Trying again after MC/MMC/Ectopic/Chem/Molar

Thanks for your replies girls.

I think NTNP is good all round, taking the pressure off and just letting your body choose when it's ready or not. I know we should be patient, but does anyone else alternate between a desperate want to be pregnant, and a debilitating fear about being pregnant and it all going wrong again?


You got it spot on, when i 1st found out i was prg after wanting and trying for years, i absolutly sh*t myself i was soooo worried! I'm so hoping next time around it will be ok! I'm doin the NTNP method, it's been almost 5 weeks since MC!! I know what u mean tho Drazic, i want to have my bean back, i would be 10 weeks now :( We will get there one day soonies girls ! x
Kitty hun, personally. I would wait. I know that sucks to hear - but you have a big battle ahead coping with the stress of the colonoscopy. You KNOW how guilt resonates if anything goes wrong, even when it's 100% down to nature and chance and it just worries me that you might be put in that situation. Chances are, nothing is wrong and fingers crossed you will get some good news to put your mind at ease. We are NTNP/TTC now but it's so bloody confusing - no clue what is going on. So, waiting a little longer might help with that too?


Thanks Beanie, won't be long now! :happydance:

:hugs: Leanne, it's so hard isn't it? Even though we are trying now, all I truely want is to be back where we were before with a healthy babe - 14 weeks on. :cry: - BUT! Can't do it, so all we can do is consentrate on a happy, healthy bfp in 2010! Good luck with the NTNP and loads of :dust:
Hey Drazic,

I did a bit of thinking yesterday and came to that conclusion too, the odds are in my favour that the borderline result could have righted itself by the colposcopy, so 12 more sleeps to then, plus cycle wise I am halfway there as I would only need to have one more. Hopefully I won't have treatement cos that will mean a few weeks without sex, but if needs must I would rather wait (just hopefully not too long). The time will fly by after xmas I am sure plus it will allow me to focus on weight loss and exercise - hopefully lose a stone and half by end of Jan. Really going to try, kick starting the diet by doing the cereal thing for 2 week, it says you can drop a dress size in 2 weeks, so that would mean for xmas I am back in a 14! Fx'd that I will. x

I know what you girls mean about thinking where you would be now, I would have been 6 months at xmas with my first and 3 months with my second if either one had carried further. So my plans had all been based on this and tbh I can't get excited about going out getting drunk as usual as I didn't want to do this, I wanted my bump. But I know I can't bring them back, or change it so I have to go forward and think of some other way to make my xmas special and I am sure you girls will too.

2010 babies and sticky beans for us all, we can share the journey together and compare stretch marks and piles lol xxxxx
hi girls
Im in a mess i wish i hadnt now, basically for the past now 3 days ive been getting very positive opks, i had a positive very strong opk last wednesday but didnt get a neg pt till thurs so wasnt sure whether it was the hcg causing the +opk, so on mon gets another +opk followed by + tues and today. So out of curiosity i did a PT and it was + wasnt even a fmu as it was me afternoon wee as thats what i use for opk could i have ov'd last week even so i shouldnt get a +pt now!!! also the neg i got last week was with a FMU!!!!!!! I HATE MY BODY !!!!!!
Kittykat, glad to see you feeling more positive. Everything is going to be FINE with the colonoscopy, and you will be knee deep in nappies and puke before you know it. I know how hard it is darling, I know how it aches everyday. But we will keep a smile on things and keep going - like you said, together. When are you next in the hospital? :hugs:

Lolly25, oh hun, I know your pain darling. HUGE :hugs: - I got three pos OPKS in a row after finally getting BFN - to get my AF an hour later :dohh: - now I am getting pos OPKS on superdrug, neg on ICs and random positives. It really does drive you completely loopy. How long has it been for you since MC? Was it natural? Thinking of you girl, it properly sucks :hugs:
Lolly - not sure if reading your post wrong but are u saying you have had a + pregnancy test? When did you ov, lmp etc ?

Thanks for the nappy wishes, hoping so yes. I am feeling very positive but even more so after eating a dairy milk - the cereal diet is great.... for not making me feel full lol.
Hi girls x
I had a mmc on the 10th nov and an erpc on the 17th nov got a neg pt with fmu on the 3rd dec!! Cant believe how cruel my body is being the pt is stronger than my last faint one with fmu before my neg!!!! x x

Forgot to mention i had a laroscopy with my ERPC as they thought they'ed perforated my womb, could the lap have trigged early ov???
AAArrrrrrgggghhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This thread is a great idea! :thumbup:
Its just over 4 weeks since my 3rd m/c, AF has been and gone but my OH was adamant we couldnt try again because the last was really traumatic but yesterday he relented and said we could try this month!!:happydance:

Strangely though as well as being pleased the thought of actually getting pregnant again gives me a horrible sick feeling to my stomach incase it happens yet again so feel really mixed!

:hugs: So cool having likeminded people to whinge to! xxx
Hey everyone :) firstly sorry for everyone's loss.
I lost my bean in may and still no bfp yet :( my baby would of been due in 3days and it's breaking my heart. And my cycles are so messed up,pretty sure I ain't ovulating and doctors will not help me yet till I had one more period. Kind of slowly losing hope :( I thought I would be lucky and get pregnant quick after the mc.
Just phoned epu and spoke to them , told them that i got a neg pt last week and this week got a faint pos pt, they said they expect at 3 weeks post it to be neg, and that given the fact i got a neg last week and a faint pos this week there is a chance this is a new preg, that i should wait a week and retest if pos then to go drs. I asked is it pos last week was a false neg and she said its unlikely...... Im so scared x x
Lolly - HUGE fingers crossed for you. As silly as it sounds, and as difficult as it is, please try and relax. Was the test you did before defo neg? This could be really good news, but I understand why you are scared and concerned. A week is ages with things like this. Have you got any ICs so you could do a few tests over that time? Thinking of you :hugs:

Stacey - hey hun :hugs:, I am sorry for your loss, and sorry you haven't got preg. That would really upset me too as I am hoping we will be healthy and preggo before my due date. Have you been charting? :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Kittykat - I am a hormonal wreck today, it's chocolate all the way for me. I wasn't born to be skinny I don't think - too much of a stress eater! Any news on dates from the hospital?

Moonmama - welcome :hugs: - I am so sorry for your losses, but pleased for the ttc news! You just summed this whole thing up for me. Happiness, terror, excitement, pain. All in one. :hugs:
hi hun, yeah my pt last week looked neg i was jumpin round the house cause id finally got a neg one but now im self doubtin myself thinkin was it !!! i should of kept it , ive had orangy/brown spottin last 2 days but thought nothin of it as just put it down to the mmc i will know by sat/sun anyway as the pt should get stronger if it is x or go in not x :nope:
Oh Lolly hun, what a hard place to be in. I was over the moon when I finally got my neg too, felt like it might be the beginning of the end so to speak. I really hope you get the answer you want soon. I guess that spotting could of been implantation, but it still seems early to get a bfp. Was it faint? :hugs:
good luck Lolly!! I'd buy a load of ic and do one everyday! But I'm impatient like that! FX for you xxx
No I don't chart I find it all too much and abut confusing really. But me and oh have bd nearly everyday so far and probs will do for rest of the month. I do wonder thou if I'm actualy ovulating. The only way I think I am is in change of cm. But is it possible to have cm like ur ovulating but not ovulate?
Hi hun yep it was faint u could see it but faint, not had many symtoms either!! only had period type pain tbh x Not goin toget my hopes up as knowing my luck its my body being cruel x I said to the EPU it would be early as im only 24 days post erpc and laproscopy and she said an egg can be released at any time!!!???? Still not convinced x
Gosh yeah, thinking of it like that it so could be. I REALLY don't want to be a bitch and I am sending love and :dust: to you. I hope I don't sound like a downer cow, I am just worried for you with everything you have been through that this is a cruel body game - BUT I am wishing and hoping this is your healthy bean hun. Will be thinking about you and waiting to hear good news :D

Stacey - fingers crossed for this much. So many people have success with NTNP, hope this is your month for your healthy bfp!
Well I had all the confirmation I needed today. I was having a really good clear out and found my last HPT from the pack I bought when we were trying before. I thought I'd do it but was expecting it to come up as a positive as it's only been a week since my erpc but it came up as a negative.

Even though in a way it was the result I needed as it shows there was nothing left and hopefully now my body has gone back to neutral. Hopefully this means it will be clicking back into action ready for AF to show in a few weeks but it still upset me as it proved that it was all over once and for all :cry:

Am just looking forward to AF coming so I know we can start trying again. Have told hubby that once she has been and gone we are going to BD'ing as much as possible, am determined to get that BFP!!!!!
Well I had all the confirmation I needed today. I was having a really good clear out and found my last HPT from the pack I bought when we were trying before. I thought I'd do it but was expecting it to come up as a positive as it's only been a week since my erpc but it came up as a negative.

Even though in a way it was the result I needed as it shows there was nothing left and hopefully now my body has gone back to neutral. Hopefully this means it will be clicking back into action ready for AF to show in a few weeks but it still upset me as it proved that it was all over once and for all :cry:

Am just looking forward to AF coming so I know we can start trying again. Have told hubby that once she has been and gone we are going to BD'ing as much as possible, am determined to get that BFP!!!!!

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