Hi, I'm new to this forum and forums in general. I don't know all the terms yet so please bare with me. My husband and I are ttc. I have been off the depo shot since 2013. No kind of bc since then. This last month, we bought an ovulation test kit and started having sex the day my levels surged through the next 48 hours. Af is due any day now. The last few months, I've hit between the 25-27 day mark, and we are at day 24 now. I've taken 2 tests that were both negative, but I have what I think are several symptoms. My breasts hurt worse than they ever have before a period. My nipples are super sensitive, constantly standing at attention, and have changed to a purple color. I have to pee a lot. Semi regular heart burn. Can anyone give me any advice/opinions? I don't know if I have made my body do this because we want it so badly, or possibly I'm reading too much into it. I'm going to test again Tuesday morning. Last test was Sunday morning.