My husband and I have been TTC since August - I have had a number of medical complications in the past; therefore, I had a feeling this would not be easy.
Started missing periods in March with negative HPTs. Cycles were averaging 56 days so I went to the OBGYN.
He started testing:
Ultrasound - good!
Blood test for pregnancy - negative
Provera 5 days - period on day 2 after provera finished (light)
Blood work on thyroid / hormone levels - waiting results
Xray of tubes scheduled for Wednesday - a little nervous. Was told to take motrin in advance - is this painful?
Clomid prescribed. Here is where I am most confused. I picked up the clomid and there is no indication as to when I am supposed to start taking it. I looked online under the drug facts and it says that you normally start it on day 5 of your cycle (for me that will be Tuesday). Is that right? I will call the DR. to confirm tomorrow but I am so anxious to get this right, I would love any advice.
And then it gets more confusing . . . so you start the clomid, but how the heck do you know when to have sex? Some sites say every other day starting on day 11.
I know this is no guarantee but I want to at least follow the "best practices" . . .

Started missing periods in March with negative HPTs. Cycles were averaging 56 days so I went to the OBGYN.
He started testing:
Ultrasound - good!
Blood test for pregnancy - negative
Provera 5 days - period on day 2 after provera finished (light)
Blood work on thyroid / hormone levels - waiting results
Xray of tubes scheduled for Wednesday - a little nervous. Was told to take motrin in advance - is this painful?
Clomid prescribed. Here is where I am most confused. I picked up the clomid and there is no indication as to when I am supposed to start taking it. I looked online under the drug facts and it says that you normally start it on day 5 of your cycle (for me that will be Tuesday). Is that right? I will call the DR. to confirm tomorrow but I am so anxious to get this right, I would love any advice.
And then it gets more confusing . . . so you start the clomid, but how the heck do you know when to have sex? Some sites say every other day starting on day 11.
I know this is no guarantee but I want to at least follow the "best practices" . . .