TTC #1 and over 30

:wave: Hi Ladies, what a nice thread. I am 32 and DH is 40. We have been TTC for 7 months. Unfortunately, I suffered an early MC in January and it's been an emotional rollercoaster ever since. Praying this will be our cycle. Best of luck to all and sending :dust:

Sorry to hear about the MC :( I bet it's super hard to get back on the horse after something like that. I'm glad you found us!!! We're here for you :hugs: My DH and I are the same age diff as you and your DH, except both 2 years older. I wish you all the best!!


Baby dust everyone!
Hi ladies,
Im 33 and ttc my first child:) My mom tells me I am too old I hope she is wrong:sad1:

Def not too old :)
I´ve heard of women having children right up to the age of 60, though that´s exceptional.

Most women I know that start out late, start after 35 :)

Thank you that makes me feel better:) My mom had me at 23 and my sister at 25 so she said that I should have done this earlier in life.....I am ready now and I don't feel too old to have a baby lol.

My sister was pregnant on her second try at age 34. She just BD a lot during the fertile period.
im 39. did 4 rounds of iui (first unmedicated, next two on femara, then one in injectibles). finally got a sperm count (im single and using frozen donor sperm) on the 4th round despite asking every round... count of 6.6million and a progession of 1.. ie crap sperm. so i had no real hope on that last round (and in retrospect shouldnt have had any on the prior cycles). anyway just waiting on af to start injections for round 5 with new donor sperm.. as far as age.. well my doctor is nice enough to tell me he thinks it is my old eggs that made the cycle fail (despite making a crap ton of them) and that the sperm "wasnt that bad". sigh.. so one more injection round then im off to ivf

Don't get discouraged women at 39 can and do get pregnant often. I can tell that your doctor is a man lol
Hi ladies, I hope you don't mind if I join you? I'm 31 (and a little more than halfway to 32 now) and my husband and I are trying for our first. He is 25 (yes, I'm a cougar!), but a very wonderful, mature, family-oriented 25 and we are both looking forward to starting this journey together. I'm hoping the youth of his spermies works in our favor! We got married last September and just took our last much-anticipated trip together before TTC this past month. We were in India (we both used to live there and it's where we first met and started dating!) and we always knew we would start TTC after we got back. And then ironically, my pill packet for April ran out on Saturday, which was the day we left to come home. I'm now awaiting my withdrawal bleed and started temping this morning so I could catch my temp the first day I start.

It seems so weird to finally be starting to TTC, especially since many of my friends already have babies and small children. I've been somewhat fortunate in the sense that I'm not unusual in waiting until my 30s in my group of friends (most were very career oriented or finishing up graduate degrees, so we all are kinda a little 30-something cohort now). But still many of them are pregnant now or just had their first, so I feel a little bit like I'm playing catch up but not by too much. They've also given me hope that having your first in your 30s is totally great and that it has been worth the wait (and also the hope that I really will be a competent parent after so many years of having no real responsibilities other than to myself!).

I don't know yet when AF will arrive or if my cycles will even adjust back to 28-30 days like they were a few years ago when I was off the pill, but I'm anticipating I'll be waiting to test sometime around the 3rd/4th week of May. I'm pretty adamant that I'm not going to allow myself to test until I'm a couple days late, especially in the beginning when I don't know what my cycles are like yet. I'm terrified of how I would feel if I had a chemical and I'm just downright cheap, but we'll see how that goes. Glad to meet you all!

Just wondering what everyone's reasons were for waiting? I only met my now husband when I was 27. I'm American and he is British, though we were living in the same place for the first year of our relationship, eventually we both had to go back home. So this meant things were long distance for another couple years until I could move to the UK and we could get married. It was important to be married first just in general, but also for the security of knowing it meant if I was pregnant, we could be in the same country without having to worry about one of us needing to leave. Plus, there were a few things we wanted to do this past year just to enjoy our time together before thinking about babies. But now we are ready!


Hi Karen,
I just got married in October so I haven't really had the chance to TTC. I too feel that having a child in your thirties is beneficial. Getting the adventure and party out of your system helps you grow and mature into a more competent parent (in my eyes). Not to say that 20 somethings can't be, I just feel more settled and financially secure. If you are interested in ovulation test and do not want to "break the bank" try I've made many purchases from them and the tests work well for little cost.
Good luck this month Fx!
MindUtopia- My reason for waiting was that I was in a very rocky (technically an understatement) relationship for 17 years. Although I have always wanted children, I knew it was not a good idea to bring them into the world while things were so bad. Eventually I got my act together and left. About a year later I met my OH who is absolutely wonderful. We've been together for about 2 1/2 years now. We bought a house last year and now I just feel ready. He wanted to get married first before TTC, but the incessant ticking sound I kept hearing drove me to talk him out of it. Truth is I would marry him tomorrow, but I couldn't bare the idea of delaying a baby so long that it might hurt our chances. I am all fine with a courthouse or backyard wedding, but he wants it to be traditional and I knew that the cost and planning of the wedding would set us back longer than I could emotionally handle. I'm only 34 but I want more than one... so wedding on the back burner, baby on the front! BTW I can't believe how many of us here are robbing the cradle! My OH is 32.

Everyone- Is anyone else out there using This is my first cycle using it but I'm already a chart junkie. If you are using it and you're not shy post those charts ladies! We all have something to learn from each other!

I'm on 8 DPO and I have so many early symptoms that I could scream. I think I have already convinced myself that I am pregnant. It may just all be in my head or maybe I'm actually going to get my :bfp:! I am currently starring at my box of HPT. "Is it too early? Maybe it's not too early. No, I should wait. Well maybe it's ok... no, I'll wait until tomorrow." Ugh! I'm going crazy!
Crap crap crap. 2.3cm cyst on one side and a small one on the other. So no stims for me. I am going to Philly at the end of may so I'd have to miss 2 cycles which I don't want to do. New plan, us Monday to see if I'm growing a follicle despite the cysts then do an unmedicated cycle. If that doesn't work I'd have to skip a cycle anyway for ivf so... Now if I don't grow a follicle... And I have to skip this cycle entirely.. I'm pondering skipping the trip home. Tickets were pretty cheap and al though I know my parents would be sad, I think id just stress the whole time about how I should be cycling etc. I'm 39, I don't have time to step back and just take months off. it is all so frustrating
liltiger -- yes, I'm using FF. I've just been using it to chart AF the past couple months since I was still on the pill (I know even that is pointless, but I wanted to get used to how it worked). I got my withdrawal bleed from the last packet of pills this morning, so today is officially CD1 for us! Who knows how this cycle will go since I obviously just stopped the pill, but I'm hoping things get back to normal fairly soon. I stopped the pill for about 2-ish years when I was 26-28 (I was living in the U.S. and had no health insurance), and my periods were normal and regular straight away even after 7 years on the pill. So I'm hoping to be as lucky this time!

The only thing I noticed with FF this month when I went to put in that it was CD1 is that my possibly fertile/fertile days are realllllly long. Like 8 days long. Is that normal for everyone? Is it just not sure yet because I haven't put in enough data for it to predict better at this point? It doesn't really matter too much because I'm going to use CM and CP to find my fertile days rather than rely on their predictions, but I guess I thought it would just be like 3-4 days total. I don't know if my poor vagina can have sex for 8 days in a row! :haha:
:wave: Hi Ladies, what a nice thread. I am 32 and DH is 40. We have been TTC for 7 months. Unfortunately, I suffered an early MC in January and it's been an emotional rollercoaster ever since. Praying this will be our cycle. Best of luck to all and sending :dust:

Sorry to hear about your loss. Best of luck to you and welcome.
Karen/Mindtopia - My DH and I have been together for over 8 years, married for 3.5 years. He's just a career oriented guy and was busy starting a company for the last 6 years. Plus, we had some ups and downs in our relationship so we put having babies on hold. But now that everything is ironed out and we're more in love than ever, we want the babies YESTERDAY!!! So it's super hard to wait and keep trying! I came off BCP in Dec and had 3 fairly regular cycles (29, 31, 27 days) and then one really short one (19d) and now I'm in my 5th cycle on CD27. My calendar says AF is due tomorrow - I don't have any PMS symptoms but I don't have any preg symptoms either so who knows!!! But FX I guess! And best of luck to you!!

liltiger - I'm 34 too and I too want more than one as well. It makes it feel more urgent. I hate it when everyone tells me oh you're still young, you'll be fine. Well, not if i want 4 kids!!! I'm going to try fertilityfriend next cycle, along with OPKs. GL to you!!
Good luck tomorrow MrsChezek, keep us posted on your result!!

MindUtopia- My reason for waiting was that I was in a very rocky (technically an understatement) relationship for 17 years. Although I have always wanted children, I knew it was not a good idea to bring them into the world while things were so bad. Eventually I got my act together and left. About a year later I met my OH who is absolutely wonderful. We've been together for about 2 1/2 years now. We bought a house last year and now I just feel ready. He wanted to get married first before TTC, but the incessant ticking sound I kept hearing drove me to talk him out of it. Truth is I would marry him tomorrow, but I couldn't bare the idea of delaying a baby so long that it might hurt our chances. I am all fine with a courthouse or backyard wedding, but he wants it to be traditional and I knew that the cost and planning of the wedding would set us back longer than I could emotionally handle. I'm only 34 but I want more than one... so wedding on the back burner, baby on the front! BTW I can't believe how many of us here are robbing the cradle! My OH is 32.

Everyone- Is anyone else out there using This is my first cycle using it but I'm already a chart junkie. If you are using it and you're not shy post those charts ladies! We all have something to learn from each other!

I'm on 8 DPO and I have so many early symptoms that I could scream. I think I have already convinced myself that I am pregnant. It may just all be in my head or maybe I'm actually going to get my :bfp:! I am currently starring at my box of HPT. "Is it too early? Maybe it's not too early. No, I should wait. Well maybe it's ok... no, I'll wait until tomorrow." Ugh! I'm going crazy!

Try to hold off. If you get a false bfn it can be discouraging. I'm a poas addict so it's hard for me to wait but I.m going to try to hold off until 11 dpo. You can usually get a good reading with a frer by then Fx and keep us posted!!
MindUtopia- My reason for waiting was that I was in a very rocky (technically an understatement) relationship for 17 years. Although I have always wanted children, I knew it was not a good idea to bring them into the world while things were so bad. Eventually I got my act together and left. About a year later I met my OH who is absolutely wonderful. We've been together for about 2 1/2 years now. We bought a house last year and now I just feel ready. He wanted to get married first before TTC, but the incessant ticking sound I kept hearing drove me to talk him out of it. Truth is I would marry him tomorrow, but I couldn't bare the idea of delaying a baby so long that it might hurt our chances. I am all fine with a courthouse or backyard wedding, but he wants it to be traditional and I knew that the cost and planning of the wedding would set us back longer than I could emotionally handle. I'm only 34 but I want more than one... so wedding on the back burner, baby on the front! BTW I can't believe how many of us here are robbing the cradle! My OH is 32.

Everyone- Is anyone else out there using This is my first cycle using it but I'm already a chart junkie. If you are using it and you're not shy post those charts ladies! We all have something to learn from each other!

I'm on 8 DPO and I have so many early symptoms that I could scream. I think I have already convinced myself that I am pregnant. It may just all be in my head or maybe I'm actually going to get my :bfp:! I am currently starring at my box of HPT. "Is it too early? Maybe it's not too early. No, I should wait. Well maybe it's ok... no, I'll wait until tomorrow." Ugh! I'm going crazy!

I just decided to join and found a discount on their facebook page. If you 'like' them and then go to their promos tab, you can get a year's membership for $24.95 (normally $120).

And I agree with smimms, you should wait to test! 8DPO is too early and you will get a false :bfn: or worse, you might experience a chemical! GL!
Good luck tomorrow MrsChezek, keep us posted on your result!!


So I'm torn.

Based on all my past cycles, FF is predicting that I'm somewhere between DPO17 and DPO11 today. Though I got EWCM on CD19&20, which would put me at DPO7!!! AF is predicted for tomorrow. My shortest cycle was 19d and my longest 31d. I'm on CD27 today. I'm utterly confused on when to test!!! I don't want to POAS too early as I'm terrified of how I will respond to a chemical...but I'm dying to know! Any advice? :wacko:

Personally, I would wait.
I stalk these threads a lot every day, just to keep myself occupied.
And I´m not even into my 2ww yet...
Wow. I just really need to share this you guys.

I feel amazing.:thumbup:

Since I was 19, my sex drive has been really really low.
I´ve experimented with different types of BC, shots, pills, evening the loop that´s inserted into.... yea... ouch...
I even stopped taking the pill for a few months, to no avail.

These days, I feel like I'm 17 again :)

The only thing I can think is making the difference, is the fact that I´m taking all sorts of vitamins, and prenatal stuff, that´s affecting my hormonal balance.
So, even if I can´t get preggers yet, one good thing has come out of this :happydance:
Good luck tomorrow MrsChezek, keep us posted on your result!!


So I'm torn.

Based on all my past cycles, FF is predicting that I'm somewhere between DPO17 and DPO11 today. Though I got EWCM on CD19&20, which would put me at DPO7!!! AF is predicted for tomorrow. My shortest cycle was 19d and my longest 31d. I'm on CD27 today. I'm utterly confused on when to test!!! I don't want to POAS too early as I'm terrified of how I will respond to a chemical...but I'm dying to know! Any advice? :wacko:

Oh wow how confusing.. It wouldn't hurt to test with FMU tomorrow. I've heard of pregnant women experiencing ewcm. Either way I would make sure it is done with fmu. It's better to know than not to I believe. Have you been taking prenatals?
Hey guys. I would love to join and get to know y'all! I just turned 32 about a week ago - Hubby turns 30 in about 2 weeks. We have been TTC since June of 2011. I had a MMC in November and am on Cycle #6 after the loss.

I have Low Progesterone/Luteal Phase Defect. I have an appt on Thursday to find out what this cycles plan of action is. Last cycle was a bust and my Progesterone didn't raise to an acceptable level.

For the testing schedule - I will probably test on May 21st but that may change depending on when I OV.
So I realized today that I've been going about TTC all wrong. Apparently your chances are the best when having sex 2 days prior to ovulation and not the day of. On the exact date of ovulation I read there is only a 5% chance of pregnancy. I was concentrating on BD right when I thought ovulation hit. :dohh: Well I guess that means more :sex: a couple days before.. Darn :winkwink:
Good luck tomorrow MrsChezek, keep us posted on your result!!


So I'm torn.

Based on all my past cycles, FF is predicting that I'm somewhere between DPO17 and DPO11 today. Though I got EWCM on CD19&20, which would put me at DPO7!!! AF is predicted for tomorrow. My shortest cycle was 19d and my longest 31d. I'm on CD27 today. I'm utterly confused on when to test!!! I don't want to POAS too early as I'm terrified of how I will respond to a chemical...but I'm dying to know! Any advice? :wacko:

Oh wow how confusing.. It wouldn't hurt to test with FMU tomorrow. I've heard of pregnant women experiencing ewcm. Either way I would make sure it is done with fmu. It's better to know than not to I believe. Have you been taking prenatals?

Isn't it??? I hate feeling so out of the loop with my own body :shrug: I started taking prenatals in December and my multi I took for years beforehand had 400mg of folic acid so I'm set on that front! Unless you were going somewhere else with that question :dohh: Getting ahead of myself!

*EDIT: Just read your comment about BDing on day of O...craziness! Seems so opposite of common sense! Thanks for sharing :thumbup:

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