Well, I am on my 6th month TTC for #1. I've been okay with the BFN's each month but now it's getting harder which caused me to start researching and I found this website! I am recently off of Depo (by recently I mean 10 months) and my periods are JUST NOW starting to have a bit of regularity. I bought the fertility microscope and used it for the first time this month. I was SO EXCITED when I got my first BFP (ferning) on the ovulation microscope and a BFP on the OPK this month! I am now 12DPO and all my hpt's have been BFN. BUT, here's the weird part! I took 2 OPK's at 10 DPO and they were BFP! I know they shouldn't be used as HPT's, I was just feeding my POAS addiction (hehe) ALSO, 3DPO the ferning on the ovulation microscope came back and have been back with a vengeance since! This morning (appx 1-2 days before AF is due) I got a BFN with a early response HPT. Bummer, I figure it would have picked up a BFP by now, so now I am waiting for AF and I am ready to start again next month!
I have a really great relationship with God, and that is what has gotten me this far. I know that my time will come. I'm looking for any advice, or any one who is in the same situation who I can share in this experience with. My poor DH has a hard time understanding everything and consoling me as he too is so ready to have a baby.
Thanks and baby dust to all!!
I have a really great relationship with God, and that is what has gotten me this far. I know that my time will come. I'm looking for any advice, or any one who is in the same situation who I can share in this experience with. My poor DH has a hard time understanding everything and consoling me as he too is so ready to have a baby.
Thanks and baby dust to all!!