Those with swelling during pregnancy and weight loss after!!


Apr 22, 2008
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How long did it take for your legs feet and other limbs and parts to go down! Im still suffering with it!! I did have it quite bad but Im just wondering when I will notice the difference!!

Also weight loss.... I know it must take a little while to get your body working properly etc, but how long did you start to notice a difference with your weight loss??

I had really bad swelling just before and after Amanda was born. It finally went away 2 weeks after giving birth. I gained 45 lbs. with her and by week 3 I lost 33, and the rest came off very fast after.

With Jayden, I don't remember having too much swelling. I gained 45 lbs. with him and, tbh, I didn't have a scale but do know that it took a bit longer for the weight to come off. But the third month after he was born, it was mostly gone.

With Chase, I swelled up pretty good after his birth and it finally went down 2 weeks after. I lost about 20 lbs. or so the first two weeks but the last pounds are coming off very slowly. I am hoping that they will continue to come off and if it could be faster, I'd be so happy. LOL
i was like an elephant before birth, it went down /disappeared the day i gave birth...hubbie didn't , i did! have you asked dr about it?
am back in my size 6 after 2 weeks , and was hopeing but more on would love to be a size 10 and am back to 6 stone
hi hun, had really really bad swelling the first 3-4 days after having Rihanna.... but then it seemed to disappear over night.

In relation to weight loss i gained 2 stone during pregnancy and have lost it all now apart from 2lbs!

I was horribly swollen just before Maya was born & it was all gone by the time I had my 10 day appt with the MW

My weight went down quite quick aswell. I was in size 14-16 maternity & i'm now a 12
i was like an elephant before birth, it went down /disappeared the day i gave birth...hubbie didn't , i did! have you asked dr about it?

yeh they all say it takes time :) the 9 month rule etc!! i brought to water relief tablets today though :)
i was like an elephant before birth, it went down /disappeared the day i gave birth...hubbie didn't , i did! have you asked dr about it?

yeh they all say it takes time :) the 9 month rule etc!! i brought to water relief tablets today though :)

I find it very bizarre that you still have water retention at 6 weeks postpartum and shocked that the doctor won't give you anything for it.

i was like an elephant before birth, it went down /disappeared the day i gave birth...hubbie didn't , i did! have you asked dr about it?

yeh they all say it takes time :) the 9 month rule etc!! i brought to water relief tablets today though :)

I find it very bizarre that you still have water retention at 6 weeks postpartum and shocked that the doctor won't give you anything for it.


I know thats why i brought some myself!! She said she may well have to give me something like that to sort out my bp but nope!!

My confidence is low on the way I look!! Its better for me to take them and get rid of this water!!
Its still bad... i wore MEN socks today and when I took them off I had a big indent where my socks had been!! Its painful... and my knees ...OUCH!!
i was like an elephant before birth, it went down /disappeared the day i gave birth...hubbie didn't , i did! have you asked dr about it?

yeh they all say it takes time :) the 9 month rule etc!! i brought to water relief tablets today though :)

I find it very bizarre that you still have water retention at 6 weeks postpartum and shocked that the doctor won't give you anything for it.


I know thats why i brought some myself!! She said she may well have to give me something like that to sort out my bp but nope!!

My confidence is low on the way I look!! Its better for me to take them and get rid of this water!!
Its still bad... i wore MEN socks today and when I took them off I had a big indent where my socks had been!! Its painful... and my knees ...OUCH!!

I totally understand and can't believe you can live with it this long. I had a tough enough time for the weeks that I had it.

ROFL! I wore a pair of my OH's socks a week after Chase was born. At the end of the day I went to take a shower and was shocked to see how much of an indent in my legs they made.

Hope it goes soon! :hugs:
kerry, there's two different things though isn't there
1. the weight, which i'm still getting rid of...and i agree with the 9 month thing, i ate alot of cake man!!!
2. water...surely that should be gone...what do others think? second opinion??
hey hun I was a bloater at the end most of my body has gone down loads took about 2 weeks but my fingers are still really swollen no wedding rings back on yet and looked at my bits they are still swollen not really sure if its to do with birth but hoping the swelling goes down abit
Good luck Kerry! I cant suggest much other then drink lots of water and put yourself on a no salt diet, if you arn't already. And walk lots.
hey hunni, i was a swollen lump at the end....and it will be interesting to see how it goes down....My legs are the size of tree trunks at the moment and i cant even fit in me flip flops but it was only 2 days ago i gave birth so got to give it some time.

Hopefully it will go down quicker now with the tablets :) XxxxX
i was really swollen during pregnancy and it went a few days after birth. I could actually see the shape of my face again!!

as for weight loss im still not quite there but havent really been putting any effort in.

hope the tablets work for you. Once you get rid of the swelling you might start losing weight abit quicker?
hi hun
just wondering how you blood pressure is getting on?????
i came off the blood pressure pills really quickly and my bp is fine now! the doc told me if i get pregnant in the future it is unlikely i will suffer from the same problems so we are thinking of having another baby in a year or so as i am not getting any younger!!!

hope your bp is okay and the fluid retention is going down!


I was so so huge in labour.... My wrists and lower arms look skinny now in comparison lol!!

Im still very swollen round my legs and feet!! Everything else is just fat really lol!!

My BP is still high was meant to go for blood tests today but :dohh: got all confused with the time!! So its next week now!!

Water tablets not really doing much as of yet... I thought i would be weeing loads... but im not yet!!
Hi hun

I had really bad water retention after bubs was born. I gained around 5 stone with her and she came out as a 10lb baby.

Did you wear flight socks in hospital? I was wearing these to reduce the swelling and was told to wear them at home for a week. I did and it helped me- around 10days i started seeing a massive difference to the swelling. Now 18days later, the swelling has gone completely.

Like you, my BP is high and controlled by meds, so I have opted for a reduced salt diet- this may help with swelling.

As with the weight loss, ive lost around 2.5 stone of the 5stone i gained- purely cos

1. She was a 10lb 7oz baby
2. water rentention counted for quite a bit-massive difference it made
3 Stayed in hospice for 4 extra days for BP and just wanted to be at home- hence couldnt be bothered to eat
4. Great loss of appetite which hasnt quite come back- which is good!:)
It is different for everyone I think. I have some water retention but I can at last get my my sneakers on. I'm still a bit more to go before my dress shoes but overall it seems to be coming off. For me, it's only been 2 weeks or so since Kayleigh was born. I'm also within 2 kg of being back at my pre-pregnancy weight (which was a bit overweight so I'm aiming to lose more now that the pregnancy is over).

Are you bf-ing? I've been told that you can lose water and weight faster due to this but I'd check with your doctor as it does seem a bit strange that you are still retaining a lot of water.

Better safe than sorry.
My swelling took nearly 2 months to go away. The carpal tunnel took just as long. It was a nightmare because I was always so scared of dropping Sebastian.

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