TTC #1 and over 30

Welcome alisa! I'm 1 DPO so we'll be testing around the same time! You've come to a great thread.

Hi Veganlily! I am pretty sure I ovulated during the night of 04/30-05/01; FF is telling me I'm 3dpo though.

When do you plan on testing? :winkwink:
Welcome alisa! I'm 1 DPO so we'll be testing around the same time! You've come to a great thread.

Hi Veganlily! I am pretty sure I ovulated during the night of 04/30-05/01; FF is telling me I'm 3dpo though.

When do you plan on testing? :winkwink:

My thought is at 11DPO - which is mother's day, and that would be very cool. But I will only do that if my chart is showing positive indications-like implantation dip, sustained temp spike, triphasic pattern, etc. I've learned to ignore most "symptoms" as I get virtually every one right before my af-so they are somewhat meaningless for me at this point! If I don't have good indications I will wait until Tuesday of that week-13 DPO since that would be the first day of my missed period (my literal phase is usually 12-13 days). You are waiting til may 15??
Welcome alisa! I'm 1 DPO so we'll be testing around the same time! You've come to a great thread.

Hi Veganlily! I am pretty sure I ovulated during the night of 04/30-05/01; FF is telling me I'm 3dpo though.

When do you plan on testing? :winkwink:

My thought is at 11DPO - which is mother's day, and that would be very cool. But I will only do that if my chart is showing positive indications-like implantation dip, sustained temp spike, triphasic pattern, etc. I've learned to ignore most "symptoms" as I get virtually every one right before my af-so they are somewhat meaningless for me at this point! If I don't have good indications I will wait until Tuesday of that week-13 DPO since that would be the first day of my missed period (my literal phase is usually 12-13 days). You are waiting til may 15??

I told myself I wouldn't get addicted to peeing on sticks EVER AGAIN! I was miserable last cycle. It was weird. I ovulated on 04/10, thought I was experiencing implatation bleeding on 04/17, but it turned very dark and I was spotting until 04/20. I started testing everyday at 8dpo, got a BFN blood test at the doc's on the 27th. I was showing signs of ovulation this past weekend and wondered if I experienced a mini miscarriage and checked my LH on Monday, and BOOM! A fat second line. I did it again to make sure. And yes. Did it again that evening, still there. Again on Tuesday morning, started fading, gone by Tuesday evening. If we fertilized this time, I hope it sticks. :af:
Welcome alisa! I'm 1 DPO so we'll be testing around the same time! You've come to a great thread.

Hi Veganlily! I am pretty sure I ovulated during the night of 04/30-05/01; FF is telling me I'm 3dpo though.

When do you plan on testing? :winkwink:

My thought is at 11DPO - which is mother's day, and that would be very cool. But I will only do that if my chart is showing positive indications-like implantation dip, sustained temp spike, triphasic pattern, etc. I've learned to ignore most "symptoms" as I get virtually every one right before my af-so they are somewhat meaningless for me at this point! If I don't have good indications I will wait until Tuesday of that week-13 DPO since that would be the first day of my missed period (my literal phase is usually 12-13 days). You are waiting til may 15??

Mother's Day would def be AWESOME. Wow. I thought that same thing. If I am showing steady signs I will test 05/13 as well. The MOST awesome part though, is if we did conceive on the wee hours of 05/01 my due date would be my BIRTHDAY! :):):)
Welcome alisa! I'm 1 DPO so we'll be testing around the same time! You've come to a great thread.

Hi Veganlily! I am pretty sure I ovulated during the night of 04/30-05/01; FF is telling me I'm 3dpo though.

When do you plan on testing? :winkwink:

My thought is at 11DPO - which is mother's day, and that would be very cool. But I will only do that if my chart is showing positive indications-like implantation dip, sustained temp spike, triphasic pattern, etc. I've learned to ignore most "symptoms" as I get virtually every one right before my af-so they are somewhat meaningless for me at this point! If I don't have good indications I will wait until Tuesday of that week-13 DPO since that would be the first day of my missed period (my literal phase is usually 12-13 days). You are waiting til may 15??

Mother's Day would def be AWESOME. Wow. I thought that same thing. If I am showing steady signs I will test 05/13 as well. The MOST awesome part though, is if we did conceive on the wee hours of 05/01 my due date would be my BIRTHDAY! :):):)

I'm excited for all the mother's day testers!!! What a wonderful day to get some :bfp:s on here! FX to all of you ladies :baby:
:dust: sticky dust :dust:

*EDIT: I'm hoping for a +OPK on Mother's Day - that will be pretty exciting for me as it's my first time doing OPKs :thumbup:
Wow this is cool. We need our Mother's Day BFPs. I too think I ovulated a day early and that would be a good thing. I'll definitely be on my computer May 13th Fx ladies and
AF is due 12th which is perfect for me because I don't think I could handle being around everyone on mothers day if a got a BFN.

On the other hand if I got a BFP I'd need to retest 20 times before it sinks in so it would be like finding out on mothers day!

Or thats what I'm telling myself to stop from testing early
Welcome alisa! I'm 1 DPO so we'll be testing around the same time! You've come to a great thread.

Hi Veganlily! I am pretty sure I ovulated during the night of 04/30-05/01; FF is telling me I'm 3dpo though.

When do you plan on testing? :winkwink:

My thought is at 11DPO - which is mother's day, and that would be very cool. But I will only do that if my chart is showing positive indications-like implantation dip, sustained temp spike, triphasic pattern, etc. I've learned to ignore most "symptoms" as I get virtually every one right before my af-so they are somewhat meaningless for me at this point! If I don't have good indications I will wait until Tuesday of that week-13 DPO since that would be the first day of my missed period (my literal phase is usually 12-13 days). You are waiting til may 15??

I told myself I wouldn't get addicted to peeing on sticks EVER AGAIN! I was miserable last cycle. It was weird. I ovulated on 04/10, thought I was experiencing implatation bleeding on 04/17, but it turned very dark and I was spotting until 04/20. I started testing everyday at 8dpo, got a BFN blood test at the doc's on the 27th. I was showing signs of ovulation this past weekend and wondered if I experienced a mini miscarriage and checked my LH on Monday, and BOOM! A fat second line. I did it again to make sure. And yes. Did it again that evening, still there. Again on Tuesday morning, started fading, gone by Tuesday evening. If we fertilized this time, I hope it sticks. :af:

Yeah I hear that. This is actually my first month with Internet cheapie sticks so I think the temptation will be greater, but honestly, bfn's are so depressing that I'd rather wait. I also really have to just go by my chart because since I turned 33, af symptoms mirror bfp symptoms in a cruel cruel way-right down to increased veins, thirst and nausea. If I see a dip or a big temp spike, I plan to wait 3 days and test from that point, but no earlier than 11dpo (mother's day). From lurking around here, it seems like by 11-12 DPO people are getting pretty good lines-before that they are often squinters and I'd rather avoid that particular form of torture!

Good luck-I'm so looking forward to seeing the BFP's on this thread start rolling in!
Well, ladies, I think I am either getting ready to ovulate or getting AF even though I'm on CD11. I thought I had some watery and just nearly EWCM looking CM yesterday, but it seems to be more creamy today. But I'm definitely getting cramps. So I'm thinking maybe my body is going to force a natural AF after stopping my birth control, or I'll be ovulating soon. I don't remember anymore what ov cramps were like, so who knows!
Well, ladies, I think I am either getting ready to ovulate or getting AF even though I'm on CD11. I thought I had some watery and just nearly EWCM looking CM yesterday, but it seems to be more creamy today. But I'm definitely getting cramps. So I'm thinking maybe my body is going to force a natural AF after stopping my birth control, or I'll be ovulating soon. I don't remember anymore what ov cramps were like, so who knows!

They definitely can mirror af cramps. Can you do an opk test by any chance? It sounds to me like you are about to ovulate so I would get offline and into bed!! ;)
AF is due 12th which is perfect for me because I don't think I could handle being around everyone on mothers day if a got a BFN.

On the other hand if I got a BFP I'd need to retest 20 times before it sinks in so it would be like finding out on mothers day!

Or thats what I'm telling myself to stop from testing early

Good luck with it-looking forward to getting the tww over with!
Hello Everyone!!

This is my VERY FIRST post and I thought this thread would be an appropriate place to start! I am 32 and TTC my first child. This is our 3rd month trying and I am beginning to take things a little more seriously... Who knew getting knocked up was so difficult.

I have a BBT chart going with FF and I am currently 3dpo and plan to test on 05/15. Waiting is TORTURE!!! I'd love to wait with those on the same page.

I'm Alisa!

Welcome Alisa! You have come to the right place. Glad you are here. It's funny how for so long you prevent then when you want it, it doesn't come nearly as easy.

Good morning ladies! Happy Friday to you all.
I chickened out this morning and didn't test. :nope:
I keep having cramps like the :witch: is coming anytime now so I'm going to wait until i'm actually late. I don't think I can handle a :bfn:
Good morning ladies! Happy Friday to you all.
I chickened out this morning and didn't test. :nope:
I keep having cramps like the :witch: is coming anytime now so I'm going to wait until i'm actually late. I don't think I can handle a :bfn:

What day will you be late??
Good morning ladies! Happy Friday to you all.
I chickened out this morning and didn't test. :nope:
I keep having cramps like the :witch: is coming anytime now so I'm going to wait until i'm actually late. I don't think I can handle a :bfn:

What day will you be late??

Tuesday. Something is up but not sure what. :wacko:
It's been over 2 years for us and at least 48 negative months. It gets worse and worse every month so I think I should wait, those negatives get tougher and tougher to handle.
Good morning ladies! Happy Friday to you all.
I chickened out this morning and didn't test. :nope:
I keep having cramps like the :witch: is coming anytime now so I'm going to wait until i'm actually late. I don't think I can handle a :bfn:

What day will you be late??

Tuesday. Something is up but not sure what. :wacko:
It's been over 2 years for us and at least 48 negative months. It gets worse and worse every month so I think I should wait, those negatives get tougher and tougher to handle.

I didn't realize it had been so long for you-I totally understand why you would wait. Fingers crossed that the something is that you are pregnant!
Breezy-I totally hear you! I am supposed to test on Sunday the 6th, but I can't handle another :bfn:... So I'm going to wait until I'm late also. So that means holding out to test until Tuesday the 8th.

I don't feel much different this month, except I had sharp AF type pains 2 days ago when I woke up in the morning. Which I typically don't get until right before AF is to start - other symptoms are lots of creamy CM and sore bbs, but I always have sore bbs.

I guess we'll wait and see! If :witch: shows her face this weekend, then I'll be starting my first round of Clomid...sort of not looking forward to that. Not a big medication person!!

Here's looking to :bfp:'s for all testing this weekend!
Good morning ladies! Happy Friday to you all.
I chickened out this morning and didn't test. :nope:
I keep having cramps like the :witch: is coming anytime now so I'm going to wait until i'm actually late. I don't think I can handle a :bfn:

What day will you be late??

Tuesday. Something is up but not sure what. :wacko:
It's been over 2 years for us and at least 48 negative months. It gets worse and worse every month so I think I should wait, those negatives get tougher and tougher to handle.

I didn't realize it had been so long for you-I totally understand why you would wait. Fingers crossed that the something is that you are pregnant!

Yeah it seems like FOREVER! We've been together for 5.5 years and no BC just the pull out method up until a month before we got married. We had no idea it would be this long. My DH is 37 and I just turned 31 and it's unexplained. We are both healthy. It's been a really long road to travel down but it's brought us closer in the process. So if I can be thankful for anything it's that.
Breezy-I totally hear you! I am supposed to test on Sunday the 6th, but I can't handle another :bfn:... So I'm going to wait until I'm late also. So that means holding out to test until Tuesday the 8th.

I don't feel much different this month, except I had sharp AF type pains 2 days ago when I woke up in the morning. Which I typically don't get until right before AF is to start - other symptoms are lots of creamy CM and sore bbs, but I always have sore bbs.

I guess we'll wait and see! If :witch: shows her face this weekend, then I'll be starting my first round of Clomid...sort of not looking forward to that. Not a big medication person!!

Here's looking to :bfp:'s for all testing this weekend!

Let me know how it goes, sounds like we will be testing on the same day, I don't think I can wait much longer than the day I'm due, if she doesn't come early.

I'v been waiting for sore bbs but nothing other than a red spotting for 1 wipe a few days ago and I feel really bloated but that's normal before AF.

I'm very anti pill (i dont even take anything for cramps or headaches) but we ran out of options, it really scared me at first so I did lots and lots of research. This is my 4th round and luckily I haven't had many symptons besides hot flashes, longer cycles and weird dpo symptoms, I took it at night which I highly recommend.
Things are changing.
I´m 9DPO today.

From 2dpo, I´ve been having symptoms like nausea, cramps, backpain, felt warm right around O time, a pressure in my lower belly, heartburn and headaches, gassy. Sleep much more than usual, always tired. Lots of CM for the last 3-4 days.
Cramps turned into twinges 2 days ago, and this morning, they´re gone.

AF is due in 3 days, which is usually the time that cramps start for me.

Sounds promising, eh? :)

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