thinking about having a water birth


Aug 12, 2010
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hi i'm just looking for peoples opinions on water birthing.
I'm pondering over a waterbirth too so will be interesting to see reponses.
My sister in law had a water birth oohh.... about 3 hours ago.
I've not a clue what it's like though sorry.
sugarmum, have you started a similar thread in the parenting section? Perhaps there'll be some new mums who have just had one...? Just a thought :) xxx

I had always wanted to give birth in water - think it was more to do with baby not being covered in blood etc.!! I decided on a home water birth in the end as my local hospital couldn't guarantee that their one and only pool would be free. I didn't labour in my pool as I just used a TENS machine for pain relief, but I was able to hop in for the pushing stage (I was only in it for 20 minutes!). The feeling of getting into the water was wonderful - it was so warm and really felt relaxing. If I have another baby, I'd give birth in the water again - I can't actually imagine having a dry birth! x
I had my first in water...well to tell the truth :nope: they made me get out at 10cm as they didnt believe i needed to push :cry: and they said i could get back in but she was crowning and i couldnt move really. However being in the pool was great!!! I've just got my pool and putting it up tonight :wohoo: I dont think i would want to give birth any other way now :)
I am so excited for you! It is supposed to be an amazing experience. I wanted a water birth with my first, but it wasn't possible because we planned a hospital birth. This time, we'll have a birth pool here at home. I have read tons of stories and info on water birth and it seems to be an amazing experience. You might just labor in water and get out to push or vice versa, but either way, water is supposed to be an amazing pain relief aid. The main thing is to have an excellent support system that keeps your experience safe and satisfying!
i had a water birth with my 2nd lo, my ds who is 2 now, it was amazing and i never need any pain relief, on my other 2 births i had diamorphine and gas and air
i had my water birth in hospital though and was disappointed when i went in to have dd2 as it wasnt available :( hence the reason for a home water birth this time around
i would recommend it to anyone and everyone :)
I have had 4 waterbirths and an hoping for a 5th in september!

The main reasons i like giving birth in water are
1) the privacy (lying on a bed with legs spread REALLY does not appeal!) I usually wear a tankini top in the pool.
2) the "hands off" approach by midwives (they can not mess you around doing internals etc if you are in the pool)
3) the natural pain relief, being in the water is lovely (and i am not a big fan of water!)
4) there is less chance of tearing in the water
5) much more natural birth positions, making giving birth easier and quicker!
6) waterbabies are born a lot more relax and often don't even cry!

I have only ever heard of positive things about waterbirths (although i did hear ONCE along time ago a woman drowned while in labour in a bath? I wonder why she was on her own?)
Many people worry about the baby drowning but this is not the case. Babies have been in water for the last 9 months and its very natural for the baby (and i think easier) to be born into warm water rather than cold air? Babies don't take their first breath until they are brought out of the water by you or DH (My DH loves to say he was the first person to ever touch our children) and can remain under water breathing through their placenta until it stops pulsing (about 10 mins) Not that i recommend this. (But I have heard Midwives tell people you should never touch the baby's head while its under water as it could gasp and drowned! Rubbish!:nope:) I spent a good 30 seconds to a minute stroking Baby 2 and 4's heads while waiting for the next contraction for their body to be born. (the other 2 where born in 1 push:winkwink:)

If there are any problems and they would just continue your labour on the bed.
The only down sides to a waterbirth are
1) the only pain relief (except for the water) you can have is G&A
2) the pool may already be in use (make sure when you phone to say you are come into hospital you tell them you want the pool!)
3) you may not like it? (But the good thing is you can change your mind and get out at any time)

My last (home) waterbirth was 15 months ago and was brilliant.
:kiss: xx
I had a water birth. It was wonderful! I've heard of ladies who hoped for one, then on the day they don't feel like using the pool, but I really recommend having the option there, because the feel of the warm water was so wonderful! I only paid £40 for it, but I'd have spent that many times over for that relief :)

The benefits of doing it in water...
- it means more blood flow (which means means more oxygen) to your uterus. This helps it contract more effectively, and it means more oxygen to your baby too

- reeeeaally helps you relax, which means less pain/no pain

- supports your weight and makes it easierfor you to get in good positions to help baby descend and exit

- gives you a feeling of "privacy" which really helps you progress. Most people progress better when they dont have people gawking at or faffing around with their privates.

- makes it easier for you to gave a hands off birth; people can only look or touch if you actually LET them. NO ONE touched my baby as she was coming out of me, other than me and dh stroking her hair. She slithered out and I picked her up and brought her to my chest, and I doubt that will ever be dethroned as the most awesome experience if my life!

- the warm water really eases the sensation of crowning. The best thing to do (again) is to relax into it and the water helps with that.

- less chance of tearing.

- it's meant to be an easier transition for baby, who has spent the last 9 months in water :)

That's all I can think of for now, I'm sure there are more!

I did it at home, so there was no worry about availability :)
My experience was fantastic during labour but (and please don't be put off because it hasn't put me off, I fully intend to labour and hopefully deliver in the birthing pool this time) I had to literally be dragged out of it when my waters finally broke, revealing LO had pooed inside of me. From there I didn't have a great birth, I ended up having a forceps delivery but I can't praise the birthing pool enough. It was amazing! :thumbup: xx
Thanks for your stories ladies. The more I hear, the more relaxed I get about going through labour again, after being stressed about it after my last labour and birth. A home water birth is seeming more and more like something I really want, especially great as my midwife is so supportive of it. :flower:
I totally agree with the 2 comments above about benifts of waterbirth - it was for me an amazing pain free experiance!

I loved the sensation of rising up in though the water and then dipping down into the water with a contraction. also in the breaks in contractions, I just let my legs float out behind me. I felt so relaxed and supported.

.. and I know it is a bit tenutive, but I do feel my baby is more chilled out as a result. She didn't cry when I picked her up into my arms straight after delivery, and she has been really chilled out ever since!
As posters above really: the feeling of being completely in control of the birth of your baby is amazing (because of virtually no intervention). With my home water birth, I was examined when the midwives first arrived and wasn't touched at all after that. I was the first person to touch Alex and announced his sex too - it really was an awesome experience: I feel like I want to cry each time I think about it! x
I thnk the idea of hands off is quite nerve wracking for some first timers, but it really is a huge plus! Can't emphasise it enough. :). I was also examined on arrival and not after that, other than checking the heart tones occasionally, which I did not leave the pool for. I also found out and announced the sex myself, it was just lovely :)
Do it! I had one with Mia and it was amazing! and I'm very pleased to say that I've just been given a big :thumbup: from the Birth Centre to have my second one when I have Joseph in a few weeks :happydance: xx
I did it at home, so there was no worry about availability :)

This is a really good point - the ONLY way to guarantee a water-birth is to do it at home!

our hospitals midwife led birthing unit have a pool in every room :thumbup:

i highly recommend waterbirthing! i used the pool, with gas & air from about 4cm, to 10cm, and i love love loved it!!! the pain relief was fab, the privacy and hands off midwives were just what i wanted, and it was so relaxing. i had the lights low, some music on, and the water is so lovely & warm!

i ended up having to get out of the pool at 10cm as rubys HB was very low, so gave birth on dry land, but my god, the pain was tenfold as soon as i got out, i was begging them to let me back in again!
if i decide to ever put myself through the 9 months of hyperemesis again, ill be having a home water birth, if at all possible :)

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