Thoughts on this....??

Ironically, my toddler has just self weaned i think. 2 whole days with no boob. Waah.

It's so bittersweet isn't it?

Well it was just bitter for me really, as K weaned prematurely due to stress when her brother left for the hospital :(
E self-weaned at 11 months when I wasn't producing enough milk for him anymore (I went on the pill and it dried it up even though I was told it wouldn't :growlmad: Next time I would like to go past 1 if possible.
I know K wasn't ready either, as she is still so interested in my boobs. She will snuggle them, and if she sees me naked she will squeeze them because she wants milk to come out for her :haha: if I had more time I would start pumping again every 2 hours in hopes of getting some kind of supply back. I can manually express a few ml but that's it right now... pretty good for not breastfeeding since early February!
I have a genuine question: What are the reasons for not pumping to prepare for when you're in public? I think I read that it's very time-consuming and a pain in the ass so that's obviously one. I'm asking because I definitely will be breastfeeding but it never occured for me to BF in public. All the friends I have that BF always just bring a bottle with EBM when they're in public.

I am not saying this is what everyone should do by any means but this thread got me thinking about it. I'm quite nervous about BFing in general. I can already say there is no chance in hell I'd be able to do it in public as I'm scared I'll be freaked out just doing it period. I want to do it because of the obvious health benefits and I've read it is a lovely bonding experience but I gotta say I can't help but view my breasts as sexual so I really don't know how this is going to go. I sincerely hope it will just be a wonderful, rewarding and DIFFERENT experience than what I currently view my breasts as now (does that make sense?).

But yeah sorry to deter from the original question. I am curious about the pumping vs BFing public thing... Thanks.

Come on now, I'm in NY and I've seen tons of mothers BF. You've just never noticed them before. I remember before I had kids I never paid attention to babies before. Then suddenly when I got pregnant I felt surrounded by babies and strollers. You just see what is in your line of thought at the time. Once you start BF I promise, you'll not only see women who BF but you'll be able to pick them out of a crowd in a glance. I remember seeing a lady in the park recently and her baby was in a stroller and I thought for sure I could tell she was a breast-feeder just by the veins in her cleavage. Sure enough, 5 min later she was BF her daughter.

Anyway, being in NY I can tell you that there are so many different breastfeeding groups led by LLL, you'll find that it's so much easier to just discreetly feed your baby rather than go through the hassle of expressing just to do it in public. My baby will take a bottle from my OH but if I try to give him a bottle he looks at me like "are you crazy mamma, I drink from the tap."

Breasts are sexual, nobody can deny that. But once you become a Mom and you take advantage of the opportunity to feed your baby it no longer becomes an issue. We've all been there, just keep an open mind. Some moms never open their mind to it and therefore never experience the joy of it for themselves.
LOL at the cleavage veins. I have them. Totally agree that you only really notice things if they pertain to you.
I have a genuine question: What are the reasons for not pumping to prepare for when you're in public? I think I read that it's very time-consuming and a pain in the ass so that's obviously one. I'm asking because I definitely will be breastfeeding but it never occured for me to BF in public. All the friends I have that BF always just bring a bottle with EBM when they're in public.

I am not saying this is what everyone should do by any means but this thread got me thinking about it. I'm quite nervous about BFing in general. I can already say there is no chance in hell I'd be able to do it in public as I'm scared I'll be freaked out just doing it period. I want to do it because of the obvious health benefits and I've read it is a lovely bonding experience but I gotta say I can't help but view my breasts as sexual so I really don't know how this is going to go. I sincerely hope it will just be a wonderful, rewarding and DIFFERENT experience than what I currently view my breasts as now (does that make sense?).

But yeah sorry to deter from the original question. I am curious about the pumping vs BFing public thing... Thanks.

Come on now, I'm in NY and I've seen tons of mothers BF. You've just never noticed them before. I remember before I had kids I never paid attention to babies before. Then suddenly when I got pregnant I felt surrounded by babies and strollers. You just see what is in your line of thought at the time. Once you start BF I promise, you'll not only see women who BF but you'll be able to pick them out of a crowd in a glance. I remember seeing a lady in the park recently and her baby was in a stroller and I thought for sure I could tell she was a breast-feeder just by the veins in her cleavage. Sure enough, 5 min later she was BF her daughter.

Anyway, being in NY I can tell you that there are so many different breastfeeding groups led by LLL, you'll find that it's so much easier to just discreetly feed your baby rather than go through the hassle of expressing just to do it in public. My baby will take a bottle from my OH but if I try to give him a bottle he looks at me like "are you crazy mamma, I drink from the tap."

Breasts are sexual, nobody can deny that. But once you become a Mom and you take advantage of the opportunity to feed your baby it no longer becomes an issue. We've all been there, just keep an open mind. Some moms never open their mind to it and therefore never experience the joy of it for themselves.

I'm in New York state, not the city. But no never seen anyone BF in public but I have heard that you just don't notice it until you're in the same situation so who knows. Right now as it stands I don't feel comfortable doing it public but that's pretty irrelevant as I have no idea how I will feel once I actually start BF (hopefully I won't be as freaked out by it as I am now, just thinking about it).
I've never noticed anyone BF in public but it doesn't mean they aren't, I did and nobody seemed to notice me either :flower:
I love seeing women breastfeed in public! It is great!
I'm in upstate NY and in my town, at least, there is a lot of BF. I see it all the time. :shrug: It's always more obvious when the mom wears one of those "Hey look at me I'm breastfeeding under this tent" covers.
I found just lifting my top up a lot more discrete. :haha:
That's what I found too, covering baby would earn me more questioning stares than not!
I personally think its wrong for a 4 year old to still be Bf'ing, i wouldn't go past 1.
It would just seem weird to me i guess.
Just like a dummy, i find that when you see a toddler walking around with a dummy in his/her mouth it just looks wrong and they shouldn't need it. Wouldn't it be bad for their teeth anyway?
Well like everyone else has said. That lady should have just kept her opinions to herself...
eh, I still haven't mastered nursing discretely.. I have huge breasts and can't just pop the nipple out, lol... So I often wear one of those covers, though I'm occasionally exposed until I can get LO latched on and then settle the cover into place.
I've occasionally used a blanket over my should since it looks like I'm just shading a napping baby.

I was NIP the other day with DH along.. I was slightly exposed and he freaked out and reached over to cover me and pointed it out like I must not have realized. I think he wants me to keep them hidden because they are 'his' :haha:
It is an art. I suggest wearing a zip up hoodie, then a tank top underneath. Pull tank top up and cover boob, keep hoodie zipped up over the bottom of your boob. I have big ones too, lol
I wear a nursing tank under my shirt.. lift my shirt, unhook the tank, but my breasts are just so gigantic, there really is no hiding them when they're out :dohh:
I wear a nursing tank under my shirt.. lift my shirt, unhook the tank, but my breasts are just so gigantic, there really is no hiding them when they're out :dohh:

I had that problem too.. my mother bought me this cover that kind of has a rod at the top so I can look down while LO is covered and put her on my breast without exposing myself as much.. not sure if all covers have the open lip top or not.
There is a way!! You will find it, I believe in you! At the time I was learning mine were a size H. Yes, eight letters into the alphabet. :D
lol, I'm a 44H right now
I hadn't wanted to invest the money in an expensive cover... mine does go out a bit, but not as nice as the bebeaulait ones... hmm, might have to get one :)
I have a genuine question: What are the reasons for not pumping to prepare for when you're in public? I think I read that it's very time-consuming and a pain in the ass so that's obviously one. I'm asking because I definitely will be breastfeeding but it never occured for me to BF in public. All the friends I have that BF always just bring a bottle with EBM when they're in public.

I am not saying this is what everyone should do by any means but this thread got me thinking about it. I'm quite nervous about BFing in general. I can already say there is no chance in hell I'd be able to do it in public as I'm scared I'll be freaked out just doing it period. I want to do it because of the obvious health benefits and I've read it is a lovely bonding experience but I gotta say I can't help but view my breasts as sexual so I really don't know how this is going to go. I sincerely hope it will just be a wonderful, rewarding and DIFFERENT experience than what I currently view my breasts as now (does that make sense?).

But yeah sorry to deter from the original question. I am curious about the pumping vs BFing public thing... Thanks.

Come on now, I'm in NY and I've seen tons of mothers BF. You've just never noticed them before. I remember before I had kids I never paid attention to babies before. Then suddenly when I got pregnant I felt surrounded by babies and strollers. You just see what is in your line of thought at the time. Once you start BF I promise, you'll not only see women who BF but you'll be able to pick them out of a crowd in a glance. I remember seeing a lady in the park recently and her baby was in a stroller and I thought for sure I could tell she was a breast-feeder just by the veins in her cleavage. Sure enough, 5 min later she was BF her daughter.

Anyway, being in NY I can tell you that there are so many different breastfeeding groups led by LLL, you'll find that it's so much easier to just discreetly feed your baby rather than go through the hassle of expressing just to do it in public. My baby will take a bottle from my OH but if I try to give him a bottle he looks at me like "are you crazy mamma, I drink from the tap."

Breasts are sexual, nobody can deny that. But once you become a Mom and you take advantage of the opportunity to feed your baby it no longer becomes an issue. We've all been there, just keep an open mind. Some moms never open their mind to it and therefore never experience the joy of it for themselves.

I'm in New York state, not the city. But no never seen anyone BF in public but I have heard that you just don't notice it until you're in the same situation so who knows. Right now as it stands I don't feel comfortable doing it public but that's pretty irrelevant as I have no idea how I will feel once I actually start BF (hopefully I won't be as freaked out by it as I am now, just thinking about it).

I can't even count the number of times I went out when LO was a newborn and thought, Okay, i fed her before we left the house and she should be fine only to have her get hungry and need to be fed. Babies get hungry when you think they might first I just found a quiet place, like the couch in the sitting room near the bathroom at the mall, or the dressing/changing room at the store...then I got more comfortable with how to be as discreet as I needed to be to feel comfortable. I'm not super shy but I'm not super comfortable either. With friends around I don't care much--strangers I just try to be discreet.
I have a genuine question: What are the reasons for not pumping to prepare for when you're in public? I think I read that it's very time-consuming and a pain in the ass so that's obviously one. I'm asking because I definitely will be breastfeeding but it never occured for me to BF in public. All the friends I have that BF always just bring a bottle with EBM when they're in public.

I am not saying this is what everyone should do by any means but this thread got me thinking about it. I'm quite nervous about BFing in general. I can already say there is no chance in hell I'd be able to do it in public as I'm scared I'll be freaked out just doing it period. I want to do it because of the obvious health benefits and I've read it is a lovely bonding experience but I gotta say I can't help but view my breasts as sexual so I really don't know how this is going to go. I sincerely hope it will just be a wonderful, rewarding and DIFFERENT experience than what I currently view my breasts as now (does that make sense?).

But yeah sorry to deter from the original question. I am curious about the pumping vs BFing public thing... Thanks.

Come on now, I'm in NY and I've seen tons of mothers BF. You've just never noticed them before. I remember before I had kids I never paid attention to babies before. Then suddenly when I got pregnant I felt surrounded by babies and strollers. You just see what is in your line of thought at the time. Once you start BF I promise, you'll not only see women who BF but you'll be able to pick them out of a crowd in a glance. I remember seeing a lady in the park recently and her baby was in a stroller and I thought for sure I could tell she was a breast-feeder just by the veins in her cleavage. Sure enough, 5 min later she was BF her daughter.

Anyway, being in NY I can tell you that there are so many different breastfeeding groups led by LLL, you'll find that it's so much easier to just discreetly feed your baby rather than go through the hassle of expressing just to do it in public. My baby will take a bottle from my OH but if I try to give him a bottle he looks at me like "are you crazy mamma, I drink from the tap."

Breasts are sexual, nobody can deny that. But once you become a Mom and you take advantage of the opportunity to feed your baby it no longer becomes an issue. We've all been there, just keep an open mind. Some moms never open their mind to it and therefore never experience the joy of it for themselves.

I'm in New York state, not the city. But no never seen anyone BF in public but I have heard that you just don't notice it until you're in the same situation so who knows. Right now as it stands I don't feel comfortable doing it public but that's pretty irrelevant as I have no idea how I will feel once I actually start BF (hopefully I won't be as freaked out by it as I am now, just thinking about it).

I can't even count the number of times I went out when LO was a newborn and thought, Okay, i fed her before we left the house and she should be fine only to have her get hungry and need to be fed. Babies get hungry when you think they might first I just found a quiet place, like the couch in the sitting room near the bathroom at the mall, or the dressing/changing room at the store...then I got more comfortable with how to be as discreet as I needed to be to feel comfortable. I'm not super shy but I'm not super comfortable either. With friends around I don't care much--strangers I just try to be discreet.

Not sure if its the same everywhere, but Nordstrom dept stores here have lovely mother's rooms with changing tables and chairs for nursing :) Its a great way to practice in public while still having privacy.
I think people notice me breastfeeding in public cos Maria pulls off and on a lot flashing me to every passer-by :haha:
It does get easier, I wasn't very comfortable with it to begin with but I gained confidence with more experience.

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