Jackson used to hit too. We just started saying "not nice" and would put him down or move away from him. It didn't take him long to figure it out. He doesn't hit anymore and now we use "not nice" for many things that he shouldn't do as he understands what it means. He can say "not nice" too and will repeat me. If he's doing something nice like petting the dog nicely he'll look at me and say "nice." He'll also use nice for things he likes, like we went to a store and he saw the costume jewelry (really sparkly) and he says "nice!"
No potty training yet...he's most definitely not interested in it yet.
Tried out our cloth diapers over the weekend and failed. He got a terrible rash and we had to switch back to disposables. I'm going to try fleece liners and see how we do.
No potty training yet...he's most definitely not interested in it yet.
Tried out our cloth diapers over the weekend and failed. He got a terrible rash and we had to switch back to disposables. I'm going to try fleece liners and see how we do.