To all the mum who already gave birth :-)


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2009
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I wanted to ask to the brave women who went through the birth giving experience already (BTW you did an amazing job, congratulations!)....

Did anyone of you had an epidural and then regretted it, maybe wish they had done it without???
Did anyone of you had a natural birth (with or without Entonox) and then wished they had took the drugs???

Those are questions going through my mind, you know how pain relief is a big subject during your last trimester...

Thanx for answering and hope you are all very happy with your Little ones :)

I had a completely natural birth, I tried the g&A but it made me really light headed and almost passed out.
At the time I wanted an epi but I am so glad I didn't have one. I am so unbelievably proud of myself now.
I had a natural birth after an induction, and my LO was also back to back.

SO glad I did it natural. I enjoyed knowing I was bringing my LO into the world myself, and I wanted to feel every moment of it. My thoughts were that yes, it would hurt but the memory of pain is very short term and I wanted to remember all the details and good things about my daughters birth. I wanted to feel the contractions, and know they were bringing her closer. I wanted to feel the pushing stage. I also didn't want her to get affected by any drugs that I was taking.

I was only ever going to have one opportunity to bring my LO into the world. It was a one off, life changing event and I wanted to be as coherent and remember as much as possible.

It was a wonderful birth, and I don't regret anything. 20mins after I had her I told the MW I wanted to do it again :lol:
Thanx a lot guys, it confirms everything I was thinking...
Rafwife, you are my hero lol!!! I really want to have an natural birth too, and all my reasons were confirmed by you and Sarah88.....
I'm really proud for you, and will do everything so I can be proud of myself too...You did an amazing thing ladies, well done!!
Thanx again for sharing your experiences.
Take good care of yourself (both of you and your families) xxxx
Just don't beat yourself up if you have to have an epi hun. Many women get pnd because of that. Go in there with a hope and dedication to do it all natural, but be ok if you need to have pain relief
Best of luck!
Go in there with a hope and dedication to do it all natural, but be ok if you need to have pain relief
Best of luck!

Thanx again!! It made me feel better to read that cause I do feel I would be ashamed or decepointed in myself if I couldn't do it the natural way...Like you say, I'm gonna keep the faith and hope for the best!!! xxx
I was the same hun. I would have felt horrible if I needed anything. :)
I had just G&A for both births and although at the time (with my first) I felt I wanted more, I'm pleased I stuck it out and didn't have anything other than that. With my second I knew despite the pain I didn't want anything else x
i ended up with a very long labour, and g and a and epi, it was kinda forced to the epi cos i'd been in labour for so long, and was only 3cm dilated when they finally went for c-section. i really didn want a natural birth, but i was happy to go with the flow, and so pleased i did as maddi is amazing :cloud9: i would say plan however you want it (like me i just wanted g and a) but maddi had different plans, so just go with the flow and lots of luck :D however they arrive, its amazing :cloud9: x x x
i had gas and air, epidural and pethadine, neither the pethadine or epidural was successful after 2 tries it just didnt work, so part of me wishes i had just gas and air cos the others didnt work for me, suppose really i did do it on just that but i feel i have to say the others.

next time (cant believe im saying that) i will try for just gas and air cos i managed first time and had a bad experience

good luck good with what you feel is best for you, dont be to set on things incase medical intervention is needed, you dont want it to stress you out

I had an epidural for my first, it was an induction at 36 weeks due to pre-eclampsia, and yes I regret having it but no other options were given to me at all.

Second I just walked through the pain, tried gas and air, had one in take didnt like it, so threw at my mum.

Third I had a paracetamol 12 minutes before she was born but nothing else.

Fourth nothing until I was 6cms and then had to have an epidural for an emergency c section.

I say go with a completely open mind, dont put pressure on your self as every labour is different.
I got an epidural, but I don't regret it, it made the whole thing a lot better, but I was also not allowed out of my bed because of my preclampsia. But had I not been bedridden I would have been able to make it naturally. Maybe next time lol. Don't worry your still giving birth with or without drugs. It doesn't make you any less of a mom :)
I wanted a natural birth at first and was induced with pictocin at 130 in the morning and only 1cm dilated then after i hit 6cm and they broke my water the combination of them doin that and the pictocin making the contractions come closer together and be stronger I had to get the epi I'm sooo glad I did I don't feel like I did any less work honestly. I still felt it ya know? It numbs you but it usually you'll still feel them come out. Plus I still pushed her into this world I was just alot more comfortable and less stressed thanks to the epi.
WOW, thank you everybody for sharing. It made me relax about the all due date, you're all right, it's about going with the flow and how you feel. I'm gonna try and be as open-minded as possible about it, that's a great piece of advise!!
Anyway, only the result matters ;-))
It's really cool to read all your different experiences and see that no matter how it went, you are all happy with your families now and that's great, take the pressure off a little bit!!
No matter how you did it, you did it and for that you are some amazing ladies :)
Thank you so so much for answering me! It's really great!
Take all good care of you and lots of kisses......
i had gas and air and morphine i really wanted an epidural but they kept putting me off till it was too late i dont think u can totally plan what u will want till you get there but i definatly needed something just keep ur options open and try what ever u need to
I had gas and air and pethadine and regret having the pethadine. At the time though I was told I was only 5cm dialated, and honestly thought it would be quite some time before baby arrived, so I asked for pethadine.... only to give birth to baby about 40 minutes later. Pethadine takes 30 minutes to kick in, so it was a waste of time having it really and I think I could have coped on just the gas and air if i'd have known that I only had another 40 minutes left... but no one could have known that.
I was induced and had gas and air, then pethadin...

was seconds away from having an epidural... litterally seconds, but because I started to push there was no point...

afterwards, even now looking back, Im glad I didnt have the epidural. Just cos my personal choice was that I didnt want one at all..!! xx
Thanx again ladies for your experiences, every birth is different but every time I'm amazed by the process...It's amazing, really!!
There's only one thing I noticed, even if by this thread my opinions are a lot more open-minded and I don't put myself under pressure anymore (I decided to go with the flow of the day), I noticed that some women had drugs and regretted it, some women had an epi and loved it but none of the women who had a natural birth regrets it...Sso there's something to think about there :))
But thanks now, no matter what happened, I'll consider everything and won't blame myself... I'm focused on the result (my little boy)!
Good luck to all of you, xxxx
I haven't had a kid yet, but this is the way I look at it:

They are all different paths to the same destination.

Try what you want, but don't get down if you have to do it a different way; in the end you are still going to get your baby. :)

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