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TTC #1 - CD11 Buddies + Reg updates


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2015
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13.02.18 - Tuesday :book:
Cycle Day 11:mamafy:

Hi Ladies! Blessed Tuesday to everyone in here! Hope you ladies are going fantastic! :thumbup:

Just wanna share my CD11 for this cycle as I'm on my 1st cycle of Clomid 50mg and was having some possible symptoms?

So on CD10, I had a bad headache started from 3pm that drags till 1am in the morning with slight nausea that subside after 1 episode of vomiting. We BD earlier in the morning and I realised that I was feeling Dry down there (TMI sorry) that we needed to use Pre-seed lube to help.. I never been dry before.. Was still wondering why.. :shrug::shrug:

And CD11, I started having cramps and some discomfort on my left pelvic area with loads of whitish sticky creamy discharges. Unsure if its :spermy: leftovers or my cervical mucus.. But it was pretty obvious when i wipe it.. And it felt like those AF kinda cramps.. Hmm.. Could it be some ovulation cramping? :blush:

I would really love to have a buddy for this cycle as it's a special one for me.. (due to clomid) and I would really wanna share with those who are struggling too.. I'm 29 this year & DH is 31.. So I really hope miracle will happen this month. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I will definitely include my progression here until CD21 for my progesterone serum level until AF showed up! f'x for this cycle & baby dust to all!!

Hey azasha! Met you in another thread and we are pretty much the same, only I go to see the GYN the end of the month for "assistance". I have no idea what "CD" I'm on but pretty sure I ovulated Saturday or Sunday.

Really loved my Fat Tuesday Punszkis, so here's to chilling out and waiting for my GYN appointment which sadly is right on AF due day
Hey azasha! Met you in another thread and we are pretty much the same, only I go to see the GYN the end of the month for "assistance". I have no idea what "CD" I'm on but pretty sure I ovulated Saturday or Sunday.

Really loved my Fat Tuesday Punszkis, so here's to chilling out and waiting for my GYN appointment which sadly is right on AF due day

Hi Dear!

CD is 'cycle day' from the start of your first menses cycle. also known as cycle day 1 or CD1.. currently as of today i am CD12..

And I felt that I've ovulated earlier??

Attached is my Ovulation Prediction Kit results.. Plus I should start to :sex: with my husband tonight just to cover the base..

Plus it's valentines day.. hehehe.. :flower::flower::flower:

Ahhh! Thats great! i would love to know your progressions and updates on your 'assistance'..

I will be heading an ultrasound this 19th Feb to check the lining of my uterus.. I hope its more than 6mm.. :rain:

How are you doing? Anything different that you are doing this cycle?


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Oooooo! Those are some nice dark okps! I never got that dark of a line, that clomid be working! I got a transvaginal ultrasound a month ago and they said linning uturus and the cervix all look good and no issues, the ovaries on the other hand are "funky" doc's words. >.< I think I ovulated last weekend so I'm just waiting it out right now, also thinking I ovulated early too. App says CD 18 and I just stopped my antibiotics for the UTI I had, I just couldn't take the nausea anymore! Not having much hope this cycle but trying to relax and get some kind of multi vitamin or prenatal I can get on board with. Most of the prenatals I have taken before make me pretty I'll or have me with really bad ovary "pressure pain" so finding one that I can work with has been a journey of its own to say the least.

I wish you a great sexy times(got my hubs some nice lingerie for ours) and you ultrasound is good, we need a nice thick linning! I'm not sure what I will be available to do for my assistance but it would be nice to know what exactly is going on down there.
Oooooo! Those are some nice dark okps! I never got that dark of a line, that clomid be working! I got a transvaginal ultrasound a month ago and they said linning uturus and the cervix all look good and no issues, the ovaries on the other hand are "funky" doc's words. >.< I think I ovulated last weekend so I'm just waiting it out right now, also thinking I ovulated early too. App says CD 18 and I just stopped my antibiotics for the UTI I had, I just couldn't take the nausea anymore! Not having much hope this cycle but trying to relax and get some kind of multi vitamin or prenatal I can get on board with. Most of the prenatals I have taken before make me pretty I'll or have me with really bad ovary "pressure pain" so finding one that I can work with has been a journey of its own to say the least.

I wish you a great sexy times(got my hubs some nice lingerie for ours) and you ultrasound is good, we need a nice thick linning! I'm not sure what I will be available to do for my assistance but it would be nice to know what exactly is going on down there.

Hi Dear!!

I know right? :shock::shock::shock: I was literally staring at it and was shocked to imagine that "This clomid thingy actually worked!" and its honestly the first time I've seen a dark line on any of my ovulation! (How I wish it was HCG test to be that dark..)

Yes!! We are currently following the timeline given by my RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) on when to BD and such.. So I have another 3 more BD session to go before going in for the blood test on CD21..

Some symptoms that i've realised that I've been pretty cranky and easily irritated the pasr 2 days.. I have no idea why, Hormones perhaps? And even the smallest thing could tick me off! Pretty emotional as well..

I do felt some aching on my boobs and lower abdomen.. Feeling bloated like.. and yes, we realised that I've been dry down there.. Maybe one of the side effect of clomid i suppose.. thirsty and such.. :nope::nope:

Awww... Hope you've recover well from your UTI dear..! And yes, start preping our body with vitamins and prenatal's supplements.. I'm currently taking Folic Acid still & L-Arginine... And I've heard so much about Myo-inositol supplements too.. Maybe you could check that one out as well..:flower::thumbup:

Ohh yes dear!! Seduce the man for a fantastic night with the lingerie!! :happydance::happydance::blush::blush::blush:
Yeah when you are taking clomid and other hormone helpers drink twice the amount you would normally. It tends to dry you out and you need alot of fluids to maintain the mucus production for your body. Usually I have 2-3 cups of tea daily to make up for it and it keeps me hydrated.

Mood swings and irritated and hormonal is a sign that you ovulated strong! Normally you are more aggitated and emotional when you have higher estrogen, and more lazy and calm with an increase in progesterone. So you find yourself irritatble then that's the clomid working its magic!

Yeah! So excited I finally finished my antibiotics last night and now I'm taking a bunch of probiotics and eating tons of sauerkraut and maybe yogurt to try and put back all that I lost from it. Ugh I hate antibiotics, they really mess up your microbiome and make a regular digestive system so outta whack. For now supplement wise just some gummies woman's multivitamins till I am settled then maybe some organic prenatals down the line...we shall see.

YEEEEEESSSS, the hubs was throughly pleased, and was super happy. Never has he woke up so quickly and so into some sexy times...need to keep that in mind for ovulation days...might be helpful when he's "too tired" at 11 regularly. I'm tired too silly! But this is our window, we have to try...ugh men!
Yeah when you are taking clomid and other hormone helpers drink twice the amount you would normally. It tends to dry you out and you need alot of fluids to maintain the mucus production for your body. Usually I have 2-3 cups of tea daily to make up for it and it keeps me hydrated.

Mood swings and irritated and hormonal is a sign that you ovulated strong! Normally you are more aggitated and emotional when you have higher estrogen, and more lazy and calm with an increase in progesterone. So you find yourself irritatble then that's the clomid working its magic!

Yeah! So excited I finally finished my antibiotics last night and now I'm taking a bunch of probiotics and eating tons of sauerkraut and maybe yogurt to try and put back all that I lost from it. Ugh I hate antibiotics, they really mess up your microbiome and make a regular digestive system so outta whack. For now supplement wise just some gummies woman's multivitamins till I am settled then maybe some organic prenatals down the line...we shall see.

YEEEEEESSSS, the hubs was throughly pleased, and was super happy. Never has he woke up so quickly and so into some sexy times...need to keep that in mind for ovulation days...might be helpful when he's "too tired" at 11 regularly. I'm tired too silly! But this is our window, we have to try...ugh men!

Hey dear!! Sorry for the late reply.. Was having some families over and did alot of cooking!!:happydance::happydance:

Here is my update.. Today is CD15 and ive been pretty sleepy and tired.. I have a strong feeling i have ovulated on CD10 or 11 which makes it now DPO4-5 i suppose? And yes ive been feeling an increase of cervical mucus since yesterday.. But when i checked my opks (as attached) im alil confused. Lol! It seems like my lines are fading as day goes by. Its normal right? And i do recall feeling warmer for 3 days straight during my ovulation period. :shrug::shrug:

So as of today, im just feeling that my nipples are sensitive than usual, some lower abdominal cramps and increase of tiredness..:nope::nope:

Thanks for the advices dear i will double up my intake to keep myself hydrated.

Yay to the end of antibiotics..!!! I know right!? It makes our body feel weird and i tend to get gastric issues when popping those in.. Yes yogurt will help!!

Urghh... DH too.. Hes been so tired but i told him im not gonna pop another cycle of clomid if we miss this first cycle schedules.. So yeah.. We tried our best for another 2 bd session left.

I will update soon if i do have a new symptoms dear. Im going off for early dinner with family right now! :flower::flower:


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Yeah when you get lighter lines it means you ovulated, especially after ones so dark. We are probably on the same Dpo now, and yeah just really happy to have my body back to normal maybe? Not much going on with me but that's normal. And I get so angry when I know we has a good strong ovulation and he drags his feet, I can't even imagine what I would do if he tried that during a clomid cycle...
Yeah when you get lighter lines it means you ovulated, especially after ones so dark. We are probably on the same Dpo now, and yeah just really happy to have my body back to normal maybe? Not much going on with me but that's normal. And I get so angry when I know we has a good strong ovulation and he drags his feet, I can't even imagine what I would do if he tried that during a clomid cycle...

Hey dear!

Awesome! So now can i consider that we are in the TWW period? (two weeks wait) lol!! Yeahh.. We are suppose to BD today but DH has to work. More of a overtime which cause him to be tired. And im like.... :shrug::nope: plus i believe i might have cover the days??

Im sure you will get upset and angry as well when u are on that clomid cycle n u did ur very best to ensure that its the best time and sacrifices ur time for it but ur other half isnt on the same page.. Urghh...

So my family has left for their home after a 2 night sleep over.. Been pretty much lonely now as they are not around.. :cry:

Im like having some roller coaster kinda feelings right now.. Emotional.. Sad and angry at the same time.. Lol!!!

Tomorrow is the appointment scan in the morning. Wish me all the best on the results! :thumbup:
Just a quick update..

My nipples are sore right now and about to head to bed when i hugged my bolster n it touches my nipples, kinda having a pinching or sore kinda feeling... Not much of any cm just yet.. But i do feel like im gonna have some sore throat kinda feeling.. Dry & irritated kind of sensation back of my throat...

Feeling slightly increased in body temp..

Finger crossed n will do my first hpt tomorrow on dpo7.. Lol!! I know its still early but lets see.. Will update!
GL! Crossing fingers for ya! Not much going on here, constipation but that's to be expected after rounds of antibiotics, plus pasta...but it was so good! Wonky sleep cycles but then again I always get then during this time so who knows.
GL! Crossing fingers for ya! Not much going on here, constipation but that's to be expected after rounds of antibiotics, plus pasta...but it was so good! Wonky sleep cycles but then again I always get then during this time so who knows.

Hey dear!!

I was please with my ultrasound scans today. I was hoping that on CD17 my uterus lining should be at least 6mm.. And it was 7mm!! Hope it will continue increasing in thickness!!:happydance::happydance:

Im starting to have some metallic taste in my mouth, nipples are extreme sore.. And a bad headache right now.. I accidentally hit my boobs while opening the door and it hurts... :cry::cry::cry:

I did a hcg test today n ive left it out for 8hrs without seeing it.. Lol.. Here it is..

Even if u can see anything.. Im pretty sure its evap.. Its the ultra sensitive 10iu/ml thingy.. Lol!!

Definitely will update my progressions now with hcg test..

Ahh yes... I would like to have some spicy pasta right now.. So hungry yet so tired to cook or move about.. Sighs..


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Yay! Good news! Metallic taste in the mouth is supposedly good sign. And FX for BFPs for you. Me lately just been tired and sleeping alot. I think I am sick with something, major sneezing and stuffy nose with higher temp.
Yay! Good news! Metallic taste in the mouth is supposedly good sign. And FX for BFPs for you. Me lately just been tired and sleeping alot. I think I am sick with something, major sneezing and stuffy nose with higher temp.

Hey Dear!!

I was hoping that it will be the blessed month too! FX for you too for a smooth journey!! :happydance::happydance:

Currently the metallic taste has stopped but I am down with some sore throat.. Just feeling dry and some pain when swallowing my saliva.. Not sure why but yeah :shrug:.. And also my nipples are still aching as it is, especially my right nipples..:cry: currently having a waving sensation in my lower abdomen. More of a discomfort than pain.. Like im feeling im wearing a fanny pack inside of my abdomen.. That kind of feeling that I felt when I bend forward to get some stuffs.. Like something was placed at my abdomen area.. And now I'm feeling like I'm about to have AF soon.. That kind of cramps.. this is madness!! :wacko::nope:

And also I was constipated last night.. Then in the morning I was having a diarrhoea!? :wacko::wacko: HORMONES.... Hehehe... :haha:

Also I've notice some discharges.. Like sticky yellowish dry stain when I wipe with a tissue.. But not visible on a pantyliner.. Maybe Im not drinking much? :coffee::winkwink:

Aww dear, do keep yourself well hydrated ya! And wishing you the soonest recovery! :hugs: And do update me on ya progression as well! Definitely I will do so too!

Did HCG test, BFN still on 9dpo.. No spotting seen yet..

Baby dust to all of us!! :dust::dust:
Hey dearies!!

Just an update with my FMU today... I promise myself not to waste my HCG IC but i did it again...

Here is the results.. I read it within and less than 10mins but more than 5mins when it shown..

And i know that this test wont have an evap line as ive used it multiple times in prev cycles with no lines at all after it dries out..

So im still alil unsure and dont want to puy high hopes just yet.. What do u think ladies?


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I see a shadow of a line! Which makes sense at 9dpo, no worries looks good! Me I just have extreme bloating, sneezing and a stuffy nose! However, this morning in the shower when I was joining hubs to get clean quick his soap was really strong smelling to me and was actually offending my nose... which I found odd.
I see a shadow of a line! Which makes sense at 9dpo, no worries looks good! Me I just have extreme bloating, sneezing and a stuffy nose! However, this morning in the shower when I was joining hubs to get clean quick his soap was really strong smelling to me and was actually offending my nose... which I found odd.

Hey dear!! :flower::flower:

Ohh wow... Must be the hormones kicking in this cycle for u too!! I did had that episodes too.. Extremely sensitive smells that even the smell of waffles are garbage to me.. I was shocked myself thinking i might be preggy that cycle but AF came 3 days later.. Which was a symptoms that i never had before. But i wish u all the best darls! Hows the weather at ur place? Its extremely hot lately over here.. I felt like all i wanna do is lazy around the house in the aircon.. And nipples are still sore slightly & cramping slightly still..

Ohhh Ive done my progesterone serum yesterday along with beta Hcg.. Just waiting for the reports to be back.. Im quite anxious btw on the results.. But i have no idea what im suppose to look out for on it.. Lol!!!:haha::happydance:

I did a fmu hcg yesterday and i still see a pink smudge on the test area.. I still have no idea what it cld be.. But i think i shld just wait longer.. :thumbup:


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