Yep, using 2 progesterone suppositories twice a day and a subcutaneous injection once a day. I think because it was a FET a pregnancy wouldn't be sustained without it because my body won't be producing it itself.
Ahh come on Steph, you know we're visual people. We need to see!! I hope the digital tomorrow shows it nice and clear. And yes, you're still early (for a digi). Also, hCG produced by 5-day blasts is usually lower than that produced by (for example) day 3 embryos. So keep that in mind as well.
Dream, how cute that you have a teenage sister!! Sorry the timing is a bit off lol. It's amazing that you've lost that much weight, congrats!
Tb, ah yes I know Serum! Are you gonna do the infection testing and DNA fragmentation testing? Some of that is still a bit controversial but might be worth a shot. Timing wise, what's the latest you could start? Can you try for 2 more months AND fit in an IVF cycle before school starts?
Steph that makes complete sense and I know you said that before so sorry for making you repeat it.. in my defense I had just woken up
Sunny, I’m not sure what I’m going to do, I’m leaning towards not doing the testing. I guess technically I could still do it this summer, I guess I was thinking about how the other doctor wanted me on BCP first. I think I’ll first hope I get a BFP in a few days then really start figuring it out if I don’t lol the problem is, I won’t be taking any medication so I might not ovulate at all in those two months. So trying won’t really be efficient. I definitely want to get DH testing done.
I was so shocked to see it written there! I came back in the bedroom crying and woke up my husband and he was just over the moon! I told him it might be twins because the lines are so clear so early hes a twin so that would be his dream!
Omg!!!!!! STEPH!!! I am so happy for you!! This is wonderful!!!! I am like tearing up for joy. You’ve been through so much of a process, you so deserve this!!!
Haha I told my DH about my "internet friend from the UK, you know, the one that got OHSS" as well. He sends his congratulations too
Ah Dream/Tb love it, 3 down 3 to go. Lead the way Tb, you're up first I did end up following your weird cycle by having my temp plunge after the rise a couple of days ago. OPK's were still dark-ish so I knew I didn't O.
This morning my body decided on following Dream lol. This looks a lot darker than the ones from the last couple of days and mine never get darker than the control line, so I'm counting this as a positive and expect to O in 36-ish hours lol.
Yay sunny! Happy we have synced up. Here's my opk today. Fairly certain today is O day. I have a good feeling about this cycle but for sure I've said that before lol.
Excited to hear you beta levels Steph, if you're getting them done that is.
I refer to you guys are my forum friends. I told DH about Steph. His first concern is always if I'm bummed or jealous. I mean of course I'm jealous but def not bummed when one of us succeeds it's a win for the whole team!
I am pretty sure got a vvvfl today ladies... FXd its real and sticks! DH sees it but Im afraid an upload would kill it. Ill see what tomorrow brings.
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