

lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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anyone got any ideas for toning ur tum thighs and bum, and i cant do situps as my back is fooked!! ive bn told a hula hoop is good any1 tried tht??
dont no! but im back at work in 4 months so i must be toned by then too
I used to have one of these
Pretty good and can use whilst watching soaps :lol: They even had one at the gym i used to go to
cheers hun!! and a steal at £3.99!!!
Yeah Ihave a very unflexable back due to having titanium rods running the length of mine, so I cant do thins like sit ups.

Iused a rowing machine to get into shape last time after having Noah, and you can pick them up really cheaply second hand via an ads paper. I paid £40 for mine, then sold it once I was done on ebay for over £70!
cat do they take up much room hun? and are they stored easy enough? just im kinda overrun with toys atm lol!!!
i have a freebie link that may help but u need to put a cod in i guess and i got one through link is below hope this helps
Yvanne said:
cat do they take up much room hun? and are they stored easy enough? just im kinda overrun with toys atm lol!!!

You can gett all sortts of rowers, just avoid the sculling ones as they are crap. I got a magnetic rover and they are designed so they can e folded up so when they are not in use you juat have the footprint of the machine bit at one end and the long extending bit with the seat on is hinged so it goes upright. Ijust sat on it anf used it in front of the TV each day. Its a real hard workout, so a little does a lot!
Iwantone!!! said:
i have a freebie link that may help but u need to put a cod in i guess and i got one through link is below hope this helps

what code did u use?
weestar21 said:
Iwantone!!! said:
i have a freebie link that may help but u need to put a cod in i guess and i got one through link is below hope this helps

what code did u use?

make up on ebecause ur suppose to by the razor for teh code

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