (so much so that I was going to replace his coat) and I literally cried :cry:

I dropped the butter dish, and I cried :cry:

Chris gave me a hug and I cried :cry:

What is wrong with me?
Hi everyone :hi: how are we all doing this afternoon?

I'm feeling really .............. well .............. I think odd might be the right word to use :wacko:

I've been completely over emotional and every single little thing is getting to me. I've been painting my mum's kitchen today and my brother got paint on his coat and made me feel like crap about it (so much so that I was going to replace his coat) and I literally cried :cry:

I dropped the butter dish, and I cried :cry:

Chris gave me a hug and I cried :cry:

What is wrong with me?

oooooh whens afdue?
I don't know :wacko: had a 7 month gap from the last one until the 19th July which is when I last had a bleed (which was majorly light)
Hi everyone :hi: how are we all doing this afternoon?

I'm feeling really .............. well .............. I think odd might be the right word to use :wacko:

I've been completely over emotional and every single little thing is getting to me. I've been painting my mum's kitchen today and my brother got paint on his coat and made me feel like crap about it (so much so that I was going to replace his coat) and I literally cried :cry:

I dropped the butter dish, and I cried :cry:

Chris gave me a hug and I cried :cry:

What is wrong with me?

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I know sometimes I get emotional when AF is due maybe thats it? Big hugs. My mom made breakfast (I do not cook lol) and took one bite of the eggs then spat them out.............. not feeling the egg grove I guess.
I don't normally get like this when af is about to make an appearance, which is so odd ... I'm finding I'm really picky about foods too ... really seem to have gone off fish at the moment :(

sounds a bit odd about the eggs Duffy, do you normally like them?
What job is it you do? Don't think I've asked before.
I'm going to be going insane though lol, 3 weeks without :sex: :dohh:
Enjoy the rest of your day :hugs:


Im a family support worker hun, work with families in need and advise and deliver parenting programmes and groups! Yeah hun 3 weeks would kill me too!

emmy hun hope ur ok xx
Not normally..... but when I was prego with Karissa I didnt get sick at all/puke I did get nasus around 2 - 3 months (3 times about 15 min) while laying in bed but they say everyone is differs I heard women like me who mostly escaped the sickness get slammed with it the second time around.
I'm ok siany, just feeling a little over emotional. Doesn't help when I have my mum telling me to calm down and stop being silly, even though she doesn't know why I was getting upset (well neither did I actually). I hate feeling like this, like everything is just going to fall down around me, like I'll never get rid of this weight so I can have a baby, and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it :( (even though I'm on this weight management programme)

I tried looking for some quotes about hope, and found these, so thought I would share them with you all

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about. "

I'm ok siany, just feeling a little over emotional. Doesn't help when I have my mum telling me to calm down and stop being silly, even though she doesn't know why I was getting upset (well neither did I actually). I hate feeling like this, like everything is just going to fall down around me, like I'll never get rid of this weight so I can have a baby, and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it :( (even though I'm on this weight management programme)

I tried looking for some quotes about hope, and found these, so thought I would share them with you all

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about. "

Aww what lovely quotes.

I know how you feel too, my mom and DH keep telling me to calm down and stop putting pressure on myself...etc etc. I think its good to totally break down every once in a while, it gets you back to zero, to a manageable place. Helps with perspective I think.
morning ladies,hows everyone feeling,i've now had 2 nites in a row of really restless sleep and weird dreams even woke up twice last nite in fits of laughter,whats that all about lol!???

hope ur feeling better today emmyreece x
I'm ok siany, just feeling a little over emotional. Doesn't help when I have my mum telling me to calm down and stop being silly, even though she doesn't know why I was getting upset (well neither did I actually). I hate feeling like this, like everything is just going to fall down around me, like I'll never get rid of this weight so I can have a baby, and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it :( (even though I'm on this weight management programme)

I tried looking for some quotes about hope, and found these, so thought I would share them with you all

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about. "

Oh Emmyreece, you will get there! I have lost alot of weight twice in my life and although it's very hard it's so worth it! There are times when you just want to give up but you will do you must believe that! You have just a great incentive a baby! I went without food and lived on shakes (medically controlled diet) for nearly 4 months and even now I can't believe I didn't cave in and cheat! But giving up and cheating wasn't going to help me. Hope it doesn't sound like I'm preaching!? YOU CAN DO IT! Don't give up and think positive (I know that's hard sometimes) each day is one closer to your goal. I used to have little goals, 1/2 stone, for example as when you say you have X to loose it can seem very daunting.

Right enough of me going on! Good luck and we are here for you!
Good morning Mamadonna,

Ouhh hope those are symptoms of an extra happy baby growing in your belly!!!

I'm doing pretty well this morning. Had a bit of a freak out last and threatened to go back on BC :cry: DH saw an ovulation strip and started giving me trouble about ttc. GRRR:hissy: And I got really upset, because I feel like he is jerking me around and saying he really wants a baby and then always around the time I O he gets sheepish and weird and throws fits like this. He wants a baby, but he's very very non-chalant about the whole thing, while I am actively anticipating it and excited...this causes friction. Blah.

He apologized and talked me down, and I know this comes from a place inside him that is just a little scared about the idea of having a baby, which is understandable... but man, after episodes like this I just wish so much we would get pg and not have to deal with this part anymore!!

How is everyone else doing today? All good I hope...
i hope it is too pocoHR i thought i was going insane giggling away to myself at about 4 this morning even to the point where i had tears in my eyes...crazy!!!

my dh the same even though this wont be our 1st he's still not in2 all the opk's and temp checking he thinks that all thats not needed,so i never mention anything about the technical side of it now i just let him enjoy the :sex: and i worry about all the other stuff
I'm ok siany, just feeling a little over emotional. Doesn't help when I have my mum telling me to calm down and stop being silly, even though she doesn't know why I was getting upset (well neither did I actually). I hate feeling like this, like everything is just going to fall down around me, like I'll never get rid of this weight so I can have a baby, and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it :( (even though I'm on this weight management programme)

I tried looking for some quotes about hope, and found these, so thought I would share them with you all

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about. "

they are all my fave quotes been using them for years love them:cloud9:
i hope it is too pocoHR i thought i was going insane giggling away to myself at about 4 this morning even to the point where i had tears in my eyes...crazy!!!

my dh the same even though this wont be our 1st he's still not in2 all the opk's and temp checking he thinks that all thats not needed,so i never mention anything about the technical side of it now i just let him enjoy the :sex: and i worry about all the other stuff

I never mention it either, but he knows it goes on and he picked up an opk without knowing what it was and thought it was gross :haha:

I was gutted after having a chemical during my last cycle and I think he doesn't want a repeat of that experience. He really does want a baby too, its just been tricky because I just started a new job. So many things... but I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end.... :)

Sometimes the idea of stopping and going back on BC is appealing to me. I know it probably wouldn't last long, because both DH and I want a baby, but its so hard sometimes and I think I need a break!
Morning ladies

I really like those quotes and they cheered me up a bit this morning!
I had a really vivid dream last night that i had got my BFP and it was so real i woke up and had to test (i was gonna wait till AF was due) anyway i should have waited as BFN:cry:

I think i am out for this month:cry: just have to face up to the fact that AF will be here by the end of the week!

But the quotes helped and put a smile back on my face so thank you :thumbup:

Hope you all have a fab day today:flower:

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