I don't know what someone with more experience would say, but mine is very much the same, though often will go back on a little bit longer. He tends to feed at each breast fairly actively for about 9 minutes and then comes off. I wind him and offer the same breast again. Sometimes he takes it, sometimes he's not interested, so I wait a bit. He may start showing feeding cues again within a few minutes or even like 20 minutes later after a quick snooze. I put him back on that same breast. I aim for 20 minutes on that side before I'd offer the other breast, but it's usually only one breast per feed (though several times a day, he'll take both and have a really big feed). My midwife told me to do 20-30 minutes per side and then offer the other side every feed to keep my supply up. Honestly, he just won't do that in most cases, even 20 minutes is a stretch for us. But he's a big baby (8lbs 6oz at birth, he's about 10lbs now at 3 weeks) and has always put on weight well. He's content and settled and not fussy between feeds. He's having plenty of wet and dirty nappies. I have a fairly fast letdown and for that first 9 minutes, he's gulping milk. I figure it's probably just the way he is and I've tried not to stress about it too much. I keep him going and offer the other breast when he's interested, but I also assume most of the time, he's fine. I've found as long as I drink plenty of water, my supply seems to be fine. If he does only have a 'snack' at one breast, yes, I do usually start with that side the next feed.