Thoughts on this....??

I don't see any problem with it, they shouldn't have to wait to go home to have milk like its some sort of dreadful thing. I think that woman was rude and interfering its none of her business.
I am more shocked a member of the public thought it was her place to call a Mum disgusting.

If the Mum wants to give her lo booby juice a bit longer then thats her decision.

Vx xx
I havent NIP in a long time (apart from on the aeroplane coming back from holiday in June) and I do agree that most older toddlers and preschoolers can wait til they get home but thats not really the point in this thread. No one would think anything of a 4 year old having a teddy :shrug:
I wouldn't do it but it's not wrong or disgusting and it's not the business of anyone else to comment when out and about if they see it happening. That's just plain rude. I must admit though that I would probably be a bit shocked if I saw it myself but wouldn't dream of ever being so rude. She should have just told the lady to fuck off.
I have no opinion on it, really, it's none of anyones business. So what?? I don't understand why some people have such strong opinions on older children breastfeeding, especially when they say 'oh it must be just for comfort' like that somehow makes it bad??

It doesn't make it bad that it's for comfort, I just think by 4 a child needs to be able to be comforted by a variety of ways, not just BFing. If my LO cries now, I don't immediately feed him. I'll pick him up for a cuddle and hopefully that will calm him down. I don't see why a 4 year old needs to be BFed in public :shrug:

But that's not saying it's bad or wrong! If you as the parent and your child are happy with it, then who am I to judge? But we were asked for opinions so I gave one :)

I'm sure the child CAN be comforted in a number of ways though. I'm sure she doesn't need to be fed in public either. But even so, so what. Why does it matter that it's not needed? Just interested, not picking on you because most people do seem to share your views.
Just goes to show that BF is still really tabboo :(:(
I want to explain myself better.
I dont think as its a comfort thing or whatever that is neccessarily a bad thing at all,what I meant was,I would find it strange to see in public because at such an age the child wouldnt need it as a matter of urgency that you had to do it there and then.
However if the child uses it for comfort and the mother is happy to supply it,I certainly wouldnt have a problem with it.
my lo stopped feeding at 15 months and i wish she would carry on but she was having none of it.
i dont think i would feed a 4 year old in public but that would be more to do with wanting to cut it down to mornings and late afternoons/bed time just so when the child goes to school it is not another change in her life at the same time as leaving me all day.

when we were on holiday in ibiza my hubby and a few friends were all staring at a woman who was topless, it did make me laugh that when here child who must of been about 4/5 started feeding none of them knew where to look.
did not bother me seeing it there so dont see why it would here
hum debatable like the ladies on here their for and against it..

I think in the home and own privacy then okay but not when it's to doing it public and it's on demand. He's 4 for one and going to school if not going already.. How long will it carry on for? Till he's 8 and having his friends over for tea and sleepovers?!

Regarding the comment from the lady i think that's out of hand. Old people always have something to say and make a point anything these days aren't correct or right!
After watching previous programmes on the subject I sometimes think it's more the mum that doesn't want to give up, like an emotional attachment. There's no extra health benefits for or against extended bf for the child in my opinion. I personally wouldn't do it with my child but it's not my child to make a judgement on. There's far worse things going on in the world than wanting to be emotionally attached to your 4 yr old.

Stories today in the news: 2 yr old left on it's own (asleep watching cartoons?!?!) while mum 'nips' to the bank.
Pregnant woman caught driving twice over the d drive limit.
Mum drunk in charge of 2 kids under 7yrs .. Cocaine found in system.
Far more worrying stories IMO!!:shrug::shrug:
After watching previous programmes on the subject I sometimes think it's more the mum that doesn't want to give up, like an emotional attachment. There's no extra health benefits for or against extended bf for the child in my opinion. I personally wouldn't do it with my child but it's not my child to make a judgement on. There's far worse things going on in the world than wanting to be emotionally attached to your 4 yr old.

Stories today in the news: 2 yr old left on it's own (asleep watching cartoons?!?!) while mum 'nips' to the bank.
Pregnant woman caught driving twice over the d drive limit.
Mum drunk in charge of 2 kids under 7yrs .. Cocaine found in system.
Far more worrying stories IMO!!:shrug::shrug:

Well its a fact that breastmilk is good for children so there is extra health benefits whether you want to believe ir or not :shrug:
I personally wouldn't still bf at this age, I find it a little strange when seeing someone breast feeding an older child but I wouldn't say anything to her or have a go at her for doing it! Its upto them at the end of the day when they want to stop breast feeding xx
I've not read the whole thread, but she can breast feed for however long she likes! People need to stop being so childish to be honest.

It's like me saying 'ewwww my son is never having any milk from a cow's...udder!!' Pathetic. Boobs are for feeding believe it or not!
After watching previous programmes on the subject I sometimes think it's more the mum that doesn't want to give up, like an emotional attachment. There's no extra health benefits for or against extended bf for the child in my opinion. I personally wouldn't do it with my child but it's not my child to make a judgement on. There's far worse things going on in the world than wanting to be emotionally attached to your 4 yr old.

Stories today in the news: 2 yr old left on it's own (asleep watching cartoons?!?!) while mum 'nips' to the bank.
Pregnant woman caught driving twice over the d drive limit.
Mum drunk in charge of 2 kids under 7yrs .. Cocaine found in system.
Far more worrying stories IMO!!:shrug::shrug:

Actually there are extra health benefits for extended breastfeeding. Research has shown that the benefits continue to increase as the duration of breastfeeding increases.

Breastfeeding a child who still has their milk teeth is completely normal and natural according to all the anthropological evidence. I think it's great that this mum fed in public because if people never did then our society would be even more ignorant about full term breastfeeding. It's a shame she was upset by a horrible comment and I hope it doesn't put her off.
I have no opinion on it, really, it's none of anyones business. So what?? I don't understand why some people have such strong opinions on older children breastfeeding, especially when they say 'oh it must be just for comfort' like that somehow makes it bad??

It doesn't make it bad that it's for comfort, I just think by 4 a child needs to be able to be comforted by a variety of ways, not just BFing. If my LO cries now, I don't immediately feed him. I'll pick him up for a cuddle and hopefully that will calm him down. I don't see why a 4 year old needs to be BFed in public :shrug:

But that's not saying it's bad or wrong! If you as the parent and your child are happy with it, then who am I to judge? But we were asked for opinions so I gave one :)

I'm sure the child CAN be comforted in a number of ways though. I'm sure she doesn't need to be fed in public either. But even so, so what. Why does it matter that it's not needed? Just interested, not picking on you because most people do seem to share your views.

No worries :) it's no fun if we all share the same opinion!

My thoughts are a bit jumbled on this, so apologies in advance.

I suppose my biggest feeling is that a child should have a more substantial relationship with their mother than just BFing. That's not to say that BFing relationships with older children aren't healthy or that they're detrimental, it's just that I'd like my son to be comforted by me, not my breasts, by the time he's 2/3. I think a morning/nap/bedtime feed are fine for as long as they continue, but I think the nursing because the child is scared/angry/injured should have been grown out of by then. If you compare it to dummy use (which I know isn't anything like the same, but fulfills a similar 'comfort' role) I would also expect a child of 2+ to be weaned, as sucking for comfort is for babies who have a suck reflex, not older toddlers and children.

There's also a feeling for me with an older child (school age) that perhaps it's not fair on them to still be BFing. If their friends knew, they'd probably be ridiculed, and I think the child should be weaned before their memories are formed. Old enough to remember the nice feeling associated with BFing, no so old they can remember doing it in the local park.

Does that make sense? Feel free to disagree! :)

I suppose my honest answer is 'because I'm conditioned by the society I live in'. But in that case I should be FFing, using a pushchair and disposable nappies, so I think there is a bit more to my opinion than just societal norms. Seeing my SIL bf her 2.5 year old has basically shown me that's not what I want to be doing. She was getting 'fed' more often than my then 7 month old. I just felt she was subsitituting BFing for cuddles, and that didn't sit right with me :shrug:

But, as you say, each to their own!
I found breast feeding weird when my daughter was 3 days old...I know it may seem odd but I see my breasts as a sexual thing, and a thing for mine and my husbands sex life! I certainly wouldn't breast feed a 4 year old and think it's creepy to be honest... :-/ that's my opinion though. That 4 year old is at school - i bet none of his friends are still sucking on their mums boobs.
I found breast feeding weird when my daughter was 3 days old...I know it may seem odd but I see my breasts as a sexual thing, and a thing for mine and my husbands sex life! I certainly wouldn't breast feed a 4 year old and think it's creepy to be honest... :-/ that's my opinion though. That 4 year old is at school - i bet none of his friends are still sucking on their mums boobs.

I understand BFing a 4 year old more than I understand the 'breasts are a sexual playthings for my husband and nothing more'.

Penises are sexual and functional, as are vaginas, lips, tongues, hands... The list goes on.

Sorry, not getting at you, just don't understand this mindset at all. Boobs are only sexual cos they demonstrate that you can feed a baby. Same as curvy hips showing you could bare a child :shrug:
I have no opinion on it, really, it's none of anyones business. So what?? I don't understand why some people have such strong opinions on older children breastfeeding, especially when they say 'oh it must be just for comfort' like that somehow makes it bad??

It doesn't make it bad that it's for comfort, I just think by 4 a child needs to be able to be comforted by a variety of ways, not just BFing. If my LO cries now, I don't immediately feed him. I'll pick him up for a cuddle and hopefully that will calm him down. I don't see why a 4 year old needs to be BFed in public :shrug:

But that's not saying it's bad or wrong! If you as the parent and your child are happy with it, then who am I to judge? But we were asked for opinions so I gave one :)

I'm sure the child CAN be comforted in a number of ways though. I'm sure she doesn't need to be fed in public either. But even so, so what. Why does it matter that it's not needed? Just interested, not picking on you because most people do seem to share your views.

No worries :) it's no fun if we all share the same opinion!

My thoughts are a bit jumbled on this, so apologies in advance.

I suppose my biggest feeling is that a child should have a more substantial relationship with their mother than just BFing. That's not to say that BFing relationships with older children aren't healthy or that they're detrimental, it's just that I'd like my son to be comforted by me, not my breasts, by the time he's 2/3. I think a morning/nap/bedtime feed are fine for as long as they continue, but I think the nursing because the child is scared/angry/injured should have been grown out of by then. If you compare it to dummy use (which I know isn't anything like the same, but fulfills a similar 'comfort' role) I would also expect a child of 2+ to be weaned, as sucking for comfort is for babies who have a suck reflex, not older toddlers and children.

There's also a feeling for me with an older child (school age) that perhaps it's not fair on them to still be BFing. If their friends knew, they'd probably be ridiculed, and I think the child should be weaned before their memories are formed. Old enough to remember the nice feeling associated with BFing, no so old they can remember doing it in the local park.

Does that make sense? Feel free to disagree! :)

I suppose my honest answer is 'because I'm conditioned by the society I live in'. But in that case I should be FFing, using a pushchair and disposable nappies, so I think there is a bit more to my opinion than just societal norms. Seeing my SIL bf her 2.5 year old has basically shown me that's not what I want to be doing. She was getting 'fed' more often than my then 7 month old. I just felt she was subsitituting BFing for cuddles, and that didn't sit right with me :shrug:

But, as you say, each to their own!

You might change your mind when you get there. I didnt imagine I'd EVER feed a baby this long but hey ho, here I am. There isnt an age when a switch goes and the baby automatically becomes too old for BF. I just plan on going until Amelie is ready to stop. I don't offer it but if she asks, I give her.
I have no opinion on it, really, it's none of anyones business. So what?? I don't understand why some people have such strong opinions on older children breastfeeding, especially when they say 'oh it must be just for comfort' like that somehow makes it bad??

It doesn't make it bad that it's for comfort, I just think by 4 a child needs to be able to be comforted by a variety of ways, not just BFing. If my LO cries now, I don't immediately feed him. I'll pick him up for a cuddle and hopefully that will calm him down. I don't see why a 4 year old needs to be BFed in public :shrug:

But that's not saying it's bad or wrong! If you as the parent and your child are happy with it, then who am I to judge? But we were asked for opinions so I gave one :)

I'm sure the child CAN be comforted in a number of ways though. I'm sure she doesn't need to be fed in public either. But even so, so what. Why does it matter that it's not needed? Just interested, not picking on you because most people do seem to share your views.

No worries :) it's no fun if we all share the same opinion!

My thoughts are a bit jumbled on this, so apologies in advance.

I suppose my biggest feeling is that a child should have a more substantial relationship with their mother than just BFing. That's not to say that BFing relationships with older children aren't healthy or that they're detrimental, it's just that I'd like my son to be comforted by me, not my breasts, by the time he's 2/3. I think a morning/nap/bedtime feed are fine for as long as they continue, but I think the nursing because the child is scared/angry/injured should have been grown out of by then. If you compare it to dummy use (which I know isn't anything like the same, but fulfills a similar 'comfort' role) I would also expect a child of 2+ to be weaned, as sucking for comfort is for babies who have a suck reflex, not older toddlers and children.

There's also a feeling for me with an older child (school age) that perhaps it's not fair on them to still be BFing. If their friends knew, they'd probably be ridiculed, and I think the child should be weaned before their memories are formed. Old enough to remember the nice feeling associated with BFing, no so old they can remember doing it in the local park.

Does that make sense? Feel free to disagree! :)

I suppose my honest answer is 'because I'm conditioned by the society I live in'. But in that case I should be FFing, using a pushchair and disposable nappies, so I think there is a bit more to my opinion than just societal norms. Seeing my SIL bf her 2.5 year old has basically shown me that's not what I want to be doing. She was getting 'fed' more often than my then 7 month old. I just felt she was subsitituting BFing for cuddles, and that didn't sit right with me :shrug:

But, as you say, each to their own!

You might change your mind when you get there. I didnt imagine I'd EVER feed a baby this long but hey ho, here I am. There isnt an age when a switch goes and the baby automatically becomes too old for BF. I just plan on going until Amelie is ready to stop. I don't offer it but if she asks, I give her.

Indeed, never say never!

Although, I can't imagine still NIP in a year's time, let alone 3! And 26 months isn't beyond the age I'd consider BFing normal tbh, but 4 years old is.
that ticker needs changed, its 32 now :rofl:

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