Im using an Avent electricThe hand version was great so thought id stick with what worked! Tried a mothercare one inbetween and it was absolutely shocking! know..I havent been doing thatIve been sitting in the kitchen pumping. Perhaps I should be doing it next to Alex and tapping into those hormones! Im such a noob when it comes to all this stuff.
Im just so glad that my milk hasnt dried up...Im surprised to tell you the truth considering how arse upwards Ive been getting things!!
How is everyone getting on?
Happy mothers day Tina! x
aden had this everyday from his formula. dr told us to put karo syrup in his bottle. worked like a charm. start with a teaspoon and increase if needed. we did 1 tablespoon a day in aden's bottles, but that was just because the formula constipated him. a teaspoon may work for youIm using an Avent electricThe hand version was great so thought id stick with what worked! Tried a mothercare one inbetween and it was absolutely shocking! know..I havent been doing thatIve been sitting in the kitchen pumping. Perhaps I should be doing it next to Alex and tapping into those hormones! Im such a noob when it comes to all this stuff.
Im just so glad that my milk hasnt dried up...Im surprised to tell you the truth considering how arse upwards Ive been getting things!!
How is everyone getting on?
Happy mothers day Tina! x
It's hard work sarah! Not to mention your hormones going crazy and sleep deprivation! Don't be hard on yourself!
Poor little Bjorn has terrible constipation. The poor little lad is in so much pain! Apparently it's very rare for breast fed babies to be constipated?!
My gp recommended giving him water but I have read so many things saying not to give babies water!? Let me know what you girls think. Xx
Bjorn 6 weeks old![]()
Awww hes gorgeous!! Looks and sounds like he is one happy little boy!
Sorry I have been a bit awol. Things over here have been rather stressy. We were orginally told that Alex had colic but after some deteriorations and hospital admissions its been found that he has reflux and CMPA (hes allergic to milk). So we have to medicate him for the reflux and hes on prescription milk for the allergy. He is in a lot of pain and distress atm until all the cows protein from the milk is out of his system, and ive had to stop breast feeding since i am not dairy free for the next 3-4wks which hasnt helped.
I love being a mummy though, best job in the worldI just hope that alex gets better soon so he can enjoy life.
aden had this everyday from his formula. dr told us to put karo syrup in his bottle. worked like a charm. start with a teaspoon and increase if needed. we did 1 tablespoon a day in aden's bottles, but that was just because the formula constipated him. a teaspoon may work for youIm using an Avent electricThe hand version was great so thought id stick with what worked! Tried a mothercare one inbetween and it was absolutely shocking! know..I havent been doing thatIve been sitting in the kitchen pumping. Perhaps I should be doing it next to Alex and tapping into those hormones! Im such a noob when it comes to all this stuff.
Im just so glad that my milk hasnt dried up...Im surprised to tell you the truth considering how arse upwards Ive been getting things!!
How is everyone getting on?
Happy mothers day Tina! x
It's hard work sarah! Not to mention your hormones going crazy and sleep deprivation! Don't be hard on yourself!
Poor little Bjorn has terrible constipation. The poor little lad is in so much pain! Apparently it's very rare for breast fed babies to be constipated?!
My gp recommended giving him water but I have read so many things saying not to give babies water!? Let me know what you girls think. Xx
I think it is important to medicate a baby who is suffering with reflux, regardless of weight loss or not! It's not very comfortable for them having acid come up.
Hows it going ladies?
We finally had a diagnosis here after 6wks of problems. Alex doesnt just have the severe reflux, but he defo has the milk allergy and apparently also has intestinal issues. His dad has back to front intestines and seems alex has it too which has been causing his abdominal pains and vomitting.