Things they don't tell u about c-sections - Dont read if ur already scared!

Also, the constipation after my natural delivery was much much worse.
I found laughing and sneezing to be a real pain, quite literally!
My first section was an emergency, I didn't have the clexane afterwards, didn't have wind & dint have a drain.

My second section was elective, I had awful wind afterwards, had to inject for a week (I did forget after about 4 days though) and I had a drain. I laboured for 24 hours with Dd, I've always said toothache is worse than labour but actually having the drain out was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. It was awful.
my c-section was a doddle..i was hoovering up 2 days after and i actually jumped out of my living roomwindow to stop my husband (who left me a week b4 baby arrived) from stealing my car...i was like super c section woman lol
I had quite a good recovery really. Although I had to do the injections in my belly for 6weeks! :shrug:
i didnt have the drain sounds awfull.....i think the main thing for me was the nurse being really pushy getting me out of the bed for a shower.... ( obv i knew i needed one lol ) but about 14 hours later or so they were asking me to get up and have a shower to walk about. i mean hell a day is hardly going to make me a tramp lol. now i dont know if i already had the infection going on but it was seriously painfull i cried so much to even get to the shower room it wasnt a nice expiriene. i saw girls walking who had their section after me and they seemed to be walking fine. yet i was in so much agony! the shower head alone was sooo powerful and kept falling of the end . i was in this cubicle half wet trying to clean mysef whilst holding a broken shower. never again.

lol! I also did get a condition called fibroymlygia. from my c section. it basically triggerd it on.

And i was in and out of hospital for 5 weeks after i had her and still have it now. have to take a shed loada pills each day. a week or so after i had to be taken to hosp due to severe pain and infection. and then was in for a week went home for a week then my hands started to hurt then my wrists legs and evey joint you could think of to the point where i couldnt even move. i then had steriod infususions and and continued some treatment in hospital for 2 weeks and now am at home managing the condition with strong pain relief xxx

Sorry for the long essay xxxx
Those injections were horrid, I'm terrified of needles and had to get OH to inject me.
The day after my section was the worst for me, LO was sick in his cot so they decided it was finally time for me to walk. I had to try and get dressed, sort LO out and his clothes all whilst trying to manoeuvre my catheter too. Then they took my cannula out which bled everywhere and forced me to go have a shower. I hadn't eaten in 2 days so kept almost passing out. Doesn't help that I'm a wimp and having to take my pad off the wound made me feel really ill :blush: :rofl:

I remember being terrified to sneeze. Laughing and coughing hurt so I used to stop myself sneezing, I finally sneezed at about 3 months :haha:
Yes, some of these things sound scary and undignified, but it really isn't that bad. I found the worst bit was the night after my section when they got me up.
It was painful and I had to go slowly but the most awkward bit was the catheter. A lovely nurse helped me to the loo and gave me a wash down (because some blood dripped down my legs when I stood), and helped me get my massive granny pants and a pad on without disturbing my catheter! She was so kind and I will always remember how grateful I felt to feel a bit fresher and to be up and walking.
The next morning my catheter was removed, which was just a quick tug. I honestly didn't feel it! I think the pain in my wound distracted me more to be honest. After you're home you feel so much better. Just try and sleep as much as you can as it helps you heal. Easier said than done with a newborn, I know :)
Why did you need to go to the loo if your catheter was still in chatlinegirl? Sorry if I'm being dense, I though the point of a catheter was to drain your urine - both times I stayed in bed until it was removed first thing the following morning.
Why did you need to go to the loo if your catheter was still in chatlinegirl? Sorry if I'm being dense, I though the point of a catheter was to drain your urine - both times I stayed in bed until it was removed first thing the following morning.

They took me to the bathroom to wash and freshen up. It was the first time I'd stood up and it was a bit messy so we went to the bathroom to sort it (put pants and pad on) and have a little walk. I didn't actually need to use the loo, just a figure of speech :)
I never had the injections but I was not allowed to eat unil I passed gas. I was only allowed fluids until 24 hours after when I could finally fake a fart hahahahah
I didn't have any of those things really. My c-section recovery was remarkably better and easier than I could have hoped for.
Wow ! I have had 2 c-sections and i have not once experienced any of the things you mentioned. Perhaps c-sections in the us are different from those in the uk because while there is some pain afterwards, there were no injections and all that other mess.

Threads like this i try to stay away from you because you only discourage people that are interesting in choosing a c-section just as those who have no choice but to get one. It's not right but because its a public forum and its meant for you to share your thoughts, opinions, and stories, its okay but what everyone must realize is giving birth whether natural or by c-section is one step in the grave and one step out of it. There are risks in both deliveries. Beautiful and healthy babies are born via both deliveries. Keep that in mind when you're posting this kind of shit. (excuse my english)
wow i never had any of these & i've had two sections. what was the injections for? i had bead stitches the 2 nd time they didn't hurt coming out.
The injections are to help stop the risk of dvt I think.
they are snuffy. think its a new thing in the uk and although DF was not looking forward to giving them to me, they werent that bad and he managed it. I only had them fir 5 days at home.
I was taken by supprise after I had my emergency c-sec by all the things that happend to me that I'd never heard of or read about, so just wanted to share.....

1st and most supprising thing was that I had to have an injection in my belly a few hours after the c-sec and that I had to have one a day for 7 days, which meant doing them your self at home :shock: for someone who doesn't like needles this was a scary thought! Luckily I got someone to do it for me.

2nd The painkillers they give you cause constipation!!!!!! Constipation whilst your stomach is being held together by a few stiches is Not the one!!!! I'd never had constipation befor and actually thought I was dying :blush:

3 c-sec messes up your digestion and your not supposed to eat normally straight away! They give you all this info whilst your looking at your new born and it goes in one ear, out the other.....end result worse constipation!!!

4 your ankles and feet can swell up! I literally looked like the guy out of nutty professor when he balloons up, cankles were an understatement! Couldn't walk or bend or go upstairs for about 3 weeks!!!! Does make looking after a new baby quite difficult, especially if you keep dropping things and can't pick them up :wacko:

5 I had a drain in my wound afterwards which they remove the next day...... VERY painfull, they only told me about the drain when they came to remove it "this will probably be quite painfull" oh thanks!!!!

6 day 5 midwife comes to visit, "I'm going to remove your bead stich now" wtf! Another painfull process I had no idea about!

Midwife books you an appointment, to come to the clinic! Erm I can't drive for 6 weeks and how am I supposed to walk with balloon feet :nope:

Finally start to feel better and venture out for a stroll with your new baby/pram! Your stomach muscles don't allow you to get the pram up kerbs :dohh: you get half way down the road and actually a realise you feel very ill, and now have to try and survive the walk back!

SO! Anyone who thinks having a c-section is an easy option, ha think again!
But why don't they tell you any of this in the books :shrug:

What was the injection in your stomach? I don't remember having one.
I never had constipation at all during my pregnancy or after the c-section...
Totally agree on the ankles, I was so swollen for about a week and the walking. After a week I walked around the block and only made it 2 laps before I started getting sick and light headed.
The things I was surprised about: how much you bleed when you stand up - I literally gushed the first few times I stood up and that was even with a huge pad. Also the size of the blood clots you pass... I thought something was wrong it was the size of my pad!
I never had some of those things either but I did get an infection, got stuck on my bed as I couldn't get up due to pain, couldn't lift my baby, struggled to pick izzie up out of the cot and didn't manage to bf (I hate that most) had to visit the nurse daily for them to clean my section wound and redress it with a seaweed wrap :( I couldn't drive for 6 weeks and due to laying down for so long my legs killed when I first walked - for all of that I hope I never have a section again :) defo want to try a vbac me thinks lol
Got a question for you ladies,

Do you have cathiter (spelling?) inserted and do they do it when you can still feel what's going on down there? I'm more scared of that then the operation!!!!! When do they remove it?
You will have 1 put in. Not sure when is normal for it to go in as mine was originally put in for another reason the morning I had my section so was done before I had a spinal. It was removed 24 hours after having my son.
Mine went in after my spinal so I didn't feel a thing. It doesn't hurt coming out either, just a quick tugging sensation and over in 2 seconds.

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