MindUtopia- My reason for waiting was that I was in a very rocky (technically an understatement) relationship for 17 years. Although I have always wanted children, I knew it was not a good idea to bring them into the world while things were so bad. Eventually I got my act together and left. About a year later I met my OH who is absolutely wonderful. We've been together for about 2 1/2 years now. We bought a house last year and now I just feel ready. He wanted to get married first before TTC, but the incessant ticking sound I kept hearing drove me to talk him out of it. Truth is I would marry him tomorrow, but I couldn't bare the idea of delaying a baby so long that it might hurt our chances. I am all fine with a courthouse or backyard wedding, but he wants it to be traditional and I knew that the cost and planning of the wedding would set us back longer than I could emotionally handle. I'm only 34 but I want more than one... so wedding on the back burner, baby on the front! BTW I can't believe how many of us here are robbing the cradle! My OH is 32.
Everyone- Is anyone else out there using fertilityfriend.com? This is my first cycle using it but I'm already a chart junkie. If you are using it and you're not shy post those charts ladies! We all have something to learn from each other!
I'm on 8 DPO and I have so many early symptoms that I could scream. I think I have already convinced myself that I am pregnant. It may just all be in my head or maybe I'm actually going to get my

! I am currently starring at my box of HPT. "Is it too early? Maybe it's not too early. No, I should wait. Well maybe it's ok... no, I'll wait until tomorrow." Ugh! I'm going crazy!