That's true, each labor is different. Would love to have just 5 weeks to go haven't felt too bad today so hopin that continues and maybe it was just a bad week
Merry Christmas! Reckon its the bestest for all of us! First christmas for Jacob, and this year the rest of us have special cargo! Cant wait to have first christmas next year!
christmas was so much fun! ds doesn't understand all about Santa yet and didn't even notice his presents under the tree when he woke up. once i showed him though he tore into them. he had a blast. his favorite present he got from santa was his remote control train. his favorite present from family was from his grandma and grandpa. he got a play kitchen with play food and a shopping cart.....though he using the shopping cart to chase around and terrorize the poor dog, lol!
Oh bless him!! Hes gunna be hunting for those presents next christmas and tearing the tree up to get to them!! So glad that you all had such a lovely time!
Can you believe we are all going to have a baby around for the next one!! Not that Aden isnt a know what I mean!! x
I know! Gonna be so much fun, I can wait.
Though I have to admit I am very happy its just one baby. We spent the day at my brother and sil's yesterday with their triplets and oh my, do they have their work cut out for them! It was feed the babies, change the babies, this ones crying, that one needs changing again, time to feed again and do it all over! They looked so tired, but happy. One at a time for me please
The last picture was when we got home from my parents and Jacob was conked out. Cuddled up with the blanket my friend made and his bunny my sis got for him.
Ive given up trying to guess based on the scan picture I was so sure id feel super strongly one way or another but nope! I dont! Well..gunna be a nice surprise either way
How are you ladies today? I am so exhausted. Little one is a proper wriggler and keeps me awake all night. Love it tho
Do you think you will have any more Faythe? Jacob is so gorgeous!!
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