Those TTC for awhile.

OK, basically since we stopped ep'ing and he went on formula, we've had problems. Initially we thought it was just because of the change over but it's getting worse.

He is VERY windy, crampy, vomits alot (small amounts but frequently), screams and writhes, refuses feeds.......... the list goes on.

He hasn't gained weight for 4 weeks. Prior to that he lost alot after refusing feeds for a week but gained it back, and now isn't gaining at all.

He is straining/tantrumming/crying ALL day. It's worse when he eats.

Chris has a massive intolerance to dairy.......... this to me screams CMPI rather than a lactose issues as Chris cannot eat dairy (lactose free or not) and Jacob was fine on breastmilk which has alot of lactose in.

The GP has fobbed me off with fucking colic drops today. Told me to use for two weeks and come back. If no joy then he is to go on a specialist milk.

So after dealing with this for 9 weeks already, I have to deal with it for another two which is completely ridiculous when Jacob is suffering and I am having a meltdown.

Faythe, ds1 was colicky and a lot like you describe. Colic drops did NOTHING. I took it upon myself to try different formulas and the two that worked for him were the soy-which I did not want to keep him on since he didnt have a lactose allergy- and an anti spit up formula- called enfamil AR here in US. This is the one that got him eating again and not so upset all the time, though he was still colicky, just not as bad. Note though that ds was this way from the minute he was born..we never figured out what was wrong but the right formula helped leaps and bounds. Also note...he had projectile vomiting and it would take 40 minutes to feed him 2 oz before switching to the anti spit up formula.
I hope you find a solution as I know how trying a colicky baby can be!
Have you tried swinging him in exaggerated movements? We would put ds in his carseat and swing it, then in baby swing once we got one on the highest setting. This is by far what helped the most, put him to sleep just like that.
You can also try laying him on his belly across your knees and gently bouncing. This can help relieve gas. Feed him in as upright of a position as you can as well.
tried all of that, it doesn't work, nor does anything for colic/reflux. I believe, with Chris' intolerance to CMP, that Jacob too has it

Faythe, if that's the case a soy based formula would probably do the trick.

Yes, very busy with two young ones plus trying to setup dh's business....he is hiring an employee now and I'm gonna do all the bookwork for it. And Kash has decided he wants to spend half the night awake playing with mommy, then as soon as ds 1 gets up for the day he decides he wants to sleep for 4 hours straight lol

Don't miss the baby in the ribs! Gotta say I am happy he is outta me finally....those last weeks are so uncomfortable. Hope you can find a way stay comfortable

Cant believe hes been here over a week already!! How is Aden with him now? :) x
OK, basically since we stopped ep'ing and he went on formula, we've had problems. Initially we thought it was just because of the change over but it's getting worse.

He is VERY windy, crampy, vomits alot (small amounts but frequently), screams and writhes, refuses feeds.......... the list goes on.

He hasn't gained weight for 4 weeks. Prior to that he lost alot after refusing feeds for a week but gained it back, and now isn't gaining at all.

He is straining/tantrumming/crying ALL day. It's worse when he eats.

Chris has a massive intolerance to dairy.......... this to me screams CMPI rather than a lactose issues as Chris cannot eat dairy (lactose free or not) and Jacob was fine on breastmilk which has alot of lactose in.

The GP has fobbed me off with fucking colic drops today. Told me to use for two weeks and come back. If no joy then he is to go on a specialist milk.

So after dealing with this for 9 weeks already, I have to deal with it for another two which is completely ridiculous when Jacob is suffering and I am having a meltdown.


Wow...that seems really...bad..of the doc!! 9wks is a long time to have been dealing with this :( You must be so exhausted and stressed out. And poor Jacob not feeling well too or putting weight on. You would think they would have atleast put a referral through already :(

I hope you get some answers soon, must be hard for all of you :( x
Hi girls. Faythe can you not get a second opinion?
Yes moter over a week old already! Amazing! I don't get to wish you happy Mondays anymore!!
Sarah how are you?
These long days at work are a real killer now! The back/rib pain is unreal!
tried all of that, it doesn't work, nor does anything for colic/reflux. I believe, with Chris' intolerance to CMP, that Jacob too has it


hope you can figure it out soon. can you get a second opinion maybe?
Faythe, if that's the case a soy based formula would probably do the trick.

Yes, very busy with two young ones plus trying to setup dh's business....he is hiring an employee now and I'm gonna do all the bookwork for it. And Kash has decided he wants to spend half the night awake playing with mommy, then as soon as ds 1 gets up for the day he decides he wants to sleep for 4 hours straight lol

Don't miss the baby in the ribs! Gotta say I am happy he is outta me finally....those last weeks are so uncomfortable. Hope you can find a way stay comfortable

Cant believe hes been here over a week already!! How is Aden with him now? :) x
aden's great with him now. helps with bottles, and diapers and gets him a paci when he cries. he loves giving him hugs and kisses too, especially just before bedtime....he loves to put off bedtime as long as possible :winkwink:
Hi girls. Faythe can you not get a second opinion?
Yes moter over a week old already! Amazing! I don't get to wish you happy Mondays anymore!!
Sarah how are you?
These long days at work are a real killer now! The back/rib pain is unreal!

Aww chick...I am so with you on the back pain. When are you going off work? Must be hard work doing what you do now!

Im ok chick, just battling through this virus and bronchitis. Been a week now! On a plus tho, this last two days ive felt so rotten that I didnt even stop to realise that I wasnt having my usual morning sickness and day nausea! Im hoping that atleast stays gone!!

How are you feeling hun and how did your other friend go with the scan? X
Faythe, if that's the case a soy based formula would probably do the trick.

Yes, very busy with two young ones plus trying to setup dh's business....he is hiring an employee now and I'm gonna do all the bookwork for it. And Kash has decided he wants to spend half the night awake playing with mommy, then as soon as ds 1 gets up for the day he decides he wants to sleep for 4 hours straight lol

Don't miss the baby in the ribs! Gotta say I am happy he is outta me finally....those last weeks are so uncomfortable. Hope you can find a way stay comfortable

Cant believe hes been here over a week already!! How is Aden with him now? :) x
aden's great with him now. helps with bottles, and diapers and gets him a paci when he cries. he loves giving him hugs and kisses too, especially just before bedtime....he loves to put off bedtime as long as possible :winkwink:

Oh my goodness how cute is that!!! Hes gunna be the bestest big brother ever! We need a piccie of Aden with Kash! I bet its wonderful though seeing Aden adapt so well to having another little one around :) x
Faythe, if that's the case a soy based formula would probably do the trick.

Yes, very busy with two young ones plus trying to setup dh's business....he is hiring an employee now and I'm gonna do all the bookwork for it. And Kash has decided he wants to spend half the night awake playing with mommy, then as soon as ds 1 gets up for the day he decides he wants to sleep for 4 hours straight lol

Don't miss the baby in the ribs! Gotta say I am happy he is outta me finally....those last weeks are so uncomfortable. Hope you can find a way stay comfortable

Cant believe hes been here over a week already!! How is Aden with him now? :) x
aden's great with him now. helps with bottles, and diapers and gets him a paci when he cries. he loves giving him hugs and kisses too, especially just before bedtime....he loves to put off bedtime as long as possible :winkwink:

Oh my goodness how cute is that!!! Hes gunna be the bestest big brother ever! We need a piccie of Aden with Kash! I bet its wonderful though seeing Aden adapt so well to having another little one around :) x

I've been trying to get a pic but haven't succeeded yet. Aden will not cooperate! It is really great seeing him adjust so well. I was worried he would be upset or feel like he wasn't getting enough attention but turns out he's just fine with it
Hey girls, for the back pain they make pregnancy support belts. I never did get one but I've heard it helps.
Hey ladies hope you are doing well!

Im so glad hes adjusted so well Tina! I can imagine it must have been on your mind before the birth. He seems like such a lovely little boy though and I bet hes going to grow up to be super protective of his little brother!

Hope you are feeling healed some since labour <3 xx
Hi girls!
Happy 30 weeks sarah! It feels great to get to the big 3-0 doesn't it?
happy 30 weeks sarah
happy 32 weeks rooster

been a whirlwind here. kash had 5 fussy days when we switched from ready to feed formula to powdered. got different bottles for him cause he seemed to be sucking in so much air. he's back to my content baby again. :)

how are you all feeing?

my recovery has been very easy compared to last time. i was back doing light walking on te treadmill at 3 days PP. really helped to get my digestive system back to rights. and i only have one small 3 inch stretchmark! i've lost 13 pounds of my pregnancy weight.....17 to go. i'm back to 80% clean eating and really feeling good! kash and aden are both doing great. so far its easier than i anticipated having two kids, just alot more busy now compared to one.....but it keeps things fun
Sounds like your doing just great moter! Well done!!
I'm ok, really struggling now with my back, have tired a support band but it makes my tummy hurt! It's ok for a few hours but too much for a 13 hr shift! X
Is there any way to cut your hours now? 13 hour shifts sound brutal at this stage in pregnancy!
I need to cut my hours but only a few weeks left so just going to grin and bear it! Had a very busy day yesterday and had an extremely confused patient who hit me in the tummy (not very hard as I managed to jump back! Thank god! Poor baby beaky!
I'm off today though and baby had hiccups for the first time this morning!! I don't think he liked having them!
How is everyone else? Xxx
Hi girls!
Happy 30 weeks sarah! It feels great to get to the big 3-0 doesn't it?

And happy 32wks to go for you too chick!! 5 more weeks and Baby Beak is fully bakes!! :happydance:

It does feel nice to be out of the 20s! Defo feel like im hitting that uncomfortable stage now tho :P Everything is so squished isnt it? :D x

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