I am trying to figure out what is going on . July 3rd I started my period, very lightly, and on the 13th it got realy heavy and ended on the 22nd. I had unprotected sex on July 25th and 28th. Over the past week I've had cramps everyday but not all day, headaches (although I get them normally), nausea off and on, dizziness off and on, a bit of a runny nose, a sore throat, sore lower back, tender breasts, low grade fever (99.1-99.7) over the past 3 days, chills and hot flashes, very tired, a combination of decreased and increased appetite, heartburn, and mood swings. I took a test on August 4th and it was negative but I think it was just too early. I can't decide if this is premenstrual or if it really could be early pregnancy. Any advice or insight from anyone? Anything would greatly be appreciated!