theres no telling some people!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2008
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i went to night school last night and a girl on my course came up to me rubbed my belly and started talking to the none bump:wacko:.... only 11 weeks
i myself wouldnt just go up to someone and rub their stomache :hissy:so anyway i said to her
"what the frig are you doing, you dont just go up to someone and touch them like that"
and she looked all shocked at me and said
"well your pregnant its what happens"
and then tried to touch my belly again i was absolutely fumin then i shouted at her
"is there something wrong with you ve just told you not to touch me !!! did i turn into a freak show for you to poke and prod when i became pregnant??? i'm not even showing or anything and i definately dont want anyone randomly touching me not now or ever"
she acted like i had just committed a heinous crime and said
"well ive never had anyone say that to me before"
nobodies said it to her before probably because they're in absolute shock shes had the gall to do it.
I'm completely with you on this! I have been having the same issues recently with people just touching my belly without asking. Personally I feel like it's a bit creepy & I can't stand people doing it to me.

The only people I don't mind doing it without asking is my OH (obviously), my sister and my closest friends. I even hate my mum doing it but like most people on here know, I don't get on with her that well.

She was saying to me yesterday when I was at the hospital how she wouldn't dream of touching my stomach unless I said it was ok because she knows it makes me uncomfortable - then she went and did it twice!! The 2nd time he wasn't even kicking and she had her hand on my stomach for ages even though I was saying "what are you doing, he isn't even moving!!". :growlmad:

She was also staring at my bump the whole time she was there. I hate it when people do that too, like they've never seen a pregnant woman before! For some reason people were especially doing it at the airport!
it annoys me im only 11 weeks as my oh says theres no point touchin cos theres not a bump its just bloating
my boss does it all the time.

I dont mind really. It's just a little rub. A bit of love towards baby.

It is what people do......i find it a little harsh to shout at them.
i disagree tinytoes its ok if you personally want them to but i dont its my belly not theirs. and to be honest i think its rude of people to just touch me without atleast askin if its okay. ive never done it to anyone who was pregnant and i dont expect other people to do it to me. and its not like i know this girl shes just on my course, i might let a close friend or a relative if they asked but not a virtual stranger.
i do know what you mean. hoenstly i do. My boss isnt exactly the person I'd like to rub my belly. but she does it. lots of people do.
While it might not be right, i wouldnt shout at them for it - they're just getting exited. thats all. it's not meant to be invasive. Even if it feels weird.
And remember our hormones can make us react in extreme ways.
I found soemone had put away my bowls in the wrong place the other day..for a split second I was ready to kill!:rofl:
I dont mind - only person that does it really is my mum sometimes and a lady at work .
I would mind people that aren't family or close friends touching my stomach. I like my personal space and get very uncomfortable when it's invaded.
I totally understand you Vickilouise! The only person I feel comfortable touching my bump is OH, even my family and close friends I don't really feel comfortable. I hate when people try to get too close and invade my ''bubble'' !
why is it suddenly ok for people i hardly have more than a couple of conversations a week with to start touching me.
could be classed as assault really,
it creeps me out sayin that the girl in question is a weirdo. always asks really personal questions and noses into peoples lives she acts like a child aswell if someone gets a better mark in an assignment than her. sad really shes suposed to be 24 not 4
I hate it when people rub your belly in a patronising way! like bless you have a big belly...especially when it is skinny girls :hissy:

though maybe me being irrational cause sometimes I don't mind; just don't catch me in the wrong mood! :rofl:
One of my mates did it last week when i was at a party...

I dont mind if they ask.. but just to do it is annoying really
I don't like it much when people approach and touch my stomach either, but I'm not sure I would yell at them if they did. I'd rather just explain to them politely how I don't enjoy it, not ask them what the f*** the problem is. Seems a bit harsh from an outside point of view.
I would mind people that aren't family or close friends touching my stomach. I like my personal space and get very uncomfortable when it's invaded.

I am the same way.

LOL I read a post on another forum where a complete stranger touched this posters stomach as she was pregnant, but barely showing The poster than put her hand on the other's stomach and said something to the effect of "Aww." Needless to say, the lady was completely embarrassed and probably won't do it again.
i personally dont mind i get all excited with them when they do it, obviously if it was another man that would be weird but all my friends, family and friends at work do it and i love it there just excited and they dont mean it in a horrible way there just being nice xx
I know people mean well, but if I'm not close to you, I don't want you touching me. My hubby touches my belly all the time and family members (on his side) but that is okay. One lady at work did it, she was a temp and I couldn't stand her. I wanted to smack her. I wasn't even that far along either (WTF??). It's called personal space and people are invading it. I don't voice my opinion, I'm a quiet mannered person for the most part. Now if I see someone reaching to touch me, I just move away so they get the message. Here lately no strangers have wanted to touch my belly (thank goodness).
God help the person that tries to touch me cause I'll loose it. I don't like being touched when I'm NOT pregnant, but now I'm all uncomfortable and blah. I don't even like DH touching me much. If the peanut is moving I'll put his hand on my belly, but he won't do it otherwise. My friends and family know I hate being touched, so at least I don't have to deal with them, but if a stranger touches's on.
I must give off an aggressive aura because only one person has touched my belly and that was my sister-in-law, just had to grin and bear it that time - don't want any family feuds!

I am totally against people touching pregnant bellies.
It's bad enough that the world thinks your pregnancy is public property, for some reason it's ok to comment on a pregnant woman's weight/bodily functions, it's ok to TELL that woman what she should and shouldn't be doing.
It is not ok for strangers, acquaintances, whatever to touch you! If you weren't pregnant it'd be indecent and at work you could do them for harassment!

Sorry about the rant... one of my pet peeves!
I'm with ya hun. It has been happening more and more often! Not too many strangers in public thank goodness, cause I might freak out.. But a few nights ago I was with my sister, and this guy she knows (Whom I met for the first time) started rubbing my tummy. Then my brother came over today with a girl I've never met, and she started touching my belling. Saying "Make the baby kick!! I wanna feel it!" I'm like, shes probably sleeping, she doesn't just kick on demand. (Although in reality, if I woulda poked her a lil bit, she would have started kicking away)

People really dont understand that a pregnant belly is a private, intimate thing. And not to be put on display for anyone to touch. If someone did it that I didn't like, (theres a couple people from work/school that I dont care for) I would be very upset, and if it was a particularly hormonal day, I probably would yell. I've been so much more impatient and I'm getting further. Im sore, swollen, and huge!
I am the same way.

LOL I read a post on another forum where a complete stranger touched this posters stomach as she was pregnant, but barely showing The poster than put her hand on the other's stomach and said something to the effect of "Aww." Needless to say, the lady was completely embarrassed and probably won't do it again.

Im going to be the same! I don't want any strangers touching me, they think that coz ur pregnant then u've lost all your dignity. Don't they know that you only lose it AFTER you've given birth.

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