I have to say I disagree with the others - I do think you manipulated him and are in the wrong. You made a conscious decision to try and get pregnant and admit you seduced him when you were ovulating. While I agree he knew the risks and should be prepared for the consequences, it is different because he wasn’t consciously trying. I would be really angry - not because you ended up pregnant (which is equally your faults), but because of the intentions behind your behaviour. I don’t think it can be said you tricked him, as you both knew what could happen. I guess a kind of analogy would be that if you drink drive, you might crash the car. The more you do it, the more likely you would. But you’ve deliberately crashed the car, with him in it. He shouldn’t have ever got in there, but if he had known that was your intention, he wouldn’t have. hope that makes sense - good luck!