Ttc #1 baby would love a buddy

I am tttc #1 and I would love to be your buddy! I am all the time looking for people to talk to about it haha. I am currently in my first official tww. I did femara this cycle and ovidrel Saturday morning :-)
Hello brandy_R ! It's nice to have someone to talk to I sometimes feel I give my DH so much grief haha. Good luck ! Have you had any symptoms ? I was terrible for symptom spotting hehe. Unfortunately I got AF this month so I'm waiting to start for February fingers & toes crossed ! I'm going to use OPKS I think next month this will by my 3rd cycle. ��
Im sure I am going to be symptom spotting a lot too lol. This is my second round of femara. I did it last month but it was a bust because my follicles weren't big enough. As of Friday they were all good and I did my trigger shot on sat morning. I am starting to think I'm extra sensitive because my stomach was so bloated and cramps just from my follicles growing. Yesterday was terrible after O. My uterus and cervix were soooo sore and heavy. Today is much better. Still a little tender but not nearly as sore. I can walk around today so that's good haha. I use opks too. I love them. I would definitely suggest the digital ones. They are a little more expensive but it takes the guessing out of it. I am going to be 30 in a couple weekes so I'm ready for a peanut :-) I'm very excited to talk with you and share things whether it be stress or venting or sharing positive things :-)
I'm don't know.much about femara it that something to help you ? I haven't had any testing done about my fertility. I did get pregnant when I was younger which was a big surprise but I miscarried at 10 weeks 3 days unfortunately. The femara does that give you side effects ? That sounds painful but would be so worth it if you got pregnant ! :-) I get bloating and cramping around ovulation. Good luck in your tww when will you test ? I was considering getting a digital I did try the dye ones but too much guess work and squinting :-) I'm excited too ! Can't wait till we get our BFPS !
The femara is to help your follicles. I have PCOS so I don't think I ovulate on my own. It works wonders for that, but makes me really hormonal for a couple days. It kind of gets bad. I get depressed and think my DH doesn't love me and all sorts of craziness. We said this month was my last month on it because of the moodiness. We were going to switch to injectables next cycle but we decided to try one more round of femara because it worked so well this cycle and is cheaper. Then I took a trigger shot to make my eggs drop. What does your ovulation pain feel like? I almost had two different pains so I'm a little confused on what's what
Oh I see that's good then helps you with your cycles! Too bad that you get all those horrible symptoms though ! My ovulation pain feels more like mild period cramp pain but it's more specific in one area. And I feel like my stomach gets bloated. The digital opks must work wonders for you to tell you when your ovulating I might go have a look at some today . Fingers crossed for this cycle ! Have you literally just started your tww ?
Thank you! I need all the crosses fingers I can get for sure. It's been kind of a long road. Yeah I just started my tww. Today is 3dpo so I still have a ways to go. If this doesn't work the we are going to do one more round of femara. Yes I would def look into the digital opks. I love them! You don't have to guess. It's either just a circle, a blinking smiley which means your fertility is high and you should be ovulating in the next couple days and then a smiley not blinking means you should O in the next 24 hrs. Pretty simple. I love how it tells you kind of a heads up in the next couple days too. Just easier. What CD are you on? How long have you and your DH been ttc?
We we will get there no matter how long it takes us both ! :-) I had a look at some ovulation kits just as you suggested and yeah seems pretty simple no lines to go off got those in November and got a strong line so DTD did everything we could but it's more guess work. How do you feel atm ? I thought I was pregnant last month because I got so many symptoms but was my mind playing tricks on me as I got AF on xmas day but it was 5 days late ! Odd for me as my cycles are usually 29 days. This will be our third month so early days for us. I'm on cycle day 5 So ill be using some opks soon then my tww will start ! How long have you been ttc ?
Hey! I'm sorry it took me this long to get back with you! I didn't see that you wrote back so I went to look because I didn't see anything and there your message was!

Did you end up getting any of those digitals?

Sooo today is 5DPO for me and it is going soooooo slowwwww lol. So I decided I would test out my trigger shot so that way when I am ready to test I don't have to worry about getting a false positive and it would give me something to do for a couple days lol. I bought some cheap Meijer ones just to test out. Today was my first time ever using them and man do they SUCK! It showed a neg, but with a very light positive. I was concerned when I even pulled it out because you could see the lines before you even used it which is weird. So I used a first response and it was completely negative. I have heard that the blue strip ones suck and man were they right haha!

How have you been feeling? I really don't have anything going on really. A little bit of creamy CM (Sorry TMI) but that's it. Last night I started having a pain in the right of my uterus and it went all the way down to my leg and toes and gave me a Charlie horse in my toes? It hurt pretty bad for a couple mins. Then just my uterus hurt for like a half hour and that was it. I don't know if that is anything to mention, but other than that I haven't noticed anything. I was so sure this was going to be our month when the follicles were good and with the ovulation and everything. Now I don't notice anything really so I'm starting to think I was wrong. It's only been 5 days though so I'm trying to not get discouraged
Don't worry!

I ended up caving and bought the 10 pound ones from super drug ! Well we will see what happens with the mm when I try them soon I'll keep you updated think there's only 4 in a pack.

Oh them blue dye tests I've heard are terrible I would always use the pink dye I think I've found them more reliable. I haven't heard of the brand you got. I always said to myself if I use a cheapie test and I see a line even a faint one I'd buy a clear blue or FRER I have 2 digitals in my draw as I was 5 days late last month and got hopeful so there in there if I need them.

5dpo I had cramps up until 8dpo I thought were normal. I know it's a drag I tried to keep busy but as much as I tried I was always google searching!

Your doing really well keep thinking positive ! Some women don't get any symptoms at all so that's a good sign too. I've been feeling unwell tbh I've been reading up about too much caffeine whilst your TTC is bad. I love coffee and I'm trying to ween off it. I hope that Feb is our month for our BFP S ! Throwing heaps of baby dust your way.
Thanks for the positive vibes! I talked to my mom a little bit ago and she said she didn't have any symptoms until she was like 8 weeks. She also felt all the same things I did during O. I am a lot like her so that makes me feel a lot better!

I decided I am testing on my bday lol! I will be 10dpo and have a 70% chance that it will be accurate and that's good enough for me haha. If not it will be the 7th and that's an 80% chance.

Omg I am a Google nut now! That's all I do at night while DH watches TV hehe. What else is there to do in the tww?

I'm glad your got your opks!! I hope they work as good for you as they did me!
I decided I have 1 first response and 3 digitals left. Well and 5 of those crappy ones that I am probably not going to use. So I'll do the first response on te 4th and the digitals on the rest of the day. Idk if I told you but my ovidrel is out of my system which I'm VERY happy about!

Keep your chin up about the coffee. I try to only have one cup a day (2 if I'm dieing). I have heard it's not the best for ttc tbh. But you can just try to cut back a little everyday. Tbh I smoke and I feel terrible about it. I have chantex but don't want to take it if I'm pregnant. Everyone has a weakness and sometimes it takes time and a BFP to push you to stop. Sometimes it's not as easy as people think.

Any big plans for the weekend? We're staying home, eating tacos and playing wii haha. My sister is coming to stay for the night so im excited about that.
Mum's and friends are always good to talk to ! I agree with you my periods and pains were similar to my mum's ! :-) its nice to be supported and and uplifted. When I was pregnant last time I didn't know until I threw up as I found out later on I was 5-6 weeks then. And ate like crazy. I can't believe some people don't know they're pregnant and one day just go into labour ! That seems mad ! Haha

google becomes your best friend when your TTC ! If only everyone could get pregnant straight away with no complications and with a healthy little one.

I'm glad about that ! Are you feeling better now then ? I'll try my best with the coffee. I just bought a new coffee machine so it's hard not to use ! When you get your BFP will that make you stop smoking do you think ? I've never smoked my mum and dad both have done always have but it was never for me I grew to love coffee instead.

I'm going to meet my friend for lunch she's just got engaged the other day and having a late birthday catch up. That's about it for me relaxing as I've actually got the weekend off work for the first time since November. I love tacos! Doing a food shop tomorrow so might have to make some enchiladas.

Hope you've got some nice things planned for your birthday good luck with your upcoming testing.
Yes I will def quit smoking when I get a BFP. It's not fair to the baby and I want it to have a healthy mom. I just think everyone has something they use that they wish they didn't.

We are getting a snow storm this weekend so we are just staying home. Making a few snack for super bowl but other than that. Today is 7dpo!!! I finally made it to the one week mark haha! I can't wait to test wed!!! Even if it's a Bfn. When do you start using your opks?
Fingers crossed for Wednesday !! If you do get a bfn might be too early still will you keep testing every day or just if you miss you period ? I get scared to test ! I'll be using opks starting on Wednesday 4th. I think im going to ovulate 8th or 9th I'm uncertain let's see.

7dpo !! Yeah not long now ! You had any symptoms ?
I just found out I'm lactose intollerant that's why I've been ill. Well least I know now !

We've got snow here in the UK ! I assume your in America ?
Yeah I live in America. I wondered where you lived since you say a couple different words than I do lol.

Yes I am going to test on Sat the 7th if I get a BFN wed. I hate pregnancy tests because they are always negative :-/ that's cool you're testing the same day in testing :-) I hope your O comes when you want :-) yeah today is officially 8 dpo. It took forever to get this far it seems lol
Hey haha I'm English yeah. Well I took my opk today and got a positive result at 2pm so that's good but bad news is DH has gone away don't know how long for! so possibly no baby this month which I'm heartbroken about tbh :-( maybe next month for me. How did your testing go ? How have you been feeling ?? Throwing baby dust your way !!
Heyyy!! I've been wondering where you've been haha! Soooo I took a digital today and it said "pregnant 1-2 weeks"!!!! Thank you so much for the baby dust!! I really had no symptoms besides cramps and my stomach feels bubbly and heavy (esp after eating). I just found out a couple hours ago and am over the moon and still in SHOCK!!! I'm glad you got your positive opk! Sorry DH is out of town. Tell him to ship you some baby makers hehe. Do you live in England?
Yes BFP !! IM SO PLEASED FOR YOU sorry capitals !!! Did any of your other tests say positive before that one ? Wow I hope you have happy and healthy 9 months !!

We DTD once got a stronger opk lune today though. Who knows 2ww starts for me soon !
I lice in England :-) yeah aww I'm so happy for you !
Thank you thank you! I am sooooo excited! Well I took one and it was the faintest postive ever. I asked my sister in law to come over and look to make sure I wasn't seeing things. It was pretty much gone when she looked. So I took two different tests real quick and it was def two lines and the other said Pregnant 1-2 weeks! I still can't believe it! I took another one today and it was even darker. I am going to check every other day to make sure it gets darker so I know my hormones are rising. I am paranoid now that something will happen.

That's good you got some BDing in!! That's important! Did you use a digital one?

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