This can't be healthy....


Mummy of 2
Sep 23, 2008
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Hi all,

Well, I'm 5dpo and have just started my night shift rotation. Last night at work went ok, had some rest just sitting down for an hour or so, time passed pretty quick, but I am having problems now! Can't sleep during the day, never have been able to, and I'm back on tonight, and tomorrow night. Got a month of this and it's just not good. I feel like the tiredness cannot be good for TTC, and if this month is my lucky month, well then that can't be healthy either! :hissy:
Whilst I've been in bed I've been having what feel like period pains....and when you're lying there unable to sleep you begin to obsess over evry little twinge :dohh: and if it isn't my month then the tiredness may delay my period, causing yet more questions and more heart ache!
I suppose this post has turned into a rant, and an excuse to symptom 5dpo...I'm going mad! I will try to sleep and no more stress :sleep:
ah Angel! Its crap innit, the waiting is unbearable and like you say you think every twinge is coming back as a man! x:hug::hug::hug:
I think it's the fact that I can't sleep too....I'm getting angry and frustrated with myself Aquarius, and then I can't sleep even more! And then I think more, then I can't sleep more, then I get angry more, and then.....x
I think it's the fact that I can't sleep too....I'm getting angry and frustrated with myself Aquarius, and then I can't sleep even more! And then I think more, then I can't sleep more, then I get angry more, and then.....x

Its a vicious circle! Go and make a cup of tea or hot chocolate and try to relax babe xx
Hi all,

and if it isn't my month then the tiredness may delay my period, causing yet more questions and more heart ache!

i have read that after o u cnt delay af its o that can be delayed by things.
good luck
chin up angel. I know its hard not to stress about it but u have to chill babes. Im kinda in same situ as u, dunno if AF aint come casue Im stressed or what but all I do know is the last 2 weeks I been very very tired! xxxxxx try and relax as hard as it may be xxxx :hugs:
I've been on night shift for over 6 years and still managed to catch the eggy! Hang in there!!
Thanks all for your answers....Dolcebella, 6 years, HOW ON EARTH do you manage that?! I hate it, I don't sleep, and look and feel like poo. Big respect to you :hug:

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