The traumatic and eventful induction/csection birth story of Baby Jonah


pregnant 2nd tri
Sep 30, 2010
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Hiii :) I haven't posted much but my story is pretty eventful and basically the WORST thing that can happen during an induction so I figured I would post it...forgive if I ramble or don't make sense, it's 5 in the morning here

March 8th, Tuesday 5pm: I went in to the hospital because baby wasn't moving as much and earlier in the day his heartrate was low at my doctors appt, so was worried

March 8th, Tuesday 9:30 pm: After 4 hours in the triage, and a scan to check my amniotic fluid, as well as numerous tests on the baby, I was cleared and everything was good to go, baby was measuring perfectly at 7lbs exactly and doing just fine. However, then my doctor came in and did an internal check, and I was 1.5 cm dilated, and he said I could stay and we could start the induction then, so of course I was elated and said yes!

March 8th, Tuesday 11pm: I was admitted and my first cervadil was inserted because my cervix was still only 60% effaced. I had a rough and sleepless night because of the "killer contractions"....if only I had known what was to come haha...

March 9th, Wednesday: They checked me and said I was maybe 2cm in the AM, said I could get up and shower/walk around for a little and they would give me pill version of cervadil at noon. I did that and the contractions were coming faster and much more intesne, and when they did an internal an hour later I was 2.5cm! I was so excited, but then I was bed bound because of the pill I had to take and contractions basically stopped and 4hrs later when I was checked, nothing had changed. I was gutted, but oh well. I kinda forget what else happened...I know I had another cervadil that night though and slept through it with a sleeping pill and some nubain.

March 10th, Thursday, 10 am: I had the cervadil taken out again, and was about 3cm dilated I think? I don't remember too much but I know I was in a lot of pain and they wanted to start pitocin. I made them promise I could get an epidural once I had the pitocin haha.

March 10th, Thursday 2 30 pm: I was having a really, really hard time with the contractions and I was 5cm! , so I got my epidural. It hurt, but not bad and it was totally worth it. I was in heaven and they told me they would up my pitocin every hour and that I should have a baby by that night. I was so excited!

March 10th, Thursday 5pm: I hadn't seen a nurse in hours, I wasn't too worried because I wasn't in pain but was confused because my pitocin was still the same as when I started, also my doctor stopped in just to make sure I was feeling okay and I said yes and he left.

March 10th, Thursday 7 30 pm: Shift change, my new nurse checked me and I was still around 5 cm. The doctor was called blah blah blah he was worried cause I wasn't progressing but the nurse was my advocate saying my pitocin hadn't been upped since it was started and to give me some more time to progress. BTW: My pitocin was forgotten about because they were so busy...not happy about that.

March 10th, Thursday 11pm: My temperature was up and I was running a fever, but was dilating slowly but surely. I got stuck at 8 for about 2 hours though after this point...the nurse was drawing up my csection papers though cause they didn't think I was going to progress any more...

March 11th, Friday 12:30 am: I called my nurse cause I was feeling a lot of pressure...she checked me and sure enough I was 9.5cm! I just had a little lip of cervix left.

March 11th, Friday 12:50 am: I was starting to have a lot of pain, nurse checked my epidural, it was still in so she told me I could go with the urge to push. I pushed for over an hour with not much result and was screaming in absolute agony my epidural had completely worn off and I could feel the babys head pushing against my pelvic bone. I was sobbing and completely out of it screaming that I needed a csection, I could feel everything and the baby wasn't fitting. They told me I wasn't pushing right and that they could get me another epidural but I had to keep pushing. I was in hell and finally agreed to at least trying another epidural.

March 11th, Friday 2 am: The anesthesologist came in and I was screaming there was so many people in the room and I could barely sit up the babys head was right above my pelvic bone I was begging everyone to please listen to me I knew the baby wasn't fitting, but no one did except my mom who was pretty helpless as well. I got the second epidural and was screaming in agony it made my upper spine feel like I was being cut open with a knife, they put another drug in to counteract that and then tried the third epidural in another place I was still in so much pain that I couldn't even feel any affect. They kept putting more and more medicine in me to try and numb me I told them to stop it wasn't working and I needed a csection but no one listened and eventually I was numb enough that I could lay down and just bear it, I had given up fighting.

March 11th, Friday 2am-4am: I pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed for 2 more hours, they were yelling at me telling me I was pushing hard enough and I just wasn't reposnding, I was pushing with all my might and I just kept doing my best. His head was swollen and he wasn't getting past my pubic bone. After 2 hours of excruciating pain, the nurse finally said "Well, you've given up your not trying hard enough, its time for a csection." It was the most relieving thing I've ever heard in my life. And then suddenly I was feeling so much pain again(not that it ever stopped...I hadj ust mentally blocked it out somehow). They wheeled me down to the OR and I told them please no spinal...I had so much medicine pumped into my body already and the epidurals weren't working so they said the spinal only had a 50/50 chance of working anyways. I told them I couldn't do it anymore and to please just put me under and get my baby out safely.

March 11th, Friday 4:57 am: My baby boy was brought into this world :cloud9: I obviously was asleep, but my mom got to watch. ETA: the rule for general anesthesia csections is that nobody is allowed in the room, but the doctor and anesthelogist agreed I had been through so much they would allow my mom to stay.

March 11th, Friday 6:30 am: I woke up in recovery, and had to wait an hour and a half to meet my baby, and I was only able to see him from my bed since I was on bedrest and he was in the NICU.

Anyways, long story short he is still in the NICU because he has a possible infection due my fever, and he had trouble breathing due to being pushed against my pelvic bone for over 3 hours. In the end, I was told I was just too small down there and there was nothing I could have done to get him out. He is still being treated with antibiotics in case of infection, and is breathing on his own very well now, but he's having a lot of trouble feeding and need a feeding tube because he's behind the curve due to his rough start in life. He will be just fine and hopefully able to come home sometime this week, but its still heartbreaking to see him in the NICU and not have him here with me recovering.

As for me, I was on bedrest all day Friday and was slowly but surely walking around on Saturday. I'm now walking but not without lots of pain but it is getting better. I visit Jonah every 3 hours or try to at least. I should be discharged either Monday morning or Tuesday.

Jonah's stats were: Born 4 days overdue on March 11th at 4:57 am weighing 7lbs 3oz(very close to the growth scan), 21 inches long, and just the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. He is doing so well and amazingly...I would do it all again for him :) He is so worth it
:hugs::hugs:congratulations on the birth of your baby boy. Pray that you are united soon.:hugs::hugs:
Sorry to hear that you had such a bad time! Congratulations on your little boy though :hugs:
congrats hun, such a shame they wouldnt listen to u xx

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