Hi girls. Hope Yr all well? I am dying of a headache all night. Have been awake Since 4am. Have been signed off work for ages. Cant tell you how much weight I have put on!
Faythe how are you?? How's baby? Could be any day now!!
Pinky when's yr f/s appointment? Still praying for you. Xx
Moter is it weds when you have your scan!? I bet it will look better. X
Sarah how are you and your little bean getting on?![]()
Happy 17 weeks Moter! That's crazy where has the time gone? Yr an onion! Happy 6 weeks Sarah you little sweetpea. I'm a raspberry.....ummmm raspberry! I could eat those right now.....I'm such a pig. Xx
Just been stalking around in my tiredness boredom and looked at faythes journal and she says she is in labour! Too excited!! X
I had nightmares all night last night. Pinky, I don't think I can even talk about horro movies anymore. Lol
My crochet supplies come today.![]()
When it first started, I dilated to 1cm straight away and was told my cervix was thinning and dialating nicely.
Not false labour - just one of the unlucky few that is having a stop/start labour.
ETA: With all the strong contractions and pains on my cervix from 2-6am, I'm most likely more dilated now but the hospital won't see me again until the contractions are coming 4 every 10 minutes.
i'm thinking of painting the babies room a light pastel yellow. i want to decorate with jungle animal decals of monkeys, zebra, lion, tiger etc. i think it would look really cool. i know which dresser i want too. it's in espresso color. except that we will use DS's crib and changing table and they are of a lighter oak type color. my dilemma is that the furniture will not match for the first 2 years till we buy a toddler bed. then we would buy an espresso color bedframe to match the dresser. (planning on the dresser to last many years) i don't know why i'm so fixated on this. DS's furniture does not match either lol! DS bookshelf was mine from my room as a kid and his dresser was bought at a great deal to match the trim in the room. and his bed is a red car lol.