Toddler babbling again


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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My 2 year old boy doesn't say many words yet, but has a very good understanding of everything going on around him and can follow instructions.

The past week or so he has started babbling again like how he used to when he was a little baby and has started saying "goo goo, gaaa gaaa" to me and OH quite a lot too. At first I thought it was cute and said awww are you mummy's little baby again, to which he would giggle and keep on saying it. But now I am starting to wonder if this is normal for toddlers to do this. He hasn't made sounds like this and babbling for a long time. He is still using the few words he does say, plus a few new words he has learnt recently. Should I be concerned about this?

Is anyone else's toddler doing this?
Madison is 26 months and speaks mostly in 3-4 word sentances now over 500 single words but around 25% is babble still ! Can't for the life of me make out what she says when she starts it's like she's telling me a story I can make out odd words like nana babble babble cuddle babble babble house and goes on. And on lol !! I think she try's to talk yo fast like me :haha:
My 2 year old has always been an excellent talker, but now that my almost 11 month old is started to babble, she mimics him, and thinks its funny to talk like a baby again. :dohh:
My dd says a lot of words, she doesn't really string sentences together yet, but it's funny you mention this because I was just thinking about how I feel like she's gone back to baby talk again! She will ramble on and on and point at stuff and look very serious but it will all be baby talk! When she was younger it was cute but now I feel like she's really trying to tell me or show me something and I have no clue what she's saying. Like you all said she's very cognizant of what's going on around her, she follows directions very well and knows what I'm saying, but the baby talk seems to have come back a lot more lately. Maybe it's normal!
My suspicion would be that it's a sign he's getting ready to say more words.
My nephew did this. By the time he was 3 he was speaking really well. He just sort of grew out of it
My three year old speaks very well. We joke she doesn't speak in sentences, she speaks in paragraphs. But sometimes she randomly starts babbling. I think they do it sometimes for their own amusement. My daughter really likes doing it in the car when she's bored.
My 19mo has sort of started doing this. We were getting a bunch of individual words until a few days ago, and suddenly it's like she's trying to speak in sentences, but it's largely gibberish! I agree with the PP who said it seems like preparation for the next spoken language leap. She's clearly frustrated when I don't understand what she's saying. I think she's trying to tell me stuff and it just isn't coming out clearly yet.
:hugs: the biggest "worry" is a language regression loosing most or all the words had which hasn't happened for you. My lo lost all hs speeches months ago , hes under a specialist,he's just started babbling again :happydance:

Think your lo sounds ok :shrug:
My 2 year old has started doing this too but he knows he is doing it because he smiles while doing it, he seems to have started this since I limited his daytime breastfeeding, maybe a comfort thing, he does it when he is misbehaving too or when being told off. Attention seeking lol. Maybe it's the age too! Glad I'm not alone x
Mine does this everytime he adds more words to his sentences. The gibberish seems to contain more inflections and accents each time, then a week or so later his sentences/grammar improve. It's very normal and an important part of their language development.

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