Todays topic for debate - Pageants


Mrs Mayhem

So here we are in baby club, all of us proud and in love with our gorgeous children....

The question is, would you enter your child into a pageant?

If so, why? If not, why not?

Maybe you do/have done pageants? or have already entered one of your children into them?

Lets hear it ladies! (and any lurking gents!!)

Keep it nice!!
I have no problem with them as long as the child enjoys doing them, sometimes I think its the parents that want to do it more than the child, in which case I dont agree with it.
Would I put my kids in them....probably not, but not necessarily because of a moral objection to them, just because they cost so much ha ha ha
yes i would if they wanted to do it i dont see the big problem but the 1st time they said they didnt want to do it it would stop x
:haha: yeah, I am watching Toddlers & Tiara's and the amount they spend is crazy!!!

I don't like them, because I don't like to see small children with make up on, extensions in their hair, fake tan etc, it's just not my thing.
I wouldn't, no.
I wouldn't want to put make up, fake tan, etc on Ellie as i think children are beautiful as they are.
I don't like the idea of some stranger telling my child whether she's pretty enough.

If it was something Ellie really wanted to do and she was old enough to understand what it was all about and she was emotionally strong enough to handle not winning then i'd consider it as i wouldnt want to stop her doing something she wanted (within reason).

I have nothing against people who enter their children but it's definitely not for everyone.
No, I don't think we should teach such small children that looks are so important xxx
Just my own personal opinion but no absolutly not - not if they wanted to, not if they begged me, not if they cried the house down.

I don't think a beauty based pageant is appropriate for a child of any age. I don't think the makeup, outfits, hair, tanning, fake eyelashes etc are acceptable. Over my dead body would my daughter do some of the routines I have seen on that Toddlers and Tiara's show. I fail to grasp the value lessons in such an activity and I personally feel that pageants ground themselves in outdated and negative gender stereotypes. I would rather my child be outside playing, getting dirty and being a kid. They have their whole adult life to fret about their appearance and act like a grown up.

That is just MY own opinion for what I would do with my child - its just a disscussion not an inditement

I wouldn't put her in pageants, no way. I've watched Toddlers and Tiaras, and there's no way I would want her slathered in make up and spray tan, wearing fake hair and outfits that not only cost a fortune, but are not age appropriate. My heart would break if she lost and felt like she wasn't pretty enough or good enough. I can see how pageants could help her build confidence and I like that, but there are too many negatives. Plus, I couldn't afford it! It's insane how much people spend on these things! Tens of thousands of do they afford it? Some of them on that show are clearly wealthy, but some of them are clearly not.
I wouldn't judge parents who put their children in pageants though, if it was something the child loved doing and it wasn't the parents forcing it because they are living some lost pageant dream of their own through their child.
No - I think wanting to see your little girl with a tan, with a face full of make up and prancing about in a bikini so people can examine her and give her scores is just plain weird.
God no, I dont think they are very nice. And dont teach the kids great values - being dolled up to the eye balls from birth.
There is enough unnecessary, exaggerated focus on superficial beauty in this day in age without children being pitted against each other in a contest of looks.
Ive heard loadsa arguments defending these contests and they all appear to be self-serving defenses and so im not actually convinced.
I know that people say, "There are other things they're judged on besides their looks and it gives them confidence." But the hard fact remains they are called BEAUTY pageants and they have been and always will be based on using superficial standards of "beauty" to make one contestant better than all the rest.

Not for me definately, but in no way am i condemning those that do enjoy participating...each to there own!
personally I don't agree with them, I find them against my views completely and maybe not all of the time, most of the time it seems a lot people enter their kids in to satisfy their own needs, I used to love dressing up as a child and will be very happy if my kids do too, dressing up, trying on things is a game to kids and for me it should stay just that, a pageant for me regardless of how people dress the issue takes it beyond that. I don't want my kids paraded like what in my eyes is no different to crufts. no offence to anyone that does them! I just have strong views on them :flower:
No. I would hate for Ellie to wear make up etc unless she's playing dress up at home. I would also question putting make up on her if she were to do dancing lessons/drama classes etc.
I think it is vile and revolting to be honest, especially the really young ones. And such a bad message to instill in little girls. Let them be little girls!!!
I know a girl who puts her daughter in them and her daughter loves doing it. not my thing either but Im not against anyone who chooses to do it as long as they arent MAKING their kids do it then to each their own really. But no, i dont agree with giving children fake tans and putting make up on them, I really didn't think about that part lol. I would never allow my child to fake tan, fake eyelashes etc ever ever ever
If River wanted to be in one i wouldnt stop her.

She wouldnt be allowed to wear makeup (bar maybe some lipgloss) or prance around in next to nothing. It would just be a bit of fun and there would be no pressure to win.

I dont agree with parents forcing their children into it and putting fake tan and tons of make up on them.

I doubt every parent who enters their kids in these things are like the ones you see on those shows.
I wouldnt.

The little I know about them suggests that a lot of the time it's the parents pushing their dreams (and possible failures) onto their children. Of course this isnt always the case but 90% of the time this is how it looks. Many of the children seem bored and often complain that they want to play. Their robotic answer of 'I dont mind if I dont win, taking part is what counts' come across as completely false and if their parents havent told them to say this then who has?

I also feelat the costumes are sometimes a little to revealing and grown-up for children of their age. I want my daughter to be out playing in the mud, chasing 'fairies' and jumping in puddles. I want to take her to festivals and let her experince music, culture and outdoor life. I would hate to think of her having to have her make up applies, fake tan, hair strightened/curled at the tender age of 4/5/6.

These are all only my feelings on this subject. I understand that someone else may disagree and think that Pageants install confidence in kids. My argument to that would be that a confidence built on how good you look and how well you can smile is not really the confidence I want my little girl to have.

I quickly read the thread title earlier and was sure it said pagans, was rather confused until I read the first post and realised what it actually said :haha:

I wouldn't put Lucy into one of these, not my thing at all, it just doesn't sit right with me having children and even babies judged on their looks and ranked in order of 'beauty'.

Although if she asked me if she could enter one when she's older I wouldn't say no, I'd explain exactly what was involved so she could make her own informed choice.
If it was a natural photoshoot without make up ect then maybe but anything else no

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