Congratulations!!!! He is absolutely gorgeous!!! Sorry you had a hard time of it... but now it's all over I hoep you enjoy your new life with your little man
oh hun he's adorable. you should be so proud, massive well done hunni.
i'm shocked at the hospital though hun. that's disgusting!!! i would have been fuming. you poor thing. i know the NHS are going through hard times but seriously, thats just anaccaptable. and the scary thing about it is, it's all gonna worse x
Wow, that really does sound like a rollercoaster! Congratulations and I hope you feel thoroughly proud of yourself for getting through what sounds like one hell of an experience! He's adorable
nd yes i am complainin!
nd my grandma nd my mum are complainin as well.
to be fair to the midwives they tried their hardest, 1 even cried when she couldn't get me into the delivery suite.
some of the staff have even added me on facebook because they wanted to keep in touch.
they actually asked me to complain nd are helpin me put the complaint in... i know it wasn't them that let me down - it was the nhs - the cutbacks are gettin ridiculous... i was jus particularly unlucky to get the full blown crapness of it all!
we're doin great tho... i love him sooo much... he's got over his sickliness... we're successfully breastfeedin (despite no-one bein available at the hospital to help us!)... nd i could jus cuddle him forever!
Wowzers! You are seriously hardcore to go through all that with no pain relief! Well done, congratulations on your beautiful little boy and so happy for you!!!!
He's gorgeous sweetie! Congratulations! I too was stuck with no room on delivery for 14 hours! Was horrific, i feel for you but you did good! Well done xx
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