Yay rach i wanna see scan!!
Tina..could it have been caused by the stretching of the uterus? Ive just been sat thinking about it and maybe when the body was stretching things out it irritated a nerve and causes the spasming? The uterus has to get so big and your sweet potato is growing bigger all the time so maybe its just caused by a growth spurt?
Only thing in that list i havent tried is sniffing a lemon! Tho i had some fresh lemon yesterday in some water and even that was turning my stomach lol.
Currently laid on my bed with a pack of ginger biscuits, some water and keeping my mind on the end result! I dont -do- feeling ill. I hate feeling sorry for myself. So worth it but definitely draiing
Does milk help your heartburn at all tina?
i think you are having a girl sarah. with how sick you are, i'd be surprised if it's a boy!
i know how you are feeling. it's miserable feeling sick all the time. and it's not like it lasts just a week or two, it's weeks and weeks and def draining! you've got it even worse with the vomiting! can you call in and ask for a different anti nausea med? i bet they can find something for you that will at least help with that. there's also this all natural supplement called morning sickness magic. it works for some. it is a combo of ginger and b6. gotta admit, it didn't work for me, but maybe it will for you. oh, have you tried gum? that may help too. cinnamon or peppermint gum helped me a bit when the big waves of nausea hit. hope the worst of it tapers off soon.
i've tried all natural remedies for heartburn and nothing works. approved meds don't even work. i could get a script from dr for nexium which might work, but i'm not willing to do that just yet. i think it just comes down to that i am more prone to heartburn. if it gets so bad that i feel nausea a lot, then i will ask for a script. trying to avoid fried foods, spicy foods, anything that might make it worse. i think it will come and go in the 2nd tri, which is tolerable. if its here to stay in 3rd tri, i'll have to talk to dr. it's not good for the throat to have acid burning it 24/7, so there's that to think of too.
Definitely speak to the doctor hun if it continues, and ill tell you why.
Months and months and months ago, about 6 months now, I had an infection and I started to lose my voice. They told me that it was laryngitis and that it would get better within 3 weeks. Well here I still am, and my voice is so hit and miss its depressing. Some days I can talk fairly ok, others my voice is breaking constantly and I have to force it out, and others its just not worth trying.
Last month, we found out that I have vocal chord damage. Its been caused by acid reflux. Id always had heartburn but I didnt recall it being worse than usual. But then the doctor told me there is a condition called silent reflux wher ethe acid comes up part way into the tubes but doesnt make it all the way into the mouth. And it damages the vocal chords like what I have now. It may or may not get better. But unfortunately, the treatment for silent reflux is not safe in pregnancy so hopefully it wont be too bad in 7 months time when I can finally get treated and ill get my voice back.
I think if youre suffering quite bad with it now then theres a good chance youre going to be really suffering in the third tri when everything gets pushed up

So I would defo recommend speaking to the doc about what can be done if thats the case.
Peppermind is now laying very heavy on me

As is ginger lol. Typical isnt it! I have found though that sucking on a chuppa chup is really helping my nausea. I went to the store last night and bought a box of 50 to keep me stopcked up lol.
I was so happy this morning when I woke up and felt hungry more than sick. I ate a crumpet and felt great! But then I made the mistake of eating a yoghurt and now thats something to add to the avoid list cos Im now back in pukeville lol.
How u ladies feeling today? xx