I'm out again this month. I started early and confused because my last period was just 24 days ago. Oh well, i am honestly not going to try as hard and drop the holiday lbs i gained and move on to next month!!! When it's time, it is time!!! Gl to the remaining testers...
OMG I think I've got a too! I did it last night and got a faint line - going to re-test on Monday. I'm trying not to get too excited but am pretty sure that even a faint line is positive? Aaaagh!
Good luck to everyone else still in the game, and congrats to all you other s!!! Let's hope they're all sticky little beans.
That makes it 48 - can we squeeze another couple out before the close of business today I wonder? Congrats to all you lovely ladies with your s - here's wishing you a healthy and happy 9 months.
Was going to test this morning but arrived on my way to the bathroom.
Glad i know either way as the constant BFNs were getting me down. What hurts the most is that i had one of those faulty FRERs that gave me a faint false positive on the 24th. I shall be calling them for a replacement!
And on to cycle 7.....
Anyway...I'm taking a painkiller and going back to bed for a while. to everyone else waiting to test.xxxxxx
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