The Pre Xmas Bonkers. 15 bfp!! :D Congrats girls xxx

I found some batteries:happydance: so if anything shows on tomorrow HPT i can take a quick snap (batteries will only last for 1 or 2 pics) and upload for you girls to scrutinise :)

on a seperate note, i just had to go through about 20 batteries to find some that would let me turn my camera on, i think its time to empty the battery drawer :dohh::haha:

It's not a MAN Drawer is it?? pmsl (Michael McIntyre quote) x
I found some batteries:happydance: so if anything shows on tomorrow HPT i can take a quick snap (batteries will only last for 1 or 2 pics) and upload for you girls to scrutinise :)

on a seperate note, i just had to go through about 20 batteries to find some that would let me turn my camera on, i think its time to empty the battery drawer :dohh::haha:

It's not a MAN Drawer is it?? pmsl (Michael McIntyre quote) x

Ahh but you never know when you will get the phone call... :haha::haha::haha:
no - worse, its MY drawer! atm its got 20 million batteries in it (i keep old used batteries for the TV remote), the back bar of teh washing machine, some paperwork, buttons, a candle and some stuff that OH put in there.

my drawer in the bedroom (i like having "random stuff" drawers) is so much worse, i havent gone in it for nearly a year and i know it needs a sort out! going to have to do it soon
I found some batteries:happydance: so if anything shows on tomorrow HPT i can take a quick snap (batteries will only last for 1 or 2 pics) and upload for you girls to scrutinise :)

on a seperate note, i just had to go through about 20 batteries to find some that would let me turn my camera on, i think its time to empty the battery drawer :dohh::haha:

AWESOME, can't wait to see a picture :happydance:
hey girls,
i had my 2nd FS app today! My suspicions were right and i'm not O'ing! I broke down completely and just sat there sobbing!

I begged them for clomid but they said no that i would have to have a scan first to check for pcos then go from there! My scan has been booked in for a week 2moro but may have my AF by then and then i'll have to wait till its finished! but they gave me metformin to take which wont b doing much to help from wat i gather!

BUT.... I am promising myself that whether ttc takes another 10 months or 10 years there is no way wat so eva that im giving up on being a mammy! no damn way!

Rant ova x

Big :hugs: to you... I really hope you get this sorted out quickly. I've seen a lot of people have a lot of luck with Clomid, I hope it works for you too!!!

It sounds like you are full of determination, which is great!
Hi ladies
Come to have a nosey as OH is watching football.

I have to have a gastroscopy on Sunday 29th but im not due to test till thinking im gonna hae to test on the 28th just incase!!!

What do you reckon ladies, do you think a true result will show?

i'm not sure, maybe if you use a FRER or a really sensitive one. FX'D hun
thanks sweet, im hoping that clomid will def be my road to successful BFP! time will tell im im never giving up xxx

hey girls,
i had my 2nd FS app today! My suspicions were right and i'm not O'ing! I broke down completely and just sat there sobbing!

I begged them for clomid but they said no that i would have to have a scan first to check for pcos then go from there! My scan has been booked in for a week 2moro but may have my AF by then and then i'll have to wait till its finished! but they gave me metformin to take which wont b doing much to help from wat i gather!

BUT.... I am promising myself that whether ttc takes another 10 months or 10 years there is no way wat so eva that im giving up on being a mammy! no damn way!

Rant ova x

Big :hugs: to you... I really hope you get this sorted out quickly. I've seen a lot of people have a lot of luck with Clomid, I hope it works for you too!!!

It sounds like you are full of determination, which is great!
thanks hun, its been an emotional day but never give up hope hey! could always be worse!

as for the violent sleeper thing yea im a total loon, mike also told me to add that i have also headbutted and dribbled on him hahahah xxx
:haha:lol!! when mike first lived with me i stole the covers off him in the night and rather than him just taking them back off me he got dressed and slept fully clothed!! haha men r so daft i would have woke him up if it was the other way round!

i have kicked him, strangled him and judo chopped him in the throat whilst im asleep so think he's a bit scared of me when im in the land of nod:rofl:

hey sweetie, I was just catching up on the threads big massive hugs to you :hugs: and you have a awesome out look! Now that you know what the issue is now you can take the steps to help and its one step closer to mama-hood big hugs sweetie. :hugs:

OMG I'm so happy I'm not the only violet sleeper hahaha you just had me spurting my juice out my mouth over judo chopped heehee............ :laugh2:
Morning girls!!!!

took another test this morning and it was a very clear :bfn: so it was obviously an evil evap that got me all excited yesterday :wacko: i dont mind though, because i know for definate what they look like now for in future.

i got rudely awaken at 4.30am by OH's alarm going off and couldnt get back to sleep, which i'm not too pleased about.

hope you lovely ladies are well and wake up at a more reasonable hour :haha:

MY oh was soooo lovely before he went to work, he got lunch ready to go in the oven and cut up all the veggies for our stew dinner and did brekkie for DS. i love him sooo much!!

as i KEEP testing and they are all BFN's and cheeky evaps do you ladies have any ideas on how i can kick start AF?
:sex: sometimes brings it on

hubby sounds like a keeper hun
he was so cute this morning, i looked at my BFN, binned it, he ran and fished through the bin to retrieve it and went "i can see a line!!" i felt so bad telling him that he was looking at the antibody strip. bless him.

:sex: eh? OH will love that! i shall have to seduce him tonight :p
Get seducing once you've put lo to bed :winkwink:

I wasn't the one doing the seducing last night, oh was feeling particularly ... erm ... randy shall we say? :blush:
i'm off to work now ladies enjoy ur day,i'll be back on later :thumbup:

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