Too much poo?!



Jack has been having a poo roughly every hour/hour and a half all afternoon and evening. This is not normal for him, he normally only has one-two dirty nappies a day, with plenty of wet ones. Any idea if this could indicate a problem?
I freaked out about this - but after reading up on it, I found that BF babies generally have a bowel movement after/during every feed, most diapers usually.

Are they mustardy/seedy poops?
I think it's pretty normal for BF babies to poop often because breast milk is actually a natural laxative. My little man poops probably between 8 to 10 times in a 24 hour period.
Elyse has days where she poops and pees a lot and I find myself going through 8-10 diapers, and others where she only poos once and has about 3-4 pees.. I think just like they can get constipated it can go the other way also. If it lasts for a long time though or if he's not feeding as much and still going a lot I would say call to find out if it's normal/what the possibilities are because of dehydration etc :)
I think this is normal for some babies - just keep an eye on the colour and texture if this changes i would ask HV or something!!
Poppy is the same. Most of her nappies are poo filled!
I was looking through my What To Expect in the First Year.. and I stumbled across this same question:)

Word for word -

"Your baby isn't hte first breastfed infant ever who seemed to be bent on beating the world record for dirtying diapers. Not only is such an active elimation pattern not a bad sign in a breastfed newborn, it's a good one. Since the amount that's coming out is related to the amount that's going in, any breastfeeding mother whose newborn has five or more movements daily can be assured that her baby is getting sufficient nourishment. The number of movements progressively decreases and may dwindle down to no more than one a day, or every other day for the entire first year. It's not necessary to continue keeping count- the number may vary from day to day, and that's perfectly normal, too.

Normal, also, for breastfed infants is a very soft, sometimes even watery, stool. But diarrhea- frequent stools that are liquidy, smelly, and may contain mucous, often accompanied by fever and/or weight loss- is less common among children who dine on breast milk alone. If they do get it, they have fewer, smaller movements than bottle-fed babies with diarrhea and recover more quickly, probably because of the antibacterial qualities of breast milk." p. 178
Ashlyn used to have dirty diapers every change and now she only has one or two a day. Breast milk is easier for babies to digest so, more dirty diapers. My DH and I have read that around her age (3 months) her metabolism changes too. I miss those days with the multiple little poo diapers. Now they are massive and if you have the wrong diaper, it leaks all over :nope:
Thanks everyone. It has eased off again today, he's just having his second of the day changed by hubby! Yesterday when it was flowing freely it was still mustard yellow with little "seeds" and very runny. I guess he was just having one of those days!
Holly hun I know I am bottle feeding but Becky over the last week seems to do poos less often...she used to do one every nappy now its every 2 or 3 nappies...even thru the night there are less!!:happydance:
Fred used to poo after every feed its quite normal for b-fed babies xx

now he has 1 day a week when he does 2-3 explosions!! which is totally normal too!!! xxx
If it had just been after every feed the other day I wouldn't have been worried! It was literally every hour all afternoon :hissy: but it has normalised now, thank goodness!

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