Trying Soy Isoflavens for the very first time! Come join if you are too?

I used soy 2-6 this cycle. Im 5dpo and anxiously waiting to see if this is my month!

Laylagirl- huge congratulations ! Did you have any symptoms if so when did they start!

I have mild cramps in the abdomen and lower back. Xxx

But you know what sounds a little silly?! One week ago I took a picture of me and my family on my phone but deleted it because my face looked pregnant swollen....I had an inkling even though I got bfn at 10 12 dpo now and got my positives...
Thats not silly you should always go with your gut (she says but doesnt want to do herself) haha. Im only 5dpo and have quiet a wait to go!!! H&H 9 months to you honey hehe!

Fingers crossed I wont be long behind you ! Xxx
Thats not silly you should always go with your gut (she says but doesnt want to do herself) haha. Im only 5dpo and have quiet a wait to go!!! H&H 9 months to you honey hehe!

Fingers crossed I wont be long behind you ! Xxx

Thanks a bunch! Wait 6 more date and you'll get your bfp!! 😉 then we can be bump buddies!
Can I join? Thinking about trying this. Those with the Spring Valley brand, does it say on the label the mg of isoflavones in it? A lot of vitamins have a mg on the front but that does not reflect the level of certain components. For example, 1000mg of fish oil might only have 300 mg of omega 3, the part that actually does something.

I am technically cd 5, but I'm on vaca and can't get to the store right now. I am thinking the day I start shouldn't matter much due to the fact that I'm 2 months post depo expiration and I don't have a regular cycle yet.
Hey ladies!!

I ended up ovulating on CD 17, currently AF is a day late!!!!!
I'm trying to wait as long as possible to test! Hoping Soy worked for me!!!!!!
Hey guys, I need some help. Firstly, I read this article from NY times about how there was a study done that showed most supplements do not contain what they claim to. So I am trying to buy only from companies that are GMP certified. I found a couple soy supplements online but the label usually says the amount of soy ISO concentrate is about 20-40%. So should I be taking the soy based on the ISO amount in them, or based on the overall mg of the pill? I'm thinking the soy ISO conecntrate but I want to know what you ladies did.
So I got my soy from Vitamin World. The mg of the pill says like over 2000 but the label says a certain percentage of it is the ISO, so 68 mg. The directions for menopause say 3 pills a day so that makes sense, it would be a little over 200 mg of ISO. Today is cd 6 so I'm starting tonight. Because of the mg amount I'm thinking maybe 1 pill tonight, 2 the next two nights, and then 3 the last 2 nights? I'm still debating that part.
So I got my soy from Vitamin World. The mg of the pill says like over 2000 but the label says a certain percentage of it is the ISO, so 68 mg. The directions for menopause say 3 pills a day so that makes sense, it would be a little over 200 mg of ISO. Today is cd 6 so I'm starting tonight. Because of the mg amount I'm thinking maybe 1 pill tonight, 2 the next two nights, and then 3 the last 2 nights? I'm still debating that part.

I don't know how good it is if you try the spy so late in your is recommended that you take it cd 1-5 2-6 3-7 4-8 or later than cd 5-9. It can actually have a negative affect on your cycle. I tried it cd 5-9 and it did nothing but cause me not to wasn't until I tried it cd 2-6 and I got my bfp...but good luck..
So I got my soy from Vitamin World. The mg of the pill says like over 2000 but the label says a certain percentage of it is the ISO, so 68 mg. The directions for menopause say 3 pills a day so that makes sense, it would be a little over 200 mg of ISO. Today is cd 6 so I'm starting tonight. Because of the mg amount I'm thinking maybe 1 pill tonight, 2 the next two nights, and then 3 the last 2 nights? I'm still debating that part.

I don't know how good it is if you try the spy so late in your is recommended that you take it cd 1-5 2-6 3-7 4-8 or later than cd 5-9. It can actually have a negative affect on your cycle. I tried it cd 5-9 and it did nothing but cause me not to wasn't until I tried it cd 2-6 and I got my bfp...but good luck..

I know, but at this point I don't really have a normal cycle. I'm coming off of depo after 7 years and my last "period" was 1 day of brown blood and 3 days of spotting. Seems from what I have read it helped a lot of girls ovulate that were not ovulating so I figure one day later than normal probably won't hurt. I have not had one positive opk since coming off the depo so if soy makes that happen I will be thrilled!

I took only 1 tab last night so 68 mg. No side effects although I did take it before bed. I'm going to up it to 2 tonight.
So I got my soy from Vitamin World. The mg of the pill says like over 2000 but the label says a certain percentage of it is the ISO, so 68 mg. The directions for menopause say 3 pills a day so that makes sense, it would be a little over 200 mg of ISO. Today is cd 6 so I'm starting tonight. Because of the mg amount I'm thinking maybe 1 pill tonight, 2 the next two nights, and then 3 the last 2 nights? I'm still debating that part.

I don't know how good it is if you try the spy so late in your is recommended that you take it cd 1-5 2-6 3-7 4-8 or later than cd 5-9. It can actually have a negative affect on your cycle. I tried it cd 5-9 and it did nothing but cause me not to wasn't until I tried it cd 2-6 and I got my bfp...but good luck..

I know, but at this point I don't really have a normal cycle. I'm coming off of depo after 7 years and my last "period" was 1 day of brown blood and 3 days of spotting. Seems from what I have read it helped a lot of girls ovulate that were not ovulating so I figure one day later than normal probably won't hurt. I have not had one positive opk since coming off the depo so if soy makes that happen I will be thrilled!

I took only 1 tab last night so 68 mg. No side effects although I did take it before bed. I'm going to up it to 2 tonight.

My experience with depo, is that you have to wait it out...when you put things inside your body to stop you from ovulating, you have to let it run it's course. Soy isoflavens can't get rid of the depo provera still idling in your body. It too 18 months before I got a bfp after just takes a little time to get out of the system...I even had my sister try the soy the same cycle I got my bfp...she's been waiting 12 months now...
So I got my soy from Vitamin World. The mg of the pill says like over 2000 but the label says a certain percentage of it is the ISO, so 68 mg. The directions for menopause say 3 pills a day so that makes sense, it would be a little over 200 mg of ISO. Today is cd 6 so I'm starting tonight. Because of the mg amount I'm thinking maybe 1 pill tonight, 2 the next two nights, and then 3 the last 2 nights? I'm still debating that part.

I don't know how good it is if you try the spy so late in your is recommended that you take it cd 1-5 2-6 3-7 4-8 or later than cd 5-9. It can actually have a negative affect on your cycle. I tried it cd 5-9 and it did nothing but cause me not to wasn't until I tried it cd 2-6 and I got my bfp...but good luck..

I know, but at this point I don't really have a normal cycle. I'm coming off of depo after 7 years and my last "period" was 1 day of brown blood and 3 days of spotting. Seems from what I have read it helped a lot of girls ovulate that were not ovulating so I figure one day later than normal probably won't hurt. I have not had one positive opk since coming off the depo so if soy makes that happen I will be thrilled!

I took only 1 tab last night so 68 mg. No side effects although I did take it before bed. I'm going to up it to 2 tonight.

My experience with depo, is that you have to wait it out...when you put things inside your body to stop you from ovulating, you have to let it run it's course. Soy isoflavens can't get rid of the depo provera still idling in your body. It too 18 months before I got a bfp after just takes a little time to get out of the system...I even had my sister try the soy the same cycle I got my bfp...she's been waiting 12 months now...

Since I don't have regulated cycles yet I'm not that worried about messing anything up, you know what I mean. If the soy doesn't work I might not try it again just in case it delays anything. Seems that everyone is different, some it helps and some not. Figure its worth a try if I'm really waiting a year or longer.

What was your story with depo? Were you trying that whole eighteen months? And was your sis also on it? How long until you got a period again or ovulated again? Sorry for all the questions. It probably doesn't make much of a difference since everyone is so different but it keeps me busy reading other's experiences lol.
So I got my soy from Vitamin World. The mg of the pill says like over 2000 but the label says a certain percentage of it is the ISO, so 68 mg. The directions for menopause say 3 pills a day so that makes sense, it would be a little over 200 mg of ISO. Today is cd 6 so I'm starting tonight. Because of the mg amount I'm thinking maybe 1 pill tonight, 2 the next two nights, and then 3 the last 2 nights? I'm still debating that part.

I don't know how good it is if you try the spy so late in your is recommended that you take it cd 1-5 2-6 3-7 4-8 or later than cd 5-9. It can actually have a negative affect on your cycle. I tried it cd 5-9 and it did nothing but cause me not to wasn't until I tried it cd 2-6 and I got my bfp...but good luck..

I know, but at this point I don't really have a normal cycle. I'm coming off of depo after 7 years and my last "period" was 1 day of brown blood and 3 days of spotting. Seems from what I have read it helped a lot of girls ovulate that were not ovulating so I figure one day later than normal probably won't hurt. I have not had one positive opk since coming off the depo so if soy makes that happen I will be thrilled!

I took only 1 tab last night so 68 mg. No side effects although I did take it before bed. I'm going to up it to 2 tonight.

My experience with depo, is that you have to wait it out...when you put things inside your body to stop you from ovulating, you have to let it run it's course. Soy isoflavens can't get rid of the depo provera still idling in your body. It too 18 months before I got a bfp after just takes a little time to get out of the system...I even had my sister try the soy the same cycle I got my bfp...she's been waiting 12 months now...

Since I don't have regulated cycles yet I'm not that worried about messing anything up, you know what I mean. If the soy doesn't work I might not try it again just in case it delays anything. Seems that everyone is different, some it helps and some not. Figure its worth a try if I'm really waiting a year or longer.

What was your story with depo? Were you trying that whole eighteen months? And was your sis also on it? How long until you got a period again or ovulated again? Sorry for all the questions. It probably doesn't make much of a difference since everyone is so different but it keeps me busy reading other's experiences lol.

I was trying the whole 18 months...but the dr told me that it takes at least 12 months for depo provera to leave your system. My sister has been trying for the past 15 months. Last month I forced her to try the soy isoflavens cd 3-7....and nothing...she's still trying, but nothing so far. From what my dr told me when I used it was that it takes half the time to leave your system...I used it for 18 months and it took 18 months before I became regular...I don't know if thee is anything out there to speed up the was a difficult wait. This time, I haven't used any kind of birth control except breast feeding which may as we'll be just as it messes up your cycles...
I was trying the whole 18 months...but the dr told me that it takes at least 12 months for depo provera to leave your system. My sister has been trying for the past 15 months. Last month I forced her to try the soy isoflavens cd 3-7....and nothing...she's still trying, but nothing so far. From what my dr told me when I used it was that it takes half the time to leave your system...I used it for 18 months and it took 18 months before I became regular...I don't know if thee is anything out there to speed up the was a difficult wait. This time, I haven't used any kind of birth control except breast feeding which may as we'll be just as it messes up your cycles...

You mean half the time you were on it is how long it takes to leave your system? Either way I don't think I will do birth control again really. It just scares me now! Well, hopefully the soy does something for me. Did your sister ovulate on time after the soy or does she not track that stuff?
hey ladies, wondered if i could join you....
I have long cycles and although I seem to ovulate, i was told that soy would help reduce the length of my cycles...i am cd 1 today and think i will give it a go cd 3-7, i am just not sure on how much to take? X
hey ladies, wondered if i could join you....
I have long cycles and although I seem to ovulate, i was told that soy would help reduce the length of my cycles...i am cd 1 today and think i will give it a go cd 3-7, i am just not sure on how much to take? X

The thing I think is important is to find a SI that tells you how much actual isoflavones are in the supplement. I bought mine at Vitamin World because they have a good rep, and while the pill itself is over 2000 mg, the isoflavone content is about 68 mg. There is one pill from Walmart, not sure of the quality, but it's easy to dose because they are 40 mg pills. So most people take like 40, 80, 80, 120, 160 or something along those lines. From what I understand you basically increase it each day without passing 200 mg on the last day.
Im giving them a go this cycle, cycle expected to start in 3ish days :) Update here if you get your bfp please, & good luck all !
Anyone still in here??... I'm at 7 dpo today, will probably start testing at 10dpo.

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