My two births were very similar but I coped with each one very differently, in my opinion.
My first I was induced, they broke my waters and I went straight in to labour without needing to have the drip to start me contracting. I started to contract very regularly, almost back to back and was ready to push within 2+1/2 hours and was born after a 3 hour labour. I didn't cope very well, I was practically screaming and begging them to take the pain away. The midwife who was looking after me didn't believe that I was in active labour with things happening so quickly, because it was my first and basically told me to be quiet and to stop making a big deal out of things! She said it'd take a lot longer than that for me wanting to push and actually refused to check me when I said that I needed to
I think because it was my first, and I didnt know what was happening to me and why I was in so much pain for not being in active labour it must have scared the crap out of me and I panicked big time and that's why I reacted the way I did. I had pethidine and a bit of gas and air while pushing. If she'd have listened to me she'd have known she shouldnt have given me pethidine so close to giving birth too because it can cause complications with the baby after birth! she gave it to me about 30-40mins before pushing. Silly woman. I can honestly say that I was ready to run for the hills if she had of walked in to the delivery suite to be my midwife in my second labour. I remember her name and face. No way in hell will she come near me again
Second baby I was induced again, waters broke and I waited for labour but needed the drip. As soon as they started the drip I began to contract quickly the same as my last labour but because I knew what was happening with my body I breathed calmly through the contractions until I felt as though I needed something to take the edge off it a bit, so I asked for gas & air. About 45mins after starting gas & air I told them I was definitely ready to push and knew what it felt like from the first time. She was born after a 4 hour labour and I felt really good after and like I handled it sooo much better the second time around! I'm sure it's because I was calmer and more in control of myself, knowing what was coming.
Also my first labour was back to back so that could have added to the pain.
Hoping to have just gas&air this time too, but I'm open to whatever is needed when it comes down to it! You never know.