Hi Polaris - Here's today's update: I'm really, really hopeful! I got my blood test results back from the dr this morning. We went for a "preconception appt" yesterday and I wish to god I had asked for an hcg/prengnacy blood test but didn't want to push for it since I wasn't officially late for af. My blood pressure (97/62) is really low which is normal for early pregnancy, TSH is normal (2.47), my FSH (2) is low for the Luteal phase but normal for early pregnancy, and my prolactin (15) levels are normal. They haven't posted the rest of the test results. I tested last night with yesterday's FMU and got a bfn but apparently hcg only stays in FMU for a maximum of 7 hours unrefrigerated and by the time I got home it had been about 12 hours so I still have hope. My plan is to test on Saturday if the
still hasn't shown up. That way I'd be 18dpo from the first temp dip and 10dpo from the second in case I didn't ovulate until the second dip even though I got a positive OPK before the first temp dip. Either way, I'm still starving constantly, temp is still up (98.0) this morning, 16dpo, and no AF.
Fingers still crossed!