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that looks totally horrendous to me. Its so much kinder on both parties to just let them self wean. Chances are if she left her babies a bit longer (under a year) then they'd have weaned themselves and they wouldnt have had screaming, crying from both mum and toddlers and being awake all night
a) am I the only one disturbed by the woman talking about her HUSBAND drinking some of her milk from the breast?!?! (if the husband was seriously ill and needed it to help keep any food down, I actually wouldn't have a problem with it)
b) I don't find it that heartbreaking... kids cry like that when you take away a toy or don't let them have dessert etc. Possibly not for as long, but I also think that relying so heavily on the boob to soothe them created the dependence. I've seen kids cry like that over being switched from a bottle to a cup etc.
You also missed the part where the mom was NOT happy breastfeeding anymore, that she was not able to spend much quality time with her older children, her relationship with her husband was suffering etc. It also seems like she wasn't gradually cutting back on nursing time, but cut it off abruptly which is probably what made it extra hard.
The other woman featured had an 8 year old still nursing, so its not a given that these twins would have self-weaned in less than a year.
Not trying to be argumentative, but I do hate when people see a child crying and just want to give them whatever it is that they want to avoid 'hurting' them.
I have no problem with EBFing either, just that this mom shouldn't feel guilty for stopping in order to keep from upsetting her kids.